Abstract. Objective. Short-stem total hip arthroplasty (THA) aims to preserve the proximal bone stock for future revisions, so that the first revision should resemble a primary intervention rather than a revision. This study aimed to compare the clinical and radiological outcomes in revision THA after failed short stem versus after failed conventional stem THA. Methods. This study included forty-five patients with revision THA divided into three groups (15 each); group A: revision after short stem, group B: revision after conventional cementless stem and group C revision after conventional cemented stem. The studied groups were compared regarding 31 variables including demographic data, details of the primary and revision procedures, postoperative radiological subsidence, hospital stay, time for full weight bearing (FWB), preoperative and postoperative clinical scores. Results. Early stem subsidence (40%) was the main indication of revision in group A compared to peri-prosthetic femoral fractures (PFFs) (73.3%) and aseptic loosening (53.3%) in group B and C respectively (P=0.021). The mean time to revision was significantly shorter in group A (15 months) compared to 95.33 and 189.40 months in group B and C respectively. (P=0.005). Sixty % (9 patients) in group A were revised in the first year. The mean operative time, blood loss, postoperative blood transfusion and hospital stay were significantly lower in group A compared to group B and C (P<0.001, <0.001, 0.002 and 0.001 respectively). Revisions in group A were performed using either short stems (13.3%) or conventional stems (86.7%) whilst 80% of patients needed long stems and 20% of patients needed conventional stems in group B and C (P<0.001). The mean postoperative Harris Hip Score (HHS) at the latest follow up was 87.07, 87.53 and 85.47 in group A, B and C respectively. All PFFS had excellent results according to Beal's and Tower's criteria; all fractures healed and the implants were stable. Conclusion. The most common cause of failure of short stems is early stem subsidence. Short stem THA has specific indications and patient selection is very crucial. Preoperative templating for short stems and a detailed analysis of the individual patient anatomy in anteroposterior and lateral views are mandatory to predict the correct implant size more accurately. The use of intraoperative imaging can verify the sizing, implant position, and sufficient contact with the lateral cortex. Revision of short stem THA resembled the primary THA. If a standard implant can be used in a surgical revision instead of a longer revision stem, this can be considered as an advantage for the
Objectives. Modular dual-mobility (MDM) constructs are used to reduce dislocation rates after total hip replacement (THR). They combine the advantages of dual mobility with the option of supplementary acetabular screw fixation in complex revision surgery. However, there are concerns about adverse reaction to metal debris (ARMD) as a result of fretting corrosion between the metal liner and shell. Methods: The aim of this systematic review was to find and review all relevant studies to establish the outcomes and risks associated with MDM
Abstract. Objectives. Evidence supporting the use of immersive virtual reality (iVR) training in orthopaedic procedures is rapidly growing. However, the impact of the timing of delivery of this training is yet to be tested. This study investigated whether spaced iVR training is more effective than massed iVR training for novices learning
The development of an algorithm that provides accurate individualised estimates of revision risk could help patients make informed surgical treatment choices. This requires building a survival model based on fixed and modifiable risk factors that predict outcome at the individual level. Here we compare different survival models for predicting prosthesis survivorship after
Background. Hip resurfacing arthroplasty (HRA) and total hip arthroplasty (THA) are treatments of end-stage hip disease. Gait analysis studies comparing HRA and THA have demonstrated HRA results in a more normal gait than THA. The reasons may include the larger, more anatomic head diameter, the preservation of the femoral neck with restoration of the anatomical hip centre position and normal proprioception. This study investigated (1)whether femoral head size diameter affects gait; (2)whether gait still differs between THA and HRA patients even with comparable head diameters. Methods. We analysed the gait of 33 controls and 50 patients with unilateral
Patients report similar or better pain and function before revision
Reconstruction of severe acetabular defects during revision
Background. Over 96% of primary total hip replacements (THR) recorded in the National Joint Registry (NJR) are performed through a posterior or lateral surgical approach. There is no high quality evidence available to support the use of one approach over the other in primary THR and even less evidence when the outcome of revision THR is considered. Methods. Questionnaires were sent to 267 patients who had revision
