The aim of this study was to identify the effect of COVID-19 lockdown on the rates, types, mechanisms and mortality of musculoskeletal trauma across Scotland. Data for all musculoskeletal trauma requiring operative treatment was collected prospectively from five orthopaedic units across Scotland during the initial lockdown period (23/03/2020-28/05/2020). This was compared with data for the same timeframe in 2018 and 2019. Data collected included all cases requiring surgery, injury type, mechanism of injury, and inpatient mortality. 1315 patients received operative treatment in 2020 compared to 1791 in 2019 and 1719 in 2018. The numbers of all injury types decreased, but the relative frequency of hip fractures increased(36.3% 2020 vs 30.2% 2019, p<0.0001 & 30.7% 2018, p<0.0001). Significant increases were seen in proportion of DIY-related injuries(3.1% 2020 vs 1.7% 2019, p=0.01 & 1.6% 2018, p<0.01) and injuries caused by falls(65.6% 2020 vs 62.6% 2019, p=0.08 & 61.9% 2018, p=0.05). Significant decreases were seen in proportion of RTCs(2.6% 2020 vs 5.4% 2019, p<0.0001 & 4.2% 2018, p=0.02) and occupational injuries(1.8% 2020 vs 3.0% 2019, p=0.03 & 2.3% 2018, p=0.01). A significant increase in proportion of self-harm injuries was seen(1.7% 2020 vs 1.1% 2019, p=0.19 & 0.5% 2018, p<0.0001). Mortality of
Aims. To determine the role of early MRI in the management of suspected scaphoid fractures. Methods. A total of 337 consecutive patients presenting to an emergency department (ED) following wrist
Acute distal biceps tendon repair reduces fatigue-related pain and minimises loss of forearm supination and elbow flexion strength. We report the short- and long-term outcome following repair using an EndoButton technique. Between 2010 – 2018, 102 patients (101 males; mean age 43 years) underwent acute (□6 weeks) distal biceps tendon repair using an EndoButton technique. The primary short-term outcome was complications. The primary long-term outcome was the Quick-DASH (Q-DASH). Secondary outcomes included the Oxford Elbow Score (OES), EuroQol-5D-3L (EQ-5D), return to function and satisfaction. At mean short-term follow-up of 4 months (2.0 – 55.5) eight patients (7.8%) experienced a major complication and 34 patients (33.3%) experienced a minor complication. Major complications included re-rupture (n=3, 2.9%), unrecovered nerve injury (n=4, 3.9%) and surgery for heterotopic ossification excision (n=1, 1.0%). Three patients (2.9%) required surgery for a complication. Minor complications included neuropraxia (n=27, 26.5%) and superficial infection (n=7, 6.9%). At mean follow-up of 5 years (1 – 9.8) outcomes were collected from 86 patients (84.3%). The median Q-DASH, OES, EQ-5D and satisfaction scores were 1.2 (IQR 0 – 5.1), 48 (IQR, 46 – 48), 0.80 (IQR, 0.72 – 1.0) and 100/100 (IQR, 90 – 100) respectively. Most patients returned to sport (82.3%) and employment (97.6%) following surgery. Unrecovered nerve injury was associated with a poor outcome according to the Q-DASH (p< 0.001), although re-rupture and further surgery were not (p > 0.05). Acute distal biceps tendon repair using an EndoButton technique results in excellent patient reported outcomes and health-related quality of life. Although rare, unrecovered nerve injury adversely affects outcome.
Tranexamic acid (TXA) is an inexpensive antifibrinolytic. Currently there are no national guidelines in the UK that promote the use of TXA in femoral fragility fracture (FFF) management. The aim of the study was to determine whether intra-operative intravenous TXA affects the requirement for post-operative blood transfusion following FFF surgery. A prospective non-randomized case-control study of consecutive FFF admitted to the study centre was performed. 361 patients were included in the study (mean age 81.4yrs; mean BMI 23.5; 73.7% female). TXA was given at the discretion of the operating surgeon, with 178 (49%) patients receiving TXA. Patient demographics, surgical management, peri-operative haemoglobin (Hb) and haematocrit, intravenous TXA use, and requirement for blood transfusion were recorded prospectively. Percentage fall in Hb from preoperative level was calculated at postoperative day one. Calculated-blood-loss (CBL) was determined using the Nadler and Gross formulae. The groups were well matched in terms of patient demographics, injury types and surgical management. The requirement for postoperative blood transfusion was significantly reduced in the TXA group: 15/178 (8.4%) compared to 58/183 (31.7%) (p<0.001; Chi square). TXA significantly reduced both the percentage fall in Hb (mean difference 4.3%, p<0.001) and the CBL (mean difference -222ml, p<0.001). There was no difference in venous thrombosis embolism events between the groups. Intra-operative intravenous TXA during the surgical management of FFF significantly reduced rate of transfusion, CBL and the percentage drop in HB.
