Aims. Soft-tissue sarcomas (STSs) are rare cancers with centralized care advocated to consolidate resources and expertise. However, geographical challenges, particularly in countries like Canada, can increase
Aims. The aim of this study was to identify the optimal lip position for total hip arthroplasties (THAs) using a lipped liner. There is a lack of consensus on the optimal position, with substantial variability in surgeon practice. Methods. A model of a THA was developed using a 20° lipped liner. Kinematic analyses included a physiological range of motion (ROM) analysis and a provocative dislocation manoeuvre analysis. ROM prior to impingement was calculated and, in impingement scenarios, the
The Ponseti method is the gold standard treatment for clubfoot. It begins in early infancy with weekly serial casting for up to 3 months. Globally, a commonly reported barrier to accessing clubfoot treatment is increased distance patients must travel for intervention. This study aims to evaluate the impact of the distance traveled by families to the hospital on the treatment course and outcomes for idiopathic clubfoot. No prior studies in Canada have examined this potential barrier. This is a retrospective cohort study of patients managed at a single urban tertiary care center for idiopathic clubfoot deformity. All patients were enrolled in the Pediatric Clubfoot Research Registry between 2003 and April 2021. Inclusion criteria consisted of patients presenting at after percutaneous Achilles tenotomy. Postal codes were used to determine distance from patients’ home address to the hospital. Patients were divided into three groups based on distance traveled to hospital: those living within the city, within the Greater Metro Area (GMA) and outside of the GMA (non-GMA). The primary outcome evaluated was occurrence of deformity relapse and secondary outcomes included need for surgery, treatment interruptions/missed appointments, and complications with bracing or casting. A total of 320 patients met inclusion criteria. Of these, 32.8% lived in the city, 41% in the GMA and 26% outside of the GMA. The average
Timely and competent treatment of paediatric fractures is paramount to a healthy future working population. Anecdotal evidence suggests that children
We have previously reported on the improved all-cause revision and improved revision for instability risk in lipped liner THAs using the NJR dataset. These findings corroborate studies from the Australian (AOANJRR) and New Zealand (NZOA) joint registries. The optimal orientation of the lip in THAs utilising a lipped liner remains unclear to many surgeons. The aim of this study was to identify impingement-free optimal liner orientations whilst considering femoral stem version, cup inclination and cup version. A cementless THA kinematic model was developed using a 20 degree XLPE liner. Physiological ROM and provocative dislocation manoeuvre analyses were performed. A total of 9 cup positions were analysed (inclination 30–40–50 degrees, anteversion 5-15-25 degrees) and combined with 3 stem positions (anteversion 0-15-30 degrees) and 5 lip orientations (right hip 11 to 7 o'clock). Some lip orientation/component position combinations lead to impingement within the physiological ROM range. Using a lipped liner increases the femoral head
Background. Inpatient physiotherapy is routinely provided after total knee replacement (TKR) surgery to enhance recovery prior to discharge. However, the provision of outpatient physiotherapy is variable in the UK, and the longer-term benefits of outpatient physiotherapy are unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of conducting a randomised controlled trial (RCT) to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of group-based outpatient physiotherapy after TKR. Methods. Patients listed for primary TKR were recruited prior to surgery. Patients who decided not to participate were asked about their reasons for non-participation. Patients were randomised to attend a newly developed post-operative physiotherapy class plus usual care or usual care alone. Patients allocated to the intervention group were invited to attend a weekly one-hour physiotherapy class, starting at 6 weeks after surgery and running over 6 consecutive weeks. The group classes were run by two physiotherapists within an outpatient gym, and involved task-orientated and individualised exercises. Classes ran on a rolling system, allowing new patients to join each week. Participants completed an evaluation questionnaire after the final class. Outcomes assessment was by questionnaire prior to surgery and 2 weeks, 3 months and 6 months after surgery. Outcomes related to function, pain, balance, self-efficacy, participation, quality of life and resource use. Results. 46/124 patients consented to participate (37% recruitment rate). Frequent reasons for non-participation were related to