AIM. When a hip is replaced using a posterior surgical approach, some of the external rotator muscles are divided. The aim of this study was to assess if this surgery has a long term affect on hip rotation during activities of daily living. METHODS. An electromagnetic tracking system was used to assess hip movements during the following activities:-. Activity 1. Picking an object of the floor in a straight leg stance. Activity 2. Picking an object of the floor when knees are flexed. Activity 3. Sitting on a chair. Activity 4. Putting on socks, seated, with the trunk flexed forward. Activity 5. Putting on socks, seated, with the legs crossed. Activity 6. Climbing stairs. Measurements were taken from 10 subjects with bilaterally normal hips, 10 patients with a large head
Background. Accurate implant orientation is associated with improved outcomes after artificial joint replacement. We investigated if a novel augmented-reality (AR) platform (with live feedback) could train novice surgeons to orientate an acetabular implant as effectively as conventional training (CT). Methods. Twenty-four novice surgeons (pre-registration level medical students) voluntarily participated in this trial. Baseline demographics, data on exposure to
Mismatch of bearing component centres and tension of soft tissues surrounding the hip joint can lead to component separation during gait cycle and cause the femoral head to contact the rim of an acetabular liner, which could increase wear and shorten lifespan of an implant. This study aims to investigate the contact and wear mechanics of a metal-on-polyethylene hip joint under dynamic separation by using Finite Element Analysis (FEA). A Pinnacle® cup with a Marathon neutral liner 36×56mm with a 45° inclination was constrained by a spring element in the medial-lateral axis. The spring was pre-compressed by 4mm to represent the corresponding translational mismatch of a simulator testing. Archard's law was used to predict wear over one ISO 14242-1 gait cycle. Contact pressure is proportional to the load input during the stance phase, associated with concentric contact condition; it increases threefold just before the swing phase (time C), reaching 46.2MPa, where edge loading occurs. Consequently, separation climbs to 3.54mm, which is comparable to the mathematical prediction (3.34mm) and dynamic FEA (3.2mm). The predicted volumetric wear after this gait cycle is 1.22 × 10–5 mm3. Dynamic separation between femoral head and acetabular liner can result in edge loading, consequently high contact pressure on the edge of a liner. In combination with cyclic loading, fatigue damage could take place and may be worth investigating in the future.
Financial and human cost effectiveness is an increasing evident outcome measure of surgical innovation. Considering the human element, the aim is to restore the individual to their “normal” state by sparing anatomy without compromising implant performance. Gait lab studies have shown differences between different implants at top walking speed, but none to our knowledge have analysed differing total hip replacement patients through the entire range of gait speed and incline to show differences. The purpose of this gait study was to 1) determine if a new short stem femoral implant would return patients back to normal 2) compare its performance to established hip resurfacing and long stem total hip replacement (THR) implants. 110 subjects were tested on an instrumented treadmill (Kistler Gaitway, Amherst, NY), 4 groups (short-stem THR, long-stem THR, hip resurfacing and healthy controls) of 28, 29, 27, and 26 respectively. The new short femoral stem patients (Furlong Evolution, JRI) were taken from the ongoing Evolution Hip trial that have been tested on the treadmill with minimum 12months postop. The long stem total hip replacements and hip resurfacing groups were identified from out 800 patient gait database. They were only chosen if they were 12 months postop and had no other joint disease or medical comorbidities which would affect gait performance. All subjects were tested through their entire range of gait speeds and incline after having a 5 minute habituation period. Speed intervals were at 0.5kms increments until maximum walking speed achieved and inclines at 4kms for 5, 10, 15%. At all incremental intervals of speed, the vertical component of the ground reaction forces, center of pressure and temporal measurements were collected for both limbs with a sampling frequency of 100Hz. Body weight scaling was applied to correct for mass differences and a symmetry index to compare the implanted hip to the contralateral normal hip. All variables for each subject group were compared to each other using an analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey post hoc test with significance set at α=0.05. The four experimental groups were reasonably matched for demographics and the implant groups for PROMs. Hip resurfacing had a clear top walking speed advantage, but when assessing the symmetry index on all speeds and incline, all groups were not significantly different. Push-off and step length was statistically less favourable for the short/long THR group (p=0.005–0.05) depending on speed/incline. The primary aim of this study was determine if implant design affected gait symmetry and performance. Interestingly, irrespective of implant design, symmetry with regards to weight acceptance, impulse, push-off and step length was returned to normal when comparing to healthy controls. However individual implant performance on the flat and incline, showed inferior (
