Abstract. Background/Objectives. The incidence of reverse total shoulder replacement (rTSR) implantation is increasing globally, but apprehension exists regarding complications and associated challenges. We retrospectively analysed the senior author's series of rTSR from a tertiary centre using the VAIOS shoulder system, a modular 4th generation implant. We hypothesised that the revision rTSR cohort would have less favourable outcomes and more complications. Methods. 114 patients underwent rTSR with the VAIOS system, over 7 years. The primary outcome was implant survival. Secondary outcomes were Oxford shoulder scores (OSS), radiographic analysis (scapular notching, tuberosity osteolysis, and periprosthetic radiolucent lines) and complications. Results. There were 55 Primary rTSR, 31 Revision rTSR and 28 Trauma rTSR. Implant survival: Primary rTSR- 0 revisions, average 3.35-year follow-up. Revision rTSR-1 revision (4.17%), average 3.52-year follow-up. Trauma rTSR- 1 revision (3.57%), average 4.56-year follow-up OSS: Average OSS improved from 15.39 to 33.8 (Primary rTSR) and from 15.11 to 29.1 (Revision rTSR). Average post-operative OSS for the Trauma rTSR was 31.4 Radiological analysis and complications: Low incidence of scapular notching One hairline fracture below the tip of stem, noted incidentally, which required no treatment. One periprosthetic fracture after alcohol related fall. Treated non-surgically One joint infection requiring two-stage revision to rTSR. One dislocation noted at 2 year follow up. This patient had undergone nerve grafting within 6 months of rTSR for axillary nerve injury sustained during the original fracture dislocation. One acromial fracture with tibial and distal humeral fracture after a fall. Conclusions. The 4th generation modular VAIOS implant is a reliable option for various indications. The revision rTSR cohort had favourable outcomes with low complication rates. In this series, early-to-medium term results suggest lower revision rates and good functional outcomes when compared to published reports. We plan to monitor long-term implant survivorship and patient reported outcomes. Declaration of Interest. (a) fully declare any financial or other potential conflict of interest