Cadaveric specimens that have been fresh-frozen and then thawed for use have historically been considered to be the gold standard for biomechanical studies and the closest surrogate to living tissue. However, there are notable issues related to specimen rapid decay in the thawed state as well as infectious hazard to those handling the specimens. Cadaveric specimen preparation using a new phenol-based soft-embalmed method has shown considerable promise in preserving tissue in a prolonged fresh-like state while mitigating the infection risk. In this study, we evaluated the ability of soft-embalmed specimens to replace fresh-frozen specimens in the biomechanical study of flexor tendon repair. An ex-vivo study was conducted on six cadaveric hands in both a fresh-frozen, thawed state and following embalming with a phenol-based solution. Six different combinations of flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) tendons, from D2 to D5, and flexor pollicis longus (FPL) tendons were used to create two groups of similar composition with 15 tendons each, one group to be tested fresh and the other following embalming. A 5cm length of each flexor tendon was harvested from zone 2 and transversely cut at the mid-section. A modified-Kessler repair was performed on each specimen using 4–0 Fiberwire, with two core sutures and 1cm purchase on each end. Incisions were closed with a running stitch to prepare the specimen for embalming. The same protocol was used to repair and harvest the second group of tendons one month following the perfusion of a phenol-based solution through the vasculature of the hand and forearm. Tendon repair biomechanics were characterised through a ramp loading to failure (rate 1mm/sec), incorporating the 12 mm
To progress to a same day surgery program for arthroplasty, it is important that we examine and resolve the issues of why patients stay in the hospital. The number one reason is fear and anxiety of the unknown and of surgical pain. The need for hospital stay is also related to risk arising from comorbidities and medical complications. Patients also need an extended stay to manage the side effects of our treatment, including after effects of narcotics and anaesthesia, blood loss, and surgical trauma. The process begins pre-operatively with an appropriate orthopaedic assessment of the patient and determination of the need for surgery. The orthopaedic team must motivate the patient, and ensure that the expectations of the patient, family and surgeon are aligned. In conjunction with our affiliated hospitalist group that performs almost all pre-admission testing, we have established guidelines for patient selection for outpatient arthroplasty. The outpatient surgical candidate must have failed conservative measures, must have appropriate insurance coverage, and must be functionally independent. Previous or ongoing comorbidities that cannot be optimised for safe outpatient care may include: congestive heart failure, or valve disease; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or home use of supplemental oxygen; untreated obstructive sleep apnea with a BMI >40 kg/m2; hemodialysis or severely elevated serum creatinine; anemia with hemoglobin <13.0 g/dl; cerebrovascular accident or history of delirium or dementia; and solid organ transplant. Pre-arthroplasty rehabilitation prepares the patient for peri-operative protocols. Patients meet with a physical therapist and are provided with extensive educational materials before surgery to learn the exercises they will need for functional recovery. Enhancement of our peri-operative pain management protocols has resulted in accelerated rehabilitation. The operative intervention must be smooth and efficient, but not hurried. Less invasive approaches and techniques have been shown to decrease pain, reduce length of stay, and improve outcomes, especially in the short term. Between June 2013 and December 2015, 1957 primary knee arthroplasty procedures (1010 total, 947 partial) were performed by the author and his 3 associates at an outpatient surgery center. Seven percent of patients required an overnight stay, with a majority for reasons of convenience related to
Study Design: observational study over time. Objectives: 1. To investigate the effect of right and left radiculopathy on driver brake-reaction time (DBRT) 2. Determine the effect of selective nerve root block (SNRB) on DBRT. Summary of Background Data: DVLA guidelines for fitness to drive after orthopaedic procedures remain vague. DBRT has been assessed using different driving simulators in several surgical and non-surgical conditions. To date the effect of sciatica and SNRB on DBRT has not been studied. Methods: DBRT s of 20 patients with sciatica (10 right, 10 left) were measured using a custom-built car simulator. Each patient was tested pre-SNRB, immediate post-SNRB, 2 and 6 weeks post-SNRB. As controls 20 age-matched normal subjects were tested once. Full departmental, institutional and ethical committee approval were obtained. Results: The mean reaction time of the control group was 459 ms. The mean reaction times of the patients at different points of assessment were as follow:. Conclusions:. This study confirms the intuitive impression that patients with sciatica have prolonged DBRT compared to normal population. This represents an extra absolute increase in
