Syndesmotic ankle lesions involve disruption of the osseous tibiofibular mortise configuration as well as ligamentous structures stabilizing the ankle joint. Incomplete diagnosis and maltreatment of these injuries is frequent, resulting in chronic pain and progressive instability thus promoting development of ankle osteoarthritis in the long term. Although the pathogenesis is not fully understood, abnormal mechanics has been implicated as a principal determinant of ankle
Stimulation of the mechanosensitive ion channel, Piezo1 promotes bone anabolism and SNPs in the Piezo1 locus are associated with changes in fracture risk. Osteocytes function as critical regulators of bone homeostasis by sensing mechanical signals. The current study used a human, cell-based physiological, 3D in vitro model of bone to determine whether loading of osteocytes in vitro results in upregulation of the Piezo1 pathway. Human Y201 MSCs, embedded in type I collagen gels and differentiated to osteocytes for 7-days, were subjected to pathophysiological load (5000 µstrain, 10Hz, 5 mins; n=6) with unloaded cells as controls (n=4). RNA was extracted 1-hr post load and assessed by RNAseq analysis. To mimic mechanical load and activate Piezo1, cells were differentiated to osteocytes for 13 days and treated ± Yoda1 (5µM, 2- and 24-hs, n=4); vehicle treated cells served as controls (n=4). RNA was subjected to RT-qPCR and data normalised to the housekeeping gene, YWHAZ. Media was analysed for IL6 release by ELISA. Mechanical load upregulated Piezo1 gene expression (16.5-fold, p<0.001) and expression of the transcription factor NFATc1, and matricellular protein CYR61, known regulators of Piezo1 mechanotransduction (3-fold; p= 5.0E-5 and 6.8-fold; p= 6.0E-5, respectively). After 2-hrs, Yoda1 increased the expression of the early mechanical response gene, cFOS (11-fold; p=0.021), mean Piezo1 expression (2.3-fold) and IL-6 expression (103-fold, p<0.001). Yoda1 increased the release of IL6 protein after 24 hours (7.5-fold, p=0.001). This study confirms Piezo1 as an important mechanosensor in osteocytes. Piezo1 activation mediated an increase in IL6, a cytokine that drives inflammation and bone resorption providing a direct link between mechanical activation of Piezo1, bone remodeling and inflammation, which may contribute to mechanically induced
Abstract. Cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL) disease/rupture causes pain and osteoarthritis (OA) in dogs. α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate (AMPA)-2 and kainate (KA)-1 glutamate receptors (GluR) and the excitatory amino acid transporter-1 (EAAT-1) and EAAT-3 are expressed in joint tissues from OA patients and rodent arthritis models and represent potential therapeutic targets. Objectives. To evaluate glutamate signalling in canine diseased and normal CrCL and meniscus by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Methods. Surgical waste (CrCL, n=5 and medial meniscus, n=3) were obtained from canines with CrCL disease (RCVS ethics approval:2017/14/Alves) and normal analogous tissues (n=2). IHC optimization was performed for rabbit polyclonal (AMPA-2:ab52176, KA-1:ab67402, EAAT-1:ab416) and monoclonal (EAAT-3:ab124802) antibodies from Abcam. IHC was optimised over antibody dilutions from 1:100 to 1:5000 alongside equivalent IgG isotype controls (ab37415 and ab172730) and negative controls (TBS/Tween buffer without primary antibodies). IHC staining was compared in diseased and normal tissues and disclosed with 3,3’-Diaminobenzidine (DAB). Results. Specific immunostaining was observed for all primary antibodies, at concentrations between 2.0×10. −4. mg/mL to 1.0×10. −2. mg/mL, depending on the tissue and primary antibody. All GluR and transporters were expressed in the cellular membrane, in the normal and diseased CrCL and meniscus. Healthy CrCL showed a well-organized microstructure, with normal positively labelled ligamentocytes, whereas diseased CrCL microstructure was disrupted, with many positively stained fibroblastic cells in the epiligamentous region and evident neovascularization, indicative of ongoing repair. The normal and diseased meniscal tissues showed similar chondrocytes-like cells labelling and microstructure. Negative controls demonstrated no labelling. Conclusions. GluR and transporters expression is altered in canine diseased CrCLs, implicating glutamate signalling in this pathology. Since AMPA/KA GluR antagonists alleviate
Abstract. Objectives. Osteocytes function as critical regulators of bone homeostasis by sensing mechanical signals. Stimulation of the mechanosensitive ion channel, Piezo1 promotes bone anabolism and deletion of Piezo1 in osteoblasts and osteocytes decreases bone mass and bone strength in mice. This study determined whether loading of osteocytes in vitro results in upregulation of the Piezo1 pathway. Methods. Human MSC cells (Y201), embedded in type I collagen gels and differentiated to osteocytes in osteogenic media for 7-days, were subjected to pathophysiological load (5000 µstrain, 10Hz, 5 mins; n=6) with unloaded cells as controls (n=4). RNA was extracted 1-hr post load and Piezo1 activation assessed by RNAseq analysis (NovaSeq S1 flow cell 2 × 100bp PE reads). To mimic mechanical