Gavril Ilizarov advocated a fine wire tension of between 900N and 1200N for circular frame construction. Wire tension can be achieved via a tensioning device or ‘Russian tensioning’ (a fixed wire lengthening around a bolt). There is limited information on the latter technique. This study explored the tensions achieved via Russian tensioning and reports the impact of a second wire on construct tension. A single 160mm stainless-steel ring was constructed, then 1.8mm stainless steel wires were secured using a Russian fixation bolt and Russian tensioned with a 2nd bolt. The angle subtended by tensioning using the 2nd bolt was measured using a goniometer. Angles of 45°, 70° and 90° were repeated in triplicates, with wire tension measured using a calibrated tensiometer. A second, orthogonal wire was added and tensioned to the same angle. Tensions of both wires were remeasured and recorded. Unpaired t-tests were used to compare mean tensions. A value of p<0.05 was considered significant. Tensioning at all angles was insufficient to achieve the target range of 900–1200N (range 99–110N). A second, orthogonal wire changed frame dynamics such that a 90° angle resulted in both wires achieving adequate tension (mean 1143N, SD 307N). Increases were significant across all tensioning angles (p=<0.002) however only biomechanically relevant for 90°. Russian tensioning is insufficient with a single wire, however the addition of an orthogonal wire increases tension in both wires, reaching the target range at 90° deflection. Further study using wire tensioners is warranted, and also the impact of non-orthogonal wire constructs.
The majority of 5th metatarsal fractures are successfully treated conservatively, with few patients requiring surgical fixation for symptomatic non-union. Tuberosity avulsion fractures are generally considered benign injuries with more distal fractures showing a propensity to develop delayed/non-union. We studied a cohort of patients who underwent surgery as treatment for non-union. We reported on outcome, rate of complications and requirement for additional surgery. All patients who required surgery to their 5th metatarsal from June 2008 to May 2018 were included. Demographic, clinical outcome data and radiographic classification of fracture types were collected, reviewed and analysed. 35 patients had undergone surgery for 5th metatarsal fractures during this time period and 31 of these had been operated on for a painful non-union. 12 were tuberosity avulsion fractures (Lawrence and Botte Type1) and 23 were Type 2/3. 5 patients (14.3%) experienced a further symptomatic non-union after initial surgery; Type 1 fractures were 11 times more likely to result in non-union (p=0.0375). 22.9% of the group required some form of further surgery, with a significant association between Type 1 fractures and the need for further surgery (p=0.0107). This study is the first of its kind, reporting specifically on the outcome after surgical fixation of a non-union of 5th metatarsal fractures. Overall, surgery had a good outcome with a low complication rate, though it is interesting to note that Type 1 fractures, which traditionally have a low non-union rate after conservative treatment, are associated with a significantly increased incidence of non-union if operated for symptomatic non-union.
The rising prevalence of osteoarthritis, associated with an ageing population, is expected to deliver increasing demand across Scotland for primary hip and knee arthroplasty in the future. Understanding the scale of potential change to operative workflow is essential to ensure adequate provision of services, and prevent prolonged waiting times that can cause patient harm. We therefore set out to provide projections of future primary hip and knee arthroplasty out to 2038 utilising historical trend data (2008–2018) from the Scottish Arthroplasty Project. All analyses were performed using the Holt's exponential smoothing projection method with the forecast package in R statistics. Results were adjusted for projected future population estimates provided by National Records of Scotland. Independent age & sex group predictions were also performed. All results are presented per 100,000 population at-risk per year (/100k/year). The predicted rise of primary hip arthroplasty for all ages is from 120/100k/year in 2018 to 152/100k/year in 2038, a 27% increase. The predicted rise of primary knee arthroplasty for all ages is from 164/100k/year in 2018 to 220/100k/year in 2038, a 34% increase. Based on a static 3 day length of stay average this would see 4280 additional patient bed days for hips, and 7392 for knees, required nationally per year by 2038. The associated supplementary cost to the NHS is anticipated to be around £21 million per annum. Knowledge of increasing resource utilisation and cost associated with predicted future demand for primary hip and knee arthroplasty provides key information for service organisation and delivery.