Telemedicine is the delivery of healthcare from a remote location using integrated computer/communication technology. This systematic review aims to explore evidence for telemedicine in orthopaedics to determine its advantages, validity, effectiveness and utilisation particularly during our current pandemic where patient contact is limited. Databases of PubMed, Scopus and CINHAL were systematically searched and articles were included if they involved any form of telephone or video consultation in an orthopaedic population. Findings were synthesised into four themes: patient/clinician satisfaction, accuracy and validity of examination, safety and patient outcomes and cost effectiveness. Quality assessment was undertaken using Cochrane and Joanna Briggs Institute appraisal tools. Twenty studies were included consisting of nine RCTs across numerous orthopaedic subspecialties including fracture care, elective orthopaedics and oncology. Studies revealed high patient satisfaction with telemedicine for convenience, less waiting and travelling time. Telemedicine was cost effective particularly if patients had to
To progress to a same day surgery program for arthroplasty, it is important that we examine and resolve the issues of why patients stay in the hospital. The number one reason is fear and anxiety for the unknown and for surgical pain. The need for hospital stay is also related to risk arising from comorbidities and medical complications. Patients also need an extended stay to manage the side effects of our treatment, including after-effects of narcotics and anesthesia, blood loss, and surgical trauma. The process begins pre-operatively with an appropriate orthopaedic assessment of the patient and determination of the need for surgery. The orthopaedic team must motivate the patient, and ensure that the expectations of the patient, family and surgeon are aligned. In conjunction with our affiliated hospitalist group that performs almost all pre-admission testing, we have established guidelines for patient selection for outpatient arthroplasty. The outpatient surgical candidate must have failed conservative measures, must have appropriate insurance coverage, and must be functionally independent. Previous or ongoing comorbidities that contraindicate the outpatient setting include: cardiac – prior revascularization, congestive heart failure, or valve disease; pulmonary – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or home use of supplemental oxygen; untreated obstructive sleep apnea – BMI >40 kg/m2; renal disease – hemodialysis or severely elevated serum creatinine; gastrointestinal – history or post-operative ileus or chronic hepatic disease; genitourinary – history of urinary retention or severe benign prostatic hyperplasia; hematologic – chronic Coumadin use, coagulopathy, anemia with hemoglobin <13.0 g/dl, or thrombophilia; neurological – history of cerebrovascular accident or history of delirium or dementia; solid organ transplant. Pre-arthroplasty rehabilitation prepares the patient for peri-operative protocols. Patients meet with a physical therapist and are provided with extensive educational materials before surgery to learn the exercises they will need for functional recovery. Enhancement of our peri-operative pain management protocols has resulted in accelerated rehabilitation. The operative intervention must be smooth and efficient, but not hurried. Less invasive approaches and techniques have been shown to decrease pain, reduce length of stay, and improve outcomes, especially in the short term. In 2014, 385 primary partial knee arthroplasty procedures (7 patellofemoral replacement, 13 lateral, and 365 medial) were performed by the author and his 3 associates at an outpatient surgery center. Of those, 348 (95%) went home the same day while 17 (5%) required an overnight stay, with 11 for convenience related to
The purpose of this study was to review our entire primary THR experience using large diameter femoral heads in order to prevent dislocation. 83 hips in 77 patients (average age 61years) had a total hip replacement using femoral heads at least 36 mm in diameter. Average follow-up was 4.4 years (range 1 to 17). 22% of the bearings used were conventional UHMWPE, 25% Metal on Metal (two thirds of which were one-piece sockets), and 53% cross-linked polyethylene. UCLA hip scores improved significantly (p<
0.001) to 9.4, 8.4, 7.5, and 5.2, for pain, walking, function and activity respectively. All of the hips were stable at last follow-up although 3 hips had to be revised: 2 for instability in the early post-op period for poorly positioned socket and one for acetabular component aseptic loosening, which was rectified by revision surgery. Two out of these 3 hips had an etiology of DDH. The dislocations occurred in hips reconstructed with a head size less of 36mm only and none of the hips that dislocated had to be revised with a constrained acetabular liner. As the safety of new wear-resistant joint bearings has improved, an increase of femoral head size leads to a lower prevalence of dislocation in THR potentially without adverse wear consequences. However, adequate positioning of the acetabular component remains a key factor in the success of this type of hip arthroplasty. Metal-on-metal, which provides the largest ball size for a given socket diameter, especially with a one-piece socket, best addresses component-to-component impingement by increasing the range of motion. Bone-to-bone impingement risks are also minimized as the