load and activate Piezo1, Y201s were differentiated to osteocytes in 3D gels for 13 days and treated, with Yoda1 (5µM, 2 hours, n=4); vehicle treated cells served as controls (n=4). Extracted RNA was subjected to RT-qPCR and data analysed by Minitab. Results. Low mRNA expression of PIEZO1 in unloaded cells was upregulated 5-fold following 1-hr of mechanical load (p=0.003). In addition, the transcription factor NFATc1, a known regulator of Piezo1 mechanotransduction, was also upregulated by load (2.4-fold; p=0.03). Y201 cells differentiated in gels expressed the osteocyte marker, SOST. Yoda1 upregulated PIEZO1 (1.7-fold; p=0.057), the early mechanical response gene, cFOS (4-fold; p=0.006), COL1A1 (3.9-fold; p=0.052), and IL-6 expression (7.7-fold; p=0.001). Discussion. This study reveals PIEZO1 as an important mechanosenser in osteocytes. Piezo 1 mediated increases in the bone matrix protein, type I collagen, and IL-6, a cytokine that drives inflammation and bone resorption. This provides a direct link between mechanical activation of Piezo 1, bone remodelling and inflammation, which may contribute to mechanically-induced
Abstract. Objectives. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a painful and debilitating disorder of diarthroidal
Abstract. OBJECTIVES. Abnormal joint mechanics have been proposed as adversely affecting natural hip joint tribology, whereby increased stress on the articular cartilage from abnormal loading leads to
Abstract. OBJECTIVES. Although surgical periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) for hip dysplasia aims to optimise acetabular coverage and restore hip function, it is unclear how surgery affects capsular mechanics and joint stability. The purpose was to examine how the reoriented acetabular coverage affects capsular mechanics and joint stability in dysplastic hips. METHODS. Twelve cadaveric dysplastic hips (n = 12) were denuded to the capsule and mounted onto a robotic tester. The robot positioned each hip in multiple flexion angles (Extension, Neutral 0°, Flexion 30°, Flexion 60°, Flexion 90°) and performed internal-external rotations and abduction-adduction to 5 Nm in each rotational or planar direction. Each hip underwent a PAO, preserving the capsule, and was retested postoperatively in the robot. Paired sample t-tests compared the range of motion before and after PAO surgery (CI = 95%). RESULTS. Pre-operatively, the dysplastic hips demonstrated large ranges of internal-external rotations and abduction-adduction motions throughout all flexion positions. Post-operatively, the PAO slackenend the anterosuperior capsule and tightened the inferior capsule. This increased external rotation in Flexion 60° and Flexion 90° (∆. ER. = +16 and +23%) but provided lateral coverage to decrease internal rotation at Flexion 90° (∆. IR. = –15%). The PAO also reduced abduction throughout, but increased adduction in Neutral 0°, Flexion 30°, and Flexion 60° (∆. ADD. = +34, +30%, +29% respectively). CONCLUSIONS. The PAO provided crucial osseous structural coverage to the femoral head, decreasing hypermobility and adverse loading at extreme hip flexion-extension. However, it also slackened the anterosuperior capsule and increased adduction and external rotation, which may lead to ischiofemoral impingement and adductor irritations. Capsular instability may be secondary to acetabular undercoverage, thus capsular alteration may be warranted for larger corrections or rotational osteotomies. To preserve native hip and delay
Abstract. Objectives. The mechanisms underlying abnormal joint mechanics are poorly understood despite it being a major risk factor for developing osteoarthritis. This study investigated the response of a 3D in vitro bone cell model to mechanical load. Methods. Human MSC cells (Y201) embedded in 3D type I collagen gels were differentiated in osteogenic media for 7-days in deformable, silicone plates. Gels were loaded once (5000 µstrain, 10Hz, 3000 cycles), RNA extracted 1-hr post load and assessed by RT-qPCR and RNAseq analysis (n=5/treatment). Cell shape and phenotype were assessed by immunocytochemistry and phalloidin staining. Data was analysed by Minitab. Results. RTqPCR revealed cells expressed markers of mature osteocytes (E11, sclerostin, DMP-1) and osteoprotegerin (OPG), alkaline phosphatase and type I collagen (COL1A1). Immunolocalisation of sclerostin and DMP-1 protein along with phalloidin staining confirmed a dendritic osteocyte phenotype. Load almost abolished sclerostin gene expression (p=0.05) and reduced E11 (2-fold p=0.03); COL1A1 was unchanged (p=0.349). Using DEseq2 analysis, of the 981 genes differentially regulated more than 2-fold at FDR p<0.05, 159 were downregulated and 821 upregulated by load. These were involved in processes important in bone biology including the inflammatory response (56 genes), ECM organisation (27), ageing (30), response to mechanical load (23), ER stress (34), regulation of ossification (26), bone morphogenesis (14), cartilage development (14), programmed cell death (161), and positive regulation of bone mineralisation (6). Discussion. Y201 cells were successfully differentiated to osteocytes. The osteocytes’ mechanical response revealed regulation of factors that contribute to bone remodelling and inflammation. Since the biological mechanisms underlying mechanically induced
