Fifty-five adults who had sustained a tibial fracture, or a femoral fracture, or both, were subjected to a double-blind randomised study to determine the efficacy of methylprednisolone in treating the fat
Hip and knee replacements are common and successful surgeries in orthopaedics. One of the known complications is fat
The Pulmonary
Several experimental models have been used to produce intravascular fat
Aims. The aim of this study was to assess whether it is possible to predict the mortality, and the extent and time of neurological recovery from the time of the onset of symptoms and MRI grade, in patients with the cerebral fat
This study was undertaken to assess the contribution of pulmonary fat
We studied 4253 patients undergoing primary joint replacement between November 2002 and November 2007, of whom 4060 received aspirin only as chemical prophylaxis; 46 were mistakenly given low molecular weight heparin initially, which was stopped and changed to aspirin; 136 received no chemoprophylaxis and 11 patients received warfarin because of a previous history of pulmonary
This study was undertaken to assess the contribution of pulmonary fat
Introduction Cement leakage into adjacent structures is the main complication during vertebroplasty. The majority of these leaks are asymptomatic, but pulmonary cement
We report a case of fatal pulmonary
Background: Cerebral emboli may be detected by transcranial Doppler (TCD) in patients undergoing hip arthroplasty. Venous – arterial circulation shunts (v-aCS), cerebral
This study was undertaken to assess the contribution of fat
1. Blood from forty-one healthy volunteers, seventy-one patients with fractures but without symptoms of fat
Intraoperative pulmonary fat and bone-marrow
1. A distinction must be made between the fat
1. Reports of the lipaemia-clearing effect of heparin suggested that this drug might be of therapeutic value in fat
Purpose: Fat or marrow
We made a prospective study of the incidence of fatal pulmonary