The aim of this study was to characterise noise associated with ceramic-on-ceramic total hip arthroplasty (THA). A questionnaire was constructed to assess noise associated with THA. 116 patients responded. All had ceramic-on-ceramic hybrid THA at Glasgow Royal Infirmary between 2005 and 2007 using a Trident prosthesis and Exeter stem. Oxford Hip Questionnaires (OHS) were also completed by the patients. 16.4% of respondents reported noise associated with their ceramic hip. The vast majority reported onset at least 1 year after implantation. The most common noise types were ‘clicking’ (47%) or ‘grinding’ (42%), while ‘squeaking’ was least frequently reported (11%). Noise was most commonly brought on by bending and during sit to stand movements. No correlation was identified between the incidence of noise and any patient specific factor or demographic variable. The mean OHS at questionnaire follow-up was 39 and there was no significant difference in OHS when comparing noisy and silent hips (p=0.65). Only 1 patient limited social or recreational activities and overall patients felt the noise had minimal effect on their quality of life. Acetabular component inclination angles were compared on post-operative x-rays. There was no significant difference (p=0.51) in inclination angles of the noisy (47.1°±6.3°, range 30–57°) and silent hips (47.8°±6.1°, range 35–68°). The groups were further analysed for deviation out with the desirable inclination range of 40–45°. Of the noisy hips, a total of 73% were out with this range compared to 63% in the silent hip group. The incidence of noise within this ceramic-on-ceramic THA group did not appear to be related to patient specific factors, patient reported outcome (OHS) or acetabular inclination angles. Subjective appraisal of the noise revealed that ‘squeaking’ was not common but patients tended to report ‘clicking’ and ‘grinding’ more. The precipitation of noise with bending activities reinforces a possible mechanical cause.
The biological significance of cobalt-chromium wear particles from metal-on-metal hip replacements may be different to the effects of the constituent metal ions in solution. Bacteria may be able to discriminate between particulate and ionic forms of these metals because of a transmembrane nickel/cobalt-permease. It is not known whether wear particles are bacteriocidal. We compared the doubling time of coagulase negative staphylococcus, Doubling time halved in metal-on-metal (p = 0.003) and metal-on-polyethylene (p = 0.131) particulate debris compared with the control. Bacterial nickel/cobalt-transporters allow metal ions but not wear particles to cross bacterial membranes. This may be useful for testing the biological characteristics of different wear debris. This experiment also shows that metal-on-metal hip wear debris is not bacteriocidal.
Trust in the validity of a measurement tool is critical to its function in both clinical and educational settings. Acetabular cup malposition within total hip arthroplasty (THA) can lead to increased dislocation rates, impingement and increased wear as a result of edge loading. We have developed a THA simulator incorporating a foam/Sawbone pelvis model with a modified Microsoft HoloLens® augmented reality (AR) headset. We aimed to measure the trueness, precision, reliability and reproducibility of this platform for translating spatial measurements of acetabular cup orientation to angular values before developing it as a training tool. A MicronTracker® stereoscopic camera was integrated onto a HoloLens® AR system. Trueness and precision values were obtained through comparison of the AR system measurements to a gold-standard motion capture system”s (OptiTrack®) measurements for acetabular cup orientation on a benchtop trainer, in six clinically relevant pairs of anteversion and inclination angles. Four surgeons performed these six orientations, and repeated each orientation twice. Pearson”s coefficients and Bland-Altman plots were computed to assess correlation and agreement between the AR and Motion Capture systems. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were calculated to evaluate the degree of repeatability and reproducibility of the AR system by comparing repeated tasks and between surgeons, respectively.Background
Instruments used in surgery which rotate or vibrate at a high frequency can produce potentially contaminated aerosols. Such tools are in use in cemented hip revision arthroplasties. We aimed to measure the extent of the environmental and body contamination caused by an ultrasound device and a high-speed cutter. On a human cadaver we carried out a complete surgical procedure including draping and simulated blood flow contaminated with Environmental contamination was present in an area of 6 x 8 m for both devices. The concentration of contamination was lower for the ultrasound device. Both the ultrasound and the high-speed cutter contaminated all members of the surgical team. The devices tested produced aerosols which covered the whole operating theatre and all personnel present during the procedure. In contaminated and infected patients, infectious agents may be present in these aerosols. We therefore recommend the introduction of effective measures to control infection and thorough disinfection of the operating theatre after such procedures.
