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Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 104-B, Issue SUPP_9 | Pages 35 - 35
1 Oct 2022
Hutting N Oswald W Staal J Heerkens Y
Full Access

Background. Low back pain (LBP) is a major problem across the globe and is the leading cause worldwide of years lost to disability. Self-management is considered an important component the treatment of people with non-specific LBP. However, it seems that the self-management support for people with non-specific LBP provided by physiotherapists can be improved. Moreover, the way exercise therapists (ET) address self-management in practice is unknown. Purpose. To investigate the ideas, opinions and methods used by physiotherapists and ET with regard to self-management and providing self-management support to patients with non-specific LBP. Methods. This study was a qualitative survey. An online questionnaire with open-ended questions was developed. The survey was conducted among physiotherapists and ET working in the Netherlands. Data was analysed using thematic analysis. Results. Respondents considered self-management support an important topic in physiotherapy and exercise therapy for people with non-specific LBP. In the self-management support provided by the respondents, providing information and advice were frequently mentioned. The topics included in the support given by the respondents covered a broad range of important factors. The topics frequently focused on biomechanical factors. Therapists mainly provided patient education rather than self-management support. Moreover, important self-management skills were generally not addressed sufficiently. The majority of respondents had a need with regard to self-management or providing self-management support. These needs include having more knowledge, skills and tools aimed at facilitating self-management. Conclusion. The way physiotherapists and ET address self-management in people with non-specific LBP is not optimal and should be improved. Conflicts of interest: No conflicts of interest. Sources of funding: No funding obtained. Previous publication: This work was published in a scientific journal: Hutting N, Oswald W, Staal JB, Heerkens YF. Self-management support for people with non-specific low back pain: A qualitative survey among physiotherapists and exercise therapists. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2020 Dec; 50:102269. doi: 10.1016/j.msksp.2020.102269. This work was never presented at a conference

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_X | Pages 46 - 46
1 Apr 2012
Bryson D Braybrooke J
Full Access

Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) is the most common complication following major joint surgery. While attention has focused on VTE following joint arthroplasty their exists a gap in the literature examining the incidence of VTE in spinal surgery; with a shortage of epidemiological data, guidelines for optimal prophylaxis are limited. This survey, undertaken at the 2009 BASS Annual Meeting, sought to examine prevailing trends in VTE thromboprophylaxis in spinal surgery and to compare selections made by Orthopaedic and Neurosurgeons. We developed a questionnaire based around eight clinical scenarios. Participants were asked to supply details on their speciality (orthopaedics or neurosurgery) and level of training (grade) and to select which method(s) of thromboprophylaxis they would employ for each scenario. Thirty-nine participants provided responses to the eight scenarios; complete details, including speciality and grade of those surveyed, were complied for 27 of the 39 questionnaires completed. LMWH was the preferred pharmacological method of thromboprophylaixs selected 31% and 72% of the time by orthopaedic and neurosurgeons respectively. For each of the eight clinical scenarios LMWH and BK TEDS were selected more frequently by neurosurgeons than orthopaedic surgeons who elected to employ early mobilisation and mechanical prophylaxis. Neurosurgeons were more likely to employ more than method of thromboprophylaxis. Thromboprophylactic selections differed between the two groups; Neurosurgeons preferred LMWH and BK TEDS whilst Early Mobilisation and Mechanical prophylaxis were the preferred methods of thromboprophylaxis amongst orthopaedic surgeons. Based on the results of this survey neurosurgeons more closely adhered to guidelines outlined by NICE/BASS

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 101-B, Issue SUPP_10 | Pages 49 - 49
1 Oct 2019
Smith K Wiggins F
Full Access