Abstract. OBJECTIVES. Cam femoroacetabular impingement (FAI – femoral head-neck deformity) and developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH – insufficient acetabular coverage) constitute a large portion of adverse hip loading and early degeneration. Spinopelvic anatomy may play a role in hip stability thus we examined which anatomical relationships can best predict range of motion (ROM). METHODS. Twenty-four cadaveric hips with cam FAI or DDH (12:12) were CT imaged and measured for multiple femoral (alpha angles, head-neck offset, neck angles, version), acetabular (centre-edge angle, inclination, version), and spinopelvic features (pelvic incidence). The hips were denuded to the capsule and mounted onto a robotic tester. The robot positioned each hip in multiple flexion angles (Extension, Neutral 0°, Flexion 30°, Flexion 60°, Flexion 90°); and performed internal-external rotations to 5 Nm in each position. Independent t-tests compared the anatomical parameters and ROM between FAI and DDH (CI = 95%). Multiple linear regressions determined which anatomical parameters could predict ROM. RESULTS. The FAI group demonstrated restricted ROM in deep hip flexion, with DDH showing higher ROM in Flexion 30° (+20%, p = 0.03), 60° (+31%, p = 0.001), and 90° (+36%, p = 0.001). In Neutral 0° and Flexion 30°, femoral neck and version angles together predicted ROM (R. 2. = 60%, 58% respectively); whereas in Flexion 60°, pelvic incidence and femoral neck angle predicted ROM (R. 2. = 77%). In Flexion 90°, pelvic incidence and radial alpha angle together predicted ROM (R. 2. = 81%), where pelvic incidence alone accounted for 63% of this variance. CONCLUSIONS. Pelvic incidence is essential to predict hip ROM. Although a cam deformity or acetabular undercoverage can elevate risks of labral tears and progressive
Osteoarthritis (OA), characterised by pain, disability and
Several previous pathoanatomical and biomechanical studies focused primarily on the cam morphology as the primary contributor to symptoms of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and limited range of motion. However, there is a growing population of individuals with asymptomatic cam morphologies who show no clinical signs; thus, the cam deformity, alone, may not fully delineate an individual's symptomatology or limited motion. These studies expanded beyond the cam morphology, to determine how additional anatomical characteristics could contribute to symptoms and influence functional mobility, using: 1) in vivo analyses, where we asked how specific anatomical parameters (in addition to the cam morphology) can predict individuals at risk of symptoms; 2) In silico simulations, where we examined how pathoanatomical features contributed to adverse loading conditions, resulting in higher risks of hip
Summary Statement. This project proves that Patellofemoral (PF)
Background. Ankle fractures are often associated with ligamentous injuries of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis, the deltoid ligament and are predictive of ankle instability, early
Desiccation of articular cartilage during surgery is often unavoidable and may result in the death of chondrocytes, with subsequent
Four-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT: three dimensional + time) allows to measure individual bone position over a period of time usually during motion. This method has been found useful in studying the joints around the wrist as dynamic instabilities are difficult to detect during static CT scans while they can be diagnosed using a 4DCT scan [1]–[3]. For the foot, the PedCAT system (Curvebeam, Warrington, USA) has been developed to study the foot bones under full weight bearing, however its use is limited to static images. On the contrary, dynamic measurements of the foot kinematics using skin markers can only describe motion of foot segments and not of individual bones. However, the ability to measure individual bone kinematics during gait is of paramount importance as such detailed information could be used to detect instabilities, to evaluate the effect of
INTRODUCTION. Loss of joint function is only exploited in osteoarthritis (OA) once severe impairment is apparent. Animal models allow for lesion induction and serial OA progression measures. We recently described an adjustable non-surgical loading model for generating focal cartilage lesions in only the lateral femur joint compartment, in which regimes can be adjusted so that these either do or do not progress spontaneously. Herein, we use ventral plane videographic treadmill gait analysis to determine whether gait changes can be used to discriminate between stable and spontaneously progressing lesions, induced by these two loading regimes. METHODS. Animals encountered normal conditions, except during loading (9N, 40 cycles, 0.1 Hz, 10 sec/ cycle) which was applied to right knees in two groups (n=8) of 8-week-old male CBA mice: i) loaded once; ii) loaded 3 times/week for 2 weeks. Gait (including: brake, propel, stance, stride, stride length, stride frequency, steps and paw area) was assessed 3 times/week for 2 weeks in each mouse using a DigigaitTM