Debate surrounds the optimum operative treatment of periprosthetic distal femoral fractures (PDFFs) at the level of well fixed femoral components; lateral locking plate fixation (LLP-ORIF) or distal femoral replacement (DFR). To determine which attributed the least peri-operative morbidity and mortality we performed a retrospective cohort study of 60 consecutive unilateral PDFFs of Su types II (40/60) and III (20/60) in patients ≥60 years; 33 underwent LLP-ORIF and 27 underwent DFR. The primary outcome measure was reoperation. Secondary outcomes included perioperative complications and functional mobility status. Kaplan Meier survival analysis was performed. Cox multivariable regression analysis identified risk factors for reoperation after LLP-ORIF. Mean length of follow-up was 3.8 years (range 1.0–10.4). One-year mortality was 13% (8/60). Reoperation rate was significantly higher following LLP-ORIF: 7/33 vs 0/27, p=0.008. For the endpoint reoperation, five-year survival was better following DFR: 100% compared to 70.8% (51.8 to 89.8 95%CI) (p=0.006). For the endpoint mechanical failure (including radiographic loosening) there was no difference at 5 years: ORIF 74.5% (56.3 to 92.7); DFR 78.2% (52.3 to 100), p=0.182). Reoperation following LLP-ORIF was independently associated with medial comminution: HR 10.7 (1.45 to 79.5, p=0.020). Anatomic reduction was protective against reoperation: HR 0.11(0.013 to 0.96, p=0.046). When inadequately fixed fractures were excluded differences in survival were no longer significant: reoperation (p=0.156); mechanical failure (p=0.453). Reoperation rates are higher following LLP-ORIF of low PDFFs compared to DFR. Where adequate reduction, proximal fixation and augmentation of medial comminution is used there is no difference in survival between LLP-ORIF and DFR.
The aim of this study was to measure the effect of hospital case-volume on the survival of revision total knee arthroplasty (RTKA). A retrospective analysis of Scottish Arthroplasty Project data was performed. The primary outcome was RTKA survival at ten years. The primary explanatory variable was annual hospital case-volume. Kaplan-Meier survival curves were plotted with 95% confidence intervals (CI) to determine the lifespan of RTKA. Multivariable Cox proportional hazards were used to estimate relative revision risks over time. From 1998 to 2019, 8894 patients underwent RTKA surgery in Scotland (median age 70 years, median follow-up 6.2 years, 4789 (53.5%) females; 718 (8.8%) for infection). Of these patients, 957 (10.8%) underwent a second revision procedure on their knee. Male sex, younger age at index revision, and positive infection status were associated with need for re-revision. The ten-year survival estimate for RTKA was 87.3% (95%CI 86.5–88.1). Adjusting for gender, age, surgeon volume and infection status, increasing hospital case-volume was significantly associated with lower risk of re-revision (Hazard Ratio 0.78 (0.64–0.94, p<0.001)). The risk of re-revision steadily declined in centres performing >20 cases per year: relative risk reduction 16% with >20 cases; 22% with >30 cases; and 28% with >40 cases. The majority of RTKA in Scotland survive up to ten years. Increasing yearly hospital case-volume above 20 cases is independently associated with a significant risk reduction of re-revision. Development of high-volume tertiary centres may lead to an improvement in the overall survival of RTKA.