Purpose and background. Lower back pain is a leading cause of disability and a common condition seen by osteopaths. Evidence and advice for the safest lifting posture vary, as do healthcare practitioners' attitudes towards back pain. The aim of this study was to understand osteopaths' beliefs about safe lifting postures, their attitudes towards back pain, and to compare these findings with published data from physiotherapists and manual handling advisors. Methods and results. A cross-sectional electronic survey was used to invite a sample of UK osteopaths to select images that best represent their perception of safe lifting posture (straight or rounded back), and to complete the Back Pain Attitudes Questionnaire (Back-PAQ, Appendix 1). Data was analysed to assess lifting posture selection and relationship to back pain attitudes. 46 (85.2%) out of 54 osteopaths selected straight back posture as safest, these participants had significantly more negative attitudes to back pain injury (i.e. higher Back-PAQ scores), than the 8 osteopaths who selected a rounded back posture (p = 0.007). Data from 266 physiotherapists and 132 manual handling advisors revealed an overall agreement about straight back lifting posture, however revealed differences in Back-PAQ attitude between the professions. Conclusion. Despite a lack of evidence base and inconsistent recommendations, osteopaths in this survey and other healthcare practitioners believe that straight back lifting posture is the safest. Practitioners' attitudes vary and are known to influence their patients' attitudes and recovery behaviour. Further research is recommended to identify reasons for different beliefs, and their impact on advice-giving and patient outcomes. Conflicts of interest: None. Sources of funding for the research: None

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 100-B, Issue SUPP_2 | Pages 14 - 14
1 Feb 2018
Alreni A McLean S Demack S Harrop D Kilner K
Full Access

Background and objectives. Numerous approaches are recommended for the management of non-specific neck pain (NS-NP). However, the extent to which approaches are used is unclear. This survey investigated current UK physiotherapists' measurement and management of patients with NS-NP. Methods and results. Physiotherapists were invited to participate in an online survey if they were practicing in the UK and had experience of managing NS-NP. 2101 responses were received. Analysis of the results indicated the overall popularity of active treatment approaches with 84% and 61% of respondents employing exercise and patient education respectively. 48% of respondents reported using a multimodal approach (that is, combination of exercise and manual therapy with/without patient education). Over a third of respondents reported not using outcome measures (OMs) for NS-NP. Of the two-thirds who reported using OMs, the majority reported using pain and range of motion measures. Physical and functional limitations, psychological distress, and quality of life constructs, which are frequently associated with NS-NP, were rarely measured. Conclusion. The active interventions most frequently used in the management of NS-NP were supported by moderate to strong evidence but a variety of other commonly used approaches have limited, unclear or no evidence of efficacy. Multimodal treatment approaches that are supported by strong evidence of efficacy are less commonly used. Physiotherapists in the UK are inadequately evaluating NS-NP. Research and guidelines are needed to reduce the use of ineffective interventions, promote the use of multimodal care and develop high quality outcome measures that are relevant and feasible for use in clinical practice. Keywords. Health, survey, neck pain, non-specific, rehabilitation. Conflicts of interest: None. Sources of funding: None

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 98-B, Issue SUPP_6 | Pages 39 - 39
1 Feb 2016
Treanor C O'Brien D Bolger C
Full Access

Objectives:. To establish the demand, referral pathways, utility and patient satisfaction of a physiotherapy led post operative spinal surgery review clinic. Methods:. From July 2014 to January 2015 a pilot physiotherapy led clinic was established. The following clinic data was collected: number of patients reviewed, surgical procedure, outcome of clinic assessment, numbers requiring further investigation, numbers requiring review in the consultant led clinic and adverse events. A patient satisfaction survey was also administered to all English speaking patients. Patients were asked to rate the ease of getting through to the service by phone, length of wait, time spent with the clinician, answers to questions, explanation of results, advice about exercise and return to activities, the technical skills of the clinician, their personal manner and their overall visit. Data was anonymised and inserted into an excel spreadsheet for analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis was undertaken. Results:. 28 patients were reviewed in the pilot clinic. 17 (61%) patients were reviewed and discharged. 11 (39%) patients required discussion with the consultant. The outcome was: Referral for further imaging: n=5 (18%), referral to other specialist: n=2 (6%), consultant led OPD clinic review n=4 (14%) and surgical review of wound n=1 (4%). 84% (n=21/25) of eligible patients completed a post operative satisfaction survey. 86% (n= 18/21) rated their overall visit as excellent. There were no adverse events reported. Conclusion:. The pilot clinic has informed the development of a permanent physiotherapy led post op clinic in the National Neurosurgical Spinal Service and demonstrates the value of interdisciplinary care in this population