We conducted a prospective randomised controlled trial to compare the standard Ponseti plaster method with an accelerated method for the treatment of idiopathic congenital talipes equinovarus. The standard weekly plaster-change method was accelerated to three times per week. We hypothesised that both methods would be equally effective in achieving correction. A total of 40 consecutive patients (61 feet) were entered into the trial. The initial median Pirani score was 5.5 (95% confidence interval 4.5 to 6.0) in the accelerated group and 5.0 (95% confidence interval 4.0 to 5.0) in the standard control group. The scores decreased by an average 4.5 in the accelerated group and 4.0 in the control group. There was no significant difference in the final Pirani score between the two groups (chi-squared test, p = 0.308). The median number of treatment days in plaster was 16 in the accelerated group and 42 in the control group (p <
0.001). Of the 19 patients in the accelerated group, three required plaster treatment for more than 21 days and were then assigned to the standard control method. Of the 40 patients, 36 were followed for a minimum of six months. These results suggest that comparable outcomes can be achieved with an accelerated Ponseti method. The ability to complete all necessary manipulations within a three-week period facilitates treatment where patients have to
Introduction: The centre provides hand services to remote hospitals which require patients to
The aim of our study was to investigate the effect of asymmetric crosslinked polyethylene liner use on the risk of revision of cementless and hybrid total hip arthroplasties (THAs). We undertook a registry study combining the National Joint Registry dataset with polyethylene manufacturing characteristics as supplied by the manufacturers. The primary endpoint was revision for any reason. We performed further analyses on other reasons including instability, aseptic loosening, wear, and liner dissociation. The primary analytic approach was Cox proportional hazard regression.Aims
Routine surveillance of primary hip and knee arthroplasties has traditionally been performed with office follow-up visits at one year postoperatively. The value of these visits is unclear. The present study aims to determine the utility and burden of routine clinical follow-up at one year after primary arthroplasty to patients and providers. All patients (473) who underwent primary total hip (280), hip resurfacing (eight), total knee (179), and unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (six) over a nine-month period at a single institution were identified from an institutional registry. Patients were prompted to attend their routine one-year postoperative visit by a single telephone reminder. Patients and surgeons were given questionnaires at the one-year postoperative visit, defined as a clinical encounter occurring at nine to 15 months from the date of surgery, regarding value of the visit.Aims
Brachial plexus injury (BPI) is an often devastating injury that affects patients physically and emotionally. The vast majority of the published literature is based on surgeon-graded assessment of motor outcomes, but the patient experience after BPI is not well understood. Our aim was to better understand overall life satisfaction after BPI, with the goal of identifying areas that can be addressed in future delivery of care. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 15 BPI patients after initial nerve reconstruction. The interview guide was focused on the patient’s experience after BPI, beginning with the injury itself and extending beyond surgical reconstruction. Inductive and deductive thematic analysis was used according to standard qualitative methodology to better understand overall life satisfaction after BPI, contributors to life satisfaction, and opportunities for improvement.Aims
While a centralized system for the care of patients with a sarcoma has been advocated for decades, regional variations in survival remain unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate regional variations in survival and the impact of national policies in patients with a soft-tissue sarcoma (STS) in the UK. The study included 1,775 patients with a STS who were referred to a tertiary sarcoma centre. The geographical variations in survival were evaluated according to the periods before and after the issue of guidance by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in 2006 and the relevant evolution of regional management.Aims
To examine incidence of complications associated with outpatient
total hip arthroplasty (THA), and to see if medical comorbidities
are associated with complications or extended length of stay. From June 2013 to December 2016, 1279 patients underwent 1472
outpatient THAs at our free-standing ambulatory surgery centre.
Records were reviewed to determine frequency of pre-operative medical
comorbidities and post-operative need for overnight stay and complications
which arose.Aims
Patients and Methods