Introduction. Analogous to articular cartilage, changes in spatial chondrocyte organisation have been proposed to be a strong indicator for local
It is known that the gait dynamics of elderly substantially differs from that of young people. However, it has not been well studied how this age-related gait dynamics affects the knee biomechanics, e.g., cartilage mechanical response. In this study, we investigated how aging affects knee biomechanics in a female population using subject-specific computational models. Two female subjects (ages of 23 and 69) with no musculoskeletal disorders were recruited. Korea National Institute for Bioethics Policy Review Board approved the study. Participants walked at a self-selected speed (SWS), 110% of SWS, and 120% of SWS on 10 m flat ground. Three-dimensional marker trajectories and ground reaction forces (Motion Analysis, USA), and lower limbs’ muscle activities were measured (EMG, Noraxon USA). Knee cartilage and menisci geometries were obtained from subjects’ magnetic resonance images (3T, GE Health Care). An EMG-assisted musculoskeletal finite element modeling workflow was used to estimate knee cartilage tissue mechanics in walking trials. Knee cartilage and menisci were modeled using a transversely isotropic poroviscoelastic material model. Walking speed in SWS, 110%, and 120% of SWS were 1.38 m/s, 1.51 m/s, and 1.65 m/s for the young, and 1.21 m/s, 1.34 m/s and 1.46 m/s for the elderly, respectively. The maximum tensile stress in the elderly tibial cartilage was ~25%, ~33%, and ~32% lower than the young at SWS, 110%, and 120% of SWS, respectively. These preliminary results suggest that the cartilage in the elderly may not have enough stimulation even at 20% increases in walking speed, which may be one reason for
Introduction. Promoting bone mass homeostasis keeps skeleton away from osteoporosis. a-Ketoglutarate (a-KG) is an indispensable intermediate of tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) process for cellular energy production. a-KG mitigates cellular senescence,
Chronic Achilles tendinopathy is characterised by sub-acute inflammation with pro-inflammatory type 1 macrophages (M1),
Tendon tissue equilibrium very heavily depends on appropriate mechanical loading within a narrow, and still poorly defined, physiological range. We will present an overview of our recent work on the tendon cell-matrix interactions that drive tissue homeostasis, matrix remodelling and eventual
Objective. Full-thickness cartilage defects are commonly found in symptomatic knee patients, and are associated with progressive cartilage degeneration. Although the risk of defect progression to degenerative osteoarthritis is multifactorial, articular cartilage defects change contact mechanics and the mechanical response of tissue adjacent to the defect. The objective of this study was to quantify changes in intra-tissue strain patterns occurring at the defect rim and opposing tissue in an experimental model mimicking in vivo cartilage-on-cartilage contact conditions. Methods. Macroscopically intact osteochondral explants with smooth surfaces were harvested form the femoral condyles of 9 months old bovine knees. Two groups were tested; reference group with intact cartilage (n=8) and defect group with a full thickness cylindrical defect (diameter 8 mm) in one cartilage surface from each pair (n=8). The explants with defect articular surface and the opposing intact cartilage were compressed at ∼0.33 times body weight (350N) during cycles of 2s loading followed by 1.4s unloading. In plane tissue deformations were measured using displacement encoded imaging with stimulated echoes (DENSE) on a 9.4T MRI scanner. A two-sample t-test was used to assess statistical significance (p<0.05) of differences in maximal Green-Lagrange strains between the defect, opposing surface and intact reference cartilage. Results. Strain levels were elevated in the cartilage neighbouring the defect rim and in the opposing articulating surface. Similar to intact cartilage, compressive and tensile strains presented a depth dependent variation. The maximal strains profiles were highest in the superficial zone and decreased with depth for all explants, except for the shear strains in the cartilage opposing the defect which were constant. The maximal tensile strain in the middle and superficial zone were significantly higher for the defect cartilage (3.97±1.99% and 4.52±2.04%) compared to the intact reference (1.91±1.13% and 2.53±1.27%), indicating that the defect edges are bulging towards the defect. The shear strains were significantly higher (∼1.5x) throughout cartilage depth of the defect rim compared to the intact reference cartilage. However, in the cartilage opposing the defect, shear strains were significantly lower (∼0.5x) compared to the intact cartilage representing less matrix distortion. No significant difference in maximal compressive strains were observed between the opposing intact and defect at all cartilage depths. Conclusions. Presence of isolated full thickness cartilage defects will affect the cartilage deformations. Even under pure compressive loading alone, the altered contact mechanics resulted in excessive strains at tissue adjacent to the defect potentially damaging the cartilage and inducing