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_XXVI | Pages 42 - 42
1 Jun 2012
Hourigan P Clarke A Powell J Hutton MJ
Full Access

Purpose of the study. To take a snapshot opinion of General Practitioner understanding of the prevalence, diagnosis and management of coccydynia. Methodology. We designed a simple 5 question survey to administer to our local GPs. The survey was sent to 107 GP practices in Devon whose details were provided by The Devon Access Referral Team. We received 128 electronic replies. We also submitted the survey to 50 GPs who attended a study day at our institution – and ensured they had not already completed the electronic format of the same work. Thus we received 178 replies which we believe to be a highly representative sample of our local GPs opinion. Results. 53% correctly identified the prevalence of the condition. 42% believed the condition to be associated with an underlying psychological disorder. 58% believed there was no proven treatment for the condition. Less than 18% would consider referring the patient to any secondary care service that dealt with chronic spinal pain (Pain clinic, rheumatology or spinal surgery) even if the symptoms persisted beyond 3 months duration. 73% believed surgery was madness or had a less than 20% chance of relieving symptoms. Conclusion. Coccydynia is a painful condition, causing significant distress for those suffering with the condition. Primary care physicians seem reluctant to recognise the problem as significant and reluctant to refer patients for treatment that may offer significant symptomatic relief. Education about the condition is required

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_XXVI | Pages 61 - 61
1 Jun 2012
Bhagat S Lau S Ahuja S
Full Access

Purpose of Study. To investigate current practice of thromboprophylaxis in major UK spinal centres for both trauma and elective surgery, and to asses compliance with NICE guidelines. Methods. A telephonic survey was carried out which comprised of questions relating to current practice of thromboprophylaxis in major spinal units across the UK. Questions probed practice with regard to trauma versus elective surgery, agents used, timing of prophylaxis, length of treatment and whether practice has changed since the introduction of NICE guidelines. Results. Thirty specialised centres were contacted. Twenty eight centres followed NICE recommendations, with 2 centres using their own protocol. Four centres made changes to their existing protocols after the emergence of NICE guidelines. GCS (Graduated compression stockings) were uniformly used by all, with most centres using flowtron boots and/or foot in addition. The practices are differing within centres for elective versus trauma surgery. Of note, in patients with an acute cord injury, 20 centres used combined pre operative prophylaxis whereas 10 centres used only mechanical prophylaxis. Three units (10 %) describe a noticeable rise in complications related to chemoprophylaxis, whilst only one unit has reported a PE death within the last year. Discussion. Our survey assesses compliance to the NICE guidelines by the UK's spinal units. Mechanical prophylaxis appears to be the most common mode of prophylaxis understandably due to predictable safety profile. Use of chemo-prophylaxis varies amongst different surgeons and centres. Rather than a result of evidence based practice, the decision appears to be related to the previous experiences of that unit. Although the NICE guidelines provide a reasonable platform to the practice of thromboprophylaxis, more studies are required to evaluate the risks of thrombosis and bleeding events in spinal surgery

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_X | Pages 64 - 64
1 Apr 2012
Michael A Loughenbury P Dunsmuir R Rao A Millner P
Full Access