treadmill. Thereafter, mice received 5mg/kg carprofen for analgesia and gait analysis repeated on 3 further alternate days. RESULTS. The two loading regimes produced virtually identical gait modifications with delayed onset (apparent on day 3) which remained unchanged for 2 weeks; mice loaded once only showed modified contralateral limb use, but those loaded multiply exhibited additional ipsilateral front limb modifications; no changes in gait were observed in loaded limbs. Intriguingly, the two regimes produced distinct responses to analgesia. Load-induced gait changes were completely rescued by carprofen in mice loaded only once, whilst those in mice loaded repetitively persisted. CONCLUSION. Our findings reveal specific and reproducible, compensatory changes in contralateral, non-loaded limb gait induced by any joint loading which produces focal articular lesions, and modified ipsilateral front limb use only when progressing lesions are induced by repetitive loading. We find that pain relief completely alleviates all gait modifications associated with stable lesions induced by single loading, but not those induced by repetitive loading. Differing responses in mice with stable and progressive articular cartilage load-induced lesions suggests that gait behaviour in a mechanical loading model of OA may predict
The aim of this study was to determine whether exposure of human articular cartilage to hyperosmotic saline (0.9%, 600 mOsm) reduces Using confocal laser scanning microscopy, we identified a sixfold (p = 0.04) decrease in chondrocyte death following mechanical injury in the superficial zone of human articular cartilage exposed to hyperosmotic saline compared with normal saline. These data suggest that increasing the osmolarity of joint irrigation solutions used during open and arthroscopic articular surgery may reduce chondrocyte death from surgical injury and could promote integrative cartilage repair.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is an important cause of
pain, disability and economic loss in humans, and is similarly important in
the horse. Recent knowledge on post-traumatic OA has suggested opportunities
for early intervention, but it is difficult to identify the appropriate
time of these interventions. The horse provides two useful mechanisms
to answer these questions: 1) extensive experience with clinical
OA in horses; and 2) use of a consistently predictable model of
OA that can help study early pathobiological events, define targets
for therapeutic intervention and then test these putative therapies.
This paper summarises the syndromes of clinical OA in horses including
pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment, and details controlled studies
of various treatment options using an equine model of clinical OA.
In a study on ten fresh human cadavers we examined the change in the height of the intervertebral disc space, the angle of lordosis and the geometry of the facet joints after insertion of intervertebral total disc replacements. SB III Charité prostheses were inserted at L3-4, L4-5, and L5-S1. The changes studied were measured using computer navigation sofware applied to CT scans before and after instrumentation. After disc replacement the mean lumbar disc height was doubled (p <
0.001). The mean angle of lordosis and the facet joint space increased by a statistically significant extent (p <
0.005 and p = 0.006, respectively). By contrast, the mean facet joint overlap was significantly reduced (p <
0.001). Our study indicates that the increase in the intervertebral disc height after disc replacement changes the geometry at the facet joints. This may have clinical relevance.
The aim of this study was to determine whether subchondral bone influences in situ chondrocyte survival. Bovine explants were cultured in serum-free media over seven days with subchondral bone excised from articular cartilage (group A), subchondral bone left attached to articular cartilage (group B), and subchondral bone excised but co-cultured with articular cartilage (group C). Using confocal laser scanning microscopy, fluorescent probes and biochemical assays, in situ chondrocyte viability and relevant biophysical parameters (cartilage thickness, cell density, culture medium composition) were quantified over time (2.5 hours vs seven days). There was a significant increase in chondrocyte death over seven days, primarily within the superficial zone, for group A, but not for groups B or C (p <
0.05). There was no significant difference in cartilage thickness or cell density between groups A, B and C (p >
0.05). Increases in the protein content of the culture media for groups B and C, but not for group A, suggested that the release of soluble factors from subchondral bone may have influenced chondrocyte survival. In conclusion, subchondral bone significantly influenced chondrocyte survival in articular cartilage during explant culture. The extrapolation of bone-cartilage interactions in vitro to the clinical situation must be made with caution, but the findings from these experiments suggest that future investigation into in vivo mechanisms of articular cartilage survival and degradation must consider the interactions of cartilage with subchondral bone.