Introduction. The exact mechanisms leading to tendinopathies and tendon ruptures remain poorly understood while their occurrence is clearly associated with exercise. Overloading is thought to be a major factor contributing to the development of tendon pathologies. However, as animal studies have shown, heavy loading alone won't cause tendinopathies. It has been speculated, that malfunctioning adaptation or healing processes might be involved, triggering tendon
Introduction. The ability of tendons to withstand stress generally decreases with age, often resulting in increased
Introduction. Tendon healing begins with inflammation and results in an incomplete repair with fibrosis, culminating in tendon pathology along with
Background. Osteoarthritis (OA), is characterised with a loss of cartilage and pain in affected joints. It is this pain which most patients associate with their condition. Intra-articular (IA) hyaluronan (HA) has been shown to reduce the pain associated with OA both in animal models and in clinical trials. There are purified HA available and in recent years hyaluronan hydrogels, where the material has been cross-linked into networks, have become available. One of these cross-linked HA hydrogels is Durolane¯. This study has sought to evaluate the effect of Durolane in an in vivo model of osteoarthritis. Methods. Mice (C57BL/6, 12 weeks) were obtained from Jackson Labs and all protocols were approved by Rush IACUC. Joint injury was initiated by TGFb1 injection as described [1]. Mice were given IA injections of 200 ng TGFb1, at days 1 and 3 delivered in a 6 ul volume into the rear right knee joint only. Twenty four hours after the second injection of TGFb1 10 ul of Durolane was injected into the same knee joint. All animals were exercised daily on a treadmill to induce
The effects of disease progression and common tendinopathy treatments
on the tissue characteristics of human rotator cuff tendons have
not previously been evaluated in detail owing to a lack of suitable
sampling techniques. This study evaluated the structural characteristics
of torn human supraspinatus tendons across the full disease spectrum,
and the short-term effects of subacromial corticosteroid injections
(SCIs) and subacromial decompression (SAD) surgery on these structural
characteristics. Samples were collected inter-operatively from supraspinatus tendons
containing small, medium, large and massive full thickness tears
(n = 33). Using a novel minimally invasive biopsy technique, paired
samples were also collected from supraspinatus tendons containing
partial thickness tears either before and seven weeks after subacromial
SCI (n = 11), or before and seven weeks after SAD surgery (n = 14).
Macroscopically normal subscapularis tendons of older patients (n
= 5, mean age = 74.6 years) and supraspinatus tendons of younger
patients (n = 16, mean age = 23.3) served as controls. Ultra- and
micro-structural characteristics were assessed using atomic force
microscopy and polarised light microscopy respectively. Objectives
We assessed the predictive value of the macroscopic and detailed microscopic appearance of the coracoacromial ligament, subacromial bursa and rotator-cuff tendon in 20 patients undergoing subacromial decompression for impingement in the absence of full-thickness tears of the rotator cuff. Histologically, all specimens had features of degenerative change and oedema in the extracellular matrix. Inflammatory cells were seen, but there was no evidence of chronic inflammation. However, the outcome was not related to cell counts. At three months the mean Oxford shoulder score had improved from 29.2 (20 to 40) to 39.4 (28 to 48) (p <
0.0001) and at six months to 45.5 (36 to 48) (p <
0.0001). At six months, although all patients had improved, the seven patients with a hooked acromion had done so to a less extent than those with a flat or curved acromion judged by their mean Oxford shoulder scores of 43.5 and 46.5 respectively (p = 0.046). All five patients with partial-thickness tears were within this group and demonstrated less improvement than the patients with no tear (mean Oxford shoulder scores 43.2 and 46.4, respectively, p = 0.04). These findings imply that in the presence of a partial-thickness tear subacromial decompression may require additional specific treatment to the rotator cuff if the outcome is to be improved further.