We studied various aspects of graft impaction and penetration of cement in an experimental model. Cancellous bone was removed proximally and local diaphyseal lytic defects were simulated in six human cadaver femora. After impaction grafting the specimens were sectioned and prepared for histomorphometric analysis. The porosity of the graft was lowest in Gruen zone 4 (52%) and highest in Gruen zone 1 (76%). At the levels of Gruen zones 6 and 2 the entire cross-section was almost filled with cement. Cement sometimes reached the endosteal surface in other Gruen zones. The mean peak impaction forces exerted with the impactors were negatively correlated with the porosity of the graft.
The number of primary Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) and primary Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) procedures carried out in England and Wales is increasing annually. The British Orthopaedic Association guidelines for follow up currently differ for patients with TKA and THA. In THA the BOA recommends that Orthopaedic Data Evaluation Panel (ODEP) 10A rated implants should be followed up in the first year, once at seven years and three yearly thereafter. The BOA guidelines for TKA minimum requirement is radiographs at 5 years and each five years thereafter. Few studies have investigated if early follow up affects patient management following total hip and knee arthroplasty We carried out a retrospective review of all revision procedures carried out in our institution between April 2010 to April 2013. The medical notes and radiographs for each patient were examined to determine the operative indications and patients symptoms. 92 knee revisions and 143 hip revisions were identified. Additionally we retrospectively reviewed the outcome of 300 one year routine arthroplasty follow up appointments. The mean time of hip revision was 8.5years (range 0 to 27years) and 5.6years (range 0 to 20years) for knee revisions. The commonest cause for revision was aseptic loosening associated with pain in 49 (53%) of knee revision patients and 89 (63%) of hip revisions. Infection accounted for 26 (28%) knee revisions and 16 (12%) hip revisions. Only 1% of hip and knee revisions was carried out in asymptomatic patients with aseptic loosening. We did not identify any cases were a patients management was altered at the routine arthroplasty review clinic and none were referred on for further surgical treatment. The findings of our study suggest there is no evidence for a routine one year arthroplasty review and revisions were carried out in asymptomatic patients in 1% of patients.
An experimental sheep model was used for impaction allografting of 12 hemiarthroplasty femoral components placed into two equal-sized groups. In group 1, a 50:50 mixture of ApaPore hydroxyapatite bone-graft substitute and allograft was used. In group 2, ApaPore and allograft were mixed in a 90:10 ratio. Both groups were killed at six months. Ground reaction force results demonstrated no significant differences (p >
0.05) between the two groups at 8, 16 and 24 weeks post-operatively, and all animals remained active. The mean bone turnover rates were significantly greater in group 1, at 0.00206 mm/day, compared to group 2 at 0.0013 mm/day (p <
0.05). The results for the area of new bone formation demonstrated no significant differences (p >
0.05) between the two groups. No significant differences were found between the two groups in thickness of the cement mantle (p >
0.05) and percentage ApaPore-bone contact (p >
0.05). The results of this animal study demonstrated that a mixture of ApaPore allograft in a 90:10 ratio was comparable to using a 50:50 mixture.
Five year migration results of 49 large-head metal-metal (MoM) total hip arthroplasties show good implant stability and no association between implant migration and metal-ions levels, stem and cup position, or femoral bone mineral density. The failure mechanism of metal-metal (MoM) total hip arthroplasty has been related to metal wear-debris and pseudotumor, but it is unknown whether implant fixation is affected by metal wear-debris.Summary