To determine the current practice of scoliosis surgery in the UK. A 10 point questionnaire was constructed to identify the philosophy of surgeons on various aspects of scoliosis surgery such as choice of implant, bone graft, autologous blood transfusion (ABT), cord monitoring and computer assisted surgery. Results are compared with the current best evidence. Consultants and Fellows attending the 2009 British Scoliosis Society meeting. 50 questionnaires were completed: 45 Consultants and 5 Fellows. All pedicle screw construct favored by 25/50, hybrid 24/50 (one undecided). Posterior construct of less than 10 levels, 20/50 would not cross-link, 11/50 used one and 19/20 used two or more. More than ten levels 17/50 considered cross-links unnecessary, 4/50 used one and 29/50 used two or more. 88% preferred titanium alloy implants, while a mixture of stainless steel and cobalt chrome was used by others. For bone graft, substitutes (24), iliac crest (14), allograft (12) and demineralised bone matrix (9) in addition to local bone. 10/50 would use recombinant bone morphogenetic protein (3 for revision cases only). 39/50 routinely used intra-operative cell salvage or ABT drains and 4/50 never used autologous blood. All used cord monitoring, Sensory (19/50), Motor (2/50) and combined (29/50). None used computer-aided surgery. 26 operated alone 12 operated in pairs and 12 varied depending on type of case. This survey has brought to light interesting variations in scoliosis surgery in UK. It may reflect the conflicting evidence in the literature

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 100-B, Issue SUPP_2 | Pages 20 - 20
1 Feb 2018
Pavlova A Muthuri S Saunders F Hardy R Gregory J Barr R Martin K Adams J Kuh D Cooper R Aspden R
Full Access

Purpose. To investigate associations between sagittal thoracolumbar spine shape with sex and measures of adiposity throughout adulthood. Methods. Thoracolumbar spine shape was characterised using statistical shape modelling on lateral dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry images, recorded for vertebral fracture analysis, of the spine from 1529 participants of the MRC National Survey of Health and Development, acquired at age 60–64 years. Associations between spine shape modes (SM) and 1) sex, 2) contemporaneous measures of overall and central adiposity (indicated by body mass index and waist circumference, respectively), 3) changes in total and central adiposity during earlier stages of adulthood and age at onset of overweight, were investigated. Results. Four of the first eight spine modes (SM) describing lumbar spine shape differed by sex; on average, women had more lordotic spines than men with relatively smaller but caudally increasing anterior-posterior (a-p) vertebral diameters. Greater BMI and waist circumference and earlier onset of overweight were associated with uneven (or snaking) spinal curvatures (SM2) and larger a-p vertebral diameters (SM3). Central adiposity was also associated with larger caudal disc heights (SM4) in women, especially increases between 36–43 years. Conclusions. Sagittal spine shapes differed by sex and associations with overall and central adiposity also differed. Overweight and greater central adiposity earlier in adulthood were particularly important, and were associated with a straighter but more unevenly curved spine with larger vertebrae and caudal discs heights, possibly explained by a chronic effect of increased mechanical loading on the spine. Conflicts of interest: None. Funding received from MRC

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 79-B, Issue 1 | Pages 48 - 52
1 Jan 1997
Grevitt M Khazim R Webb J Mulholland R Shepperd J

The Short Form-36 (SF-36) health questionnaire has been put forward as a general measure of outcome in health care and has been evaluated in several recent studies in the UK. We report its use in three groups of patients after spinal operations and have compared it with the Oswestry and Low Back Pain disability scales.

There was a significant correlation between all variables of the SF-36 and the low-back scores. The mental-health items had the weakest correlation. Our study shows that the SF-36 questionnaire is valid and has internal consistency when applied to these patients.

Bone & Joint Open
Vol. 4, Issue 9 | Pages 689 - 695
7 Sep 2023
Lim KBL Lee NKL Yeo BS Lim VMM Ng SWL Mishra N

