Introduction and Objective. Continuous
Introduction and Objective. Postoperative pain control in shoulder surgery is challenging even in arthroscopic procedures. Acute postoperative pain can last up to 48hrs despite using multimodal analgesia. Different techniques have been used to control acute pain following shoulder surgery. The most common technique currently used in shoulder surgery at the elective orthopaedic centre in Leeds is a combination of general anaesthetic (GA) and interscalene block (ISB). ISB maybe very effective, however, carries many risks and potential side effects such as brachial plexus injury and paralysis of the vagus and laryngeal recurrent nerves as well as cervical sympathetic nerve and pneumothorax. ISB can also be associated with higher incidence of neurological deficit compared to other
Background. Adequate pain management is mandatory for patients' early rehabilitation and improvement of outcome after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Conventional pain management, consisted of mainly opioids, has some adverse effects such as dizziness and nausea. Motor blockade occasionally resulted from epidural analgesics. A novel multimodal analgesic strategy with
The price per total knee replacement (TKR) performed is fixed but the subsequent length of hospital stay (LOS) is variable. The current national average for LOS following TKR is six days. LOS is an important marker of resource consumption, has implications in patient satisfaction, and is used as a marker of hospital quality. The aim of this study was to describe the temporal change in demographics between 2004 and 2009, and to identify intra-operative factors and patient characteristics associated with a prolonged LOS that could be addressed to improve clinical practice. We performed a retrospective cohort review of 184 patients (2004 n=88, 2009 n=96) who underwent primary TKRs at Chorley District General Hospital. The median LOS in 2009 was eight days compared to ten days in 2004, an average of 3.5 days less (p < 0.001). Patients were significantly younger (p < 0.001) in 2009 (median 66 years) compared to 2004 (median 74 years), with both years having a similar female predominance. There was no significant change in the BMI or American Society of Anesthesiologists score between 2004 and 2009. This data suggests that block contracts with the private sector has not influenced the demographics of patients being treated in the NHS. Intra-operative factors including the use of a