Aim:. To compare the degree of deformity correction achieved using cobalt chromium versus titanium alloy rods in patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Method:. A retrospective comparison of two cohorts of patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis treated with posterior segmental pedicle screw fixation using either Titanium or Cobalt Chromium rods. The radiographs of 50 patients treated before 2009 (Ti group) and 50 patients after 2009 (CoCr group) were reviewed for changes in: Main Coronal Curvature Sagittal Balance (C7 Plumb Line) Kyphosis (T5-12). Results:. Thirteen were excluded because of incomplete radiographs. 38 patients received CoCr, 45 Ti and 4 patients received hybrid constructs. Correction rate of curves measuring >50 was significantly improved with CoCr (81% vs 69%, p=0.02). Sagittal balance was improved in both groups (CoCr 27.8, Ti 28.0 mm) but no significant difference was seen (p=0.84). Within the Ti group 12 patients moved for normal kyphosis (20–40) to abnormal (<20, >40) while 9 patients moved from abnormal to normal (p=0.66). Within the CoCr Group 10 patients were normalised while only 2 patients moved from normal to abnormal (p=0.04). Mean change in kyphosis showed a trend towards improved correction with CoCr (4.2 vs 2.9) but failed to reach significance (p=0.62). Discussion:. We have demonstrated that CoCr rods significantly improve coronal correction in patient with >50 curves. No difference in overall sagittal balance was seen between metal alloys. There is a trend towards better restoration of T5-12 kyphosis with CoCr however it is unclear if this small difference is clinically relevant. Conflict Of Interest Statement: No conflict of interest