Aims. To determine whether side-bending films in scoliosis are assessed for adequacy in clinical practice; and to introduce a novel method for doing so. Methods. Six surgeons and eight radiographers were invited to participate in four online surveys. The generic survey comprised erect and left and right bending radiographs of eight individuals with scoliosis, with an average age of 14.6 years. Respondents were asked to indicate whether each bending film was optimal (adequate) or suboptimal. In the first survey, they were also asked if they currently assessed the adequacy of bending films. A similar second survey was sent out two weeks later, using the same eight cases but in a different order. In the third survey, a guide for assessing bending film adequacy was attached along with the radiographs to introduce the novel T1-45B method, in which the upper endplate of T1 must tilt ≥ 45° from baseline for the study to be considered optimal. A fourth and final survey was subsequently conducted for confirmation. Results. Overall, 12 (86%) of 14 respondents did not use any criteria to assess the bending film adequacy; the remaining two each described a different invalidated method. In total, 12 (86%) of the respondents felt T1-45B was easy to learn and apply. There was fair to substantial intra-rater reliability (k = 0.25 to 0.88) which improved to fair to almost perfect (k = 0.38 to 0.88) post-introduction of the guide. Inter-rater reliability varied considerably among the rater groups but similarly increased following introduction of the guide (k. S1. = 0.19 to 0.34, k. S2. = 0.33 to 0.43 vs k. S3. = 0.49 to 0.5, k. S4. = 0.35 to 0.43). Conclusion. Many surgeons and radiographers do not assess spinal bending films for adequacy. We propose that the change in the plane of the upper endplate of T1 on side-bending can be used in this evaluation. In the T1-45B method, a change of ≥ 45° on side bending qualifies as an adequate bend effort. Cite this article: Bone Jt Open 2023;4(9):689–695

Bone & Joint Open
Vol. 5, Issue 7 | Pages 612 - 620
19 Jul 2024
Bada ES Gardner AC Ahuja S Beard DJ Window P Foster NE

Aims. People with severe, persistent low back pain (LBP) may be offered lumbar spine fusion surgery if they have had insufficient benefit from recommended non-surgical treatments. However, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) 2016 guidelines recommended not offering spinal fusion surgery for adults with LBP, except as part of a randomized clinical trial. This survey aims to describe UK clinicians’ views about the suitability of patients for such a future trial, along with their views regarding equipoise for randomizing patients in a future clinical trial comparing lumbar spine fusion surgery to best conservative care (BCC; the FORENSIC-UK trial). Methods. An online cross-sectional survey was piloted by the multidisciplinary research team, then shared with clinical professional groups in the UK who are involved in the management of adults with severe, persistent LBP. The survey had seven sections that covered the demographic details of the clinician, five hypothetical case vignettes of patients with varying presentations, a series of questions regarding the preferred management, and whether or not each clinician would be willing to recruit the example patients into future clinical trials. Results. There were 72 respondents, with a response rate of 9.0%. They comprised 39 orthopaedic spine surgeons, 17 neurosurgeons, one pain specialist, and 15 allied health professionals. Most respondents (n = 61,84.7%) chose conservative care as their first-choice management option for all five case vignettes. Over 50% of respondents reported willingness to randomize three of the five cases to either surgery or BCC, indicating a willingness to participate in the future randomized trial. From the respondents, transforaminal interbody fusion was the preferred approach for spinal fusion (n = 19, 36.4%), and the preferred method of BCC was a combined programme of physical and psychological therapy (n = 35, 48.5%). Conclusion. This survey demonstrates that there is uncertainty about the role of lumbar spine fusion surgery and BCC for a range of example patients with severe, persistent LBP in the UK. Cite this article: Bone Jt Open 2024;5(7):612–620

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 106-B, Issue SUPP_15 | Pages 19 - 19
7 Aug 2024
Foster NE Bada E Window P Stovell M Ahuja S Beard D Gardner A
Full Access

Background and Purpose. The UK's NIHR and Australia's NHMRC have funded two randomised controlled trials (RCTs) to determine if lumbar fusion surgery (LFS) is more effective than best conservative care (BCC) for adults with persistent, severe low back pain (LBP) attributable to lumbar spine degeneration. We aimed to describe clinicians’ decision-making regarding suitability of patient cases for LFS or BCC and level of equipoise to randomise participants in the RCTs. Methods. Two online cross-sectional surveys distributed