Sonographic callus may enable assessment of fracture healing. The aim of this study was to establish a reliable method for three-dimensional reconstruction of sonographic callus. Patients that underwent non-operative management of displaced midshaft clavicle fractures and intramedullary nailing of tibia fractures were prospectively recruited and followed to union. Ultrasound scanning was performed at periodical time points following injury. Infra-red tracking technology was used to map each image to a three-dimensional lattice. Criteria was fist established for two-dimensional bridging callus detection in a pilot study. Using echo intensity of the ultrasound image, semi-automated mapping was used to create an anatomic three-dimensional representation of fracture healing. Agreement on the presence of sonographic bridging callus was assessed using the kappa coefficient and intra-class-correlation (ICC) between observers. 112 clavicle fractures and 10 tibia fractures completed follow-up at six months. Sonographic bridging callus was detected in 62.5% (n=70/112) of the clavicles at six weeks post-injury. If present, union occurred in 98.6% of the fractures (n=69/70). If absent, nonunion developed in 40.5% of cases (n=17/42)(73.4%-sensitive and 100%-specific to predict union). Out of 10 tibia fractures, 7 had bridging callus of at least one cortex at 6 weeks and when present all united. Of the three patients lacking sonographic bridging callus, one went onto a nonunion (77.8%-sensitive and 100%-specific to predict union). The ICC for sonographic callus between four reviewers was 0.82 (95% CI 0.68–0.91) Three-dimensional ultrasound reconstruction of bridging callus has the potential to identify impaired fracture healing at an early stage in fracture management.
The aim was to determine the influence of COVID-19 on 30-day mortality in hip fracture. Secondary aims were to examine: (1) predictors of COVID-19 on presentation and later in the admission; (2) rate of hospital-acquired COVID-19; (3) predictive value of negative swabs on admission. A nationwide multicentre retrospective cohort study of all patients with hip fracture in all 17 Scottish hospitals in March-April. Demographics, blood results, COVID-19 status, Nottingham Hip Fracture Score (NHFS), management, length of stay (LOS), and 30-day mortality were recorded. 78/833 (9.4%) patients had COVID-19 (65 swab-proven). 30-day survival with COVID-19 was lower than without (65.4% vs 91%; p<0.001). COVID-19 within 7 days of admission (likely community-acquired) was independently associated with male sex (OR 2.34, p=0.040, CI 1.04–5.25) and COVID-19 symptoms (OR 15.56, CI 6.61–36.60, p<0.001). COVID-19 within 7–30 days (probable hospital-acquired) was independently associated with male sex (OR 1.73, CI 1.05–2.87, p=0.032), NHFS □7 (OR 1.91, CI 1.09–3.34, p=0.024), pulmonary disease (OR 1.68, CI 1.00–2.81, p=0.049), ASA □3 (OR 2.37, CI 1.13–4.97, p=0.022) and LOS □9 days (OR 1.98, CI 1.18–3.31, p=0.009). 38/65 (58.5%) of COVID-19 cases were probably hospital-acquired. The false negative rate of swabs on admission was 0% in asymptomatic and 2.9% in symptomatic patients. COVID-19 was associated with a threefold-increased 30-day mortality. Nosocomial transmission may have accounted for half of all cases. Identification of risk factors for having COVID-19 on admission, or acquiring COVID-19 later, may guide patient pathways. LOS was the only modifiable risk factor, emphasising the importance of high-quality, timely care.
The primary aim was to assess patient-reported outcomes following a humeral diaphyseal fracture. The secondary aim was to compare the outcomes of patients who achieved union after initial management (operative or non-operative) with those that achieved union after nonunion surgery. From 2008–2017, 291 patients (mean age 55yrs [17–86], 58% [n=168/291] female) were retrospectively identified and available to complete a survey. Sixty-four (22%) were managed with primary surgery and 227 (78%) non-operatively. Outcomes (QuickDASH, EQ-5D, EQ-VAS, SF-12) were obtained at a mean of 5.5yrs (1.2–11.0). After initial management, 229 patients (79%) united (n=62 operative, n=167 non-operative) and 62 (21%) developed a nonunion (n=2 operative, n=60 non-operative; p<0.001). Fifty-two of 56 patients (93%) achieved union after nonunion surgery. The overall mean QuickDASH was 20.8, EQ-5D 0.730, EQ-VAS 74, SF-12 PCS 44.8 and MCS 50.2. Patients who united after nonunion surgery reported a worse functional outcome (mean QuickDASH 27.9 vs. 17.6, p=0.003) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL; mean EQ-5D 0.639 vs. 0.766, p=0.008; EQ-VAS 66 vs. 76, p=0.036; SF-12 PCS 41.8 vs. 46.1, p=0.036) than those who united primarily. When adjusting for confounders, union after nonunion surgery was independently associated with poorer function (difference in QuickDASH 8.1, p=0.019) and HRQoL (difference in EQ-5D -0.102, p=0.028). Humeral diaphyseal union after nonunion surgery was associated with poorer function and HRQoL compared to patients who united primarily. Targeting early operative intervention to patients at risk of nonunion may have an important role, given the potential impact of nonunion on longer-term outcome.
Total ankle replacement (TAR) is performed for inflammatory arthropathy, osteoarthritis and other indications. The Scottish Arthroplasty Project (SAP) began collection of data on TAR in 1998. In this study, we look at trends in the use and outcomes of TAR in Scotland. We identified patients from the SAP who underwent TAR between 1998 and 2015 with imaging available on the National Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS). We identified, and examined trends in implant type over the following time periods: 1998–2005; 2006–2010 and 2011–2015. Age, gender, indication, outcomes and trends in implants used for each time period were examined. There were 499 primary TAR procedures with an overall incidence of 0.5/105 population per year. Eight implants were identified with significant changes in the numbers of each type used over time. The peak incidence of TAR was in the 6th decade and mean age of patients increased from 59 years in 1998–2005, to 65 years in 2011–15 (p<0.0001). The percentage of patients with inflammatory arthropathy was 49% in 1998–2005, compared with 10% in 2011–2015. Arthrodesis and infection rates appeared to be higher during the first time period. The male to female ratio changed over time. The incidence of TAR increased overall during the study period (r= 0.9, p=<0.0001). This study examines a large number of TARs from an established arthroplasty registry. The rate of TAR has increased significantly in Scotland from 1998 to 2015. Indications and patient age have changed over time and could impact outcomes after ankle replacement.
Aims. To evaluate patient-reported outcomes three months after treatment of metacarpal and phalangeal fractures or dislocations, and to identify factors that are associated with worse patient-reported outcomes. Methods. This cross-sectional, multicentre snapshot study included all adult patients with metacarpal and phalangeal fractures or dislocations during a three-month period between August and October 2020. The primary outcome was the Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire (MHQ) three months after injury. The MHQ scores were compared to normative MHQ scores of 90 points of the affected hand of patients who sustained unilateral
Aims. The evidence demonstrating the superiority of early MRI has led to increased use of MRI in clinical pathways for acute wrist
Aims. The aim of this study was to evaluate the need for hand
Aims. Displaced distal radius fractures were investigated at a level 1 major
The aims of this study were to describe the epidemiology of metacarpal shaft fractures (MSFs), assess variation in treatment and complications following standard care, document hospital resource use, and explore factors associated with treatment modality. A multicentre, cross-sectional retrospective study of MSFs at six centres in the UK. We collected and analyzed healthcare records, operative notes, and radiographs of adults presenting within ten days of a MSF affecting the second to fifth metacarpal between 1 August 2016 and 31 July 2017. Total emergency department (ED) attendances were used to estimate prevalence.Aims
The underlying natural history of suspected scaphoid fractures (SSFs) is unclear and assumed poor. There is an urgent requirement to develop the literature around SSFs to quantify the actual prevalence of intervention following SSF. Defining the risk of intervention following SSF may influence the need for widespread surveillance and screening of SSF injuries, and could influence medicolegal actions around missed scaphoid fractures. Data on SSF were retrospectively gathered from virtual fracture clinics (VFCs) across a large Scottish Health Board over a four-year period, from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2021. The Bluespier Electronic Patient Record System identified any surgical procedure being undertaken in relation to a scaphoid injury over the same time period. Isolating patients who underwent surgical intervention for SSF was performed by cross-referencing the unique patient Community Health Index number for patients who underwent these scaphoid procedures with those seen at VFCs for SSF over this four-year period.Aims
The study aimed to assess the clinical outcomes of arthroscopic debridement and partial excision in patients with traumatic central tears of the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC), and to identify prognostic factors associated with unfavourable clinical outcomes. A retrospective analysis was conducted on patients arthroscopically diagnosed with Palmer 1 A lesions who underwent arthroscopic debridement and partial excision from March 2009 to February 2021, with a minimum follow-up of 24 months. Patients were assessed using the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) questionnaire, Mayo Wrist Score (MWS), and visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain. The poor outcome group was defined as patients whose preoperative and last follow-up clinical score difference was less than the minimal clinically important difference of the DASH score (10.83). Baseline characteristics, arthroscopic findings, and radiological factors (ulnar variance, MRI, or arthrography) were evaluated to predict poor clinical outcomes.Aims