Summary. Our meta-analysis showed that pooled mean blood loss during spinal
Summary. This is the first ever study to report the successful elimination of malignant cells from salvaged blood obtained during metastatic spine
Summary. There is emerging evidence of successful application of IOCS and leucocyte depletion filter in removing tumour cells from blood salvaged during various oncological surgeries. Research on the use of IOCS-LDF in MSTS is urgently needed. Introduction. Intra-operative cell salvage (IOCS) can reduce allogeneic blood transfusion requirements in non-tumour related spinal surgery. However, IOCS is deemed contraindicated in metastatic spine tumor surgery (MSTS) due to risk of tumour dissemination. Evidence is emerging from different surgical specialties describing the use of IOCS in
Primary malignant bone and soft tissue tumours often occur in the lower extremities of active individuals including children, teenagers and young adults. Survivors routinely face long-term physical disability. Participation in sports is particularly important for active young people but the impact of sarcoma treatment is not widely recognised and clinicians may be unable to provide objective advice about returning to sports. We aimed to identify and summarise the current evidence for involvement in sports following treatment of lower limb primary malignant bone and soft tissue tumours. A comprehensive search strategy was used to identify relevant studies combining the main concepts of interest: (1) Bone/Soft Tissue Tumour, (2) Lower Limb, (3) Surgical Interventions and (4) Sports. Studies were selected according to eligibility criteria with the consensus of three authors. Customised data extraction and quality assessment tools were used. 22 studies were selected, published between 1985 – 2020, and comprising 1005 patients. Fifteen studies with data on return to sports including 705 participants of which 412 (58.4%) returned to some form of sport at a mean follow-up period of 7.6 years. Four studies directly compared limb sparing and amputation; none of these were able to identify a difference in sports participation or ability. Return to sports is important for patients treated for musculoskeletal tumours, however, there is insufficient published research to provide good information and support for patients. Future prospective studies are needed to collect better pre and post-treatment data at multiple time intervals and validated clinical and patient sports participation outcomes such as type of sports participation, level and frequency and a validated sports specific outcome score, such as UCLA assessment. In particular, more comparison between limb sparing and amputation would be welcome.
We used an A significant improvement in functional weight-bearing was observed between six and 12 weeks. The significant increase in ground reaction force through the operated limb between six and 12 weeks was greater than that reported previously with morcellised graft augmented reconstructions. Histological appearance and collagen fibre orientation with bone block augmentation more closely resembled that of an intact enthesis compared with the morcellised grafting technique. Bone block augmentation of tendon-implant interfaces results in more reliable functional and histological outcomes, with a return to pre-operative levels of weight-bearing by 24 weeks.
We developed an Kinematic gait analysis showed nearly normal function of the joint by 12 weeks. Force-plate assessment showed a significant increase in functional weight-bearing in the grafted animals (p = 0.043). The tendon-implant interface showed that without graft, encapsulation of fibrous tissue occurred. With autograft, a developing tendon-bone-HA-implant interface was observed at six weeks and by 12 weeks a layered tendon-fibrocartilage-bone interface was seen which was similar to a direct-type enthesis. With stable mechanical fixation, an appropriate bioactive surface and biological augmentation the development of a functional tendon-implant interface can be achieved.
Allograft bone is widely used in orthopaedic surgery, but peri-operative infection of the graft remains a common and disastrous complication. The efficacy of systemic prophylactic antibiotics is unproven, and since the graft is avascular it is likely that levels of antibiotic in the graft are low. Using an electrical potential to accelerate diffusion of antibiotics into allograft bone, high levels were achieved in specimens of both sheep and human allograft. In human bone these ranged from 187.1 mg/kg in endosteal ( Structural allograft can be supplemented directly with antibiotics using iontophoresis. The technique is simple and inexpensive and offers a potential means of reducing the rate of peri-operative infection in allograft surgery. Iontophoresis into allograft bone may also be applicable to other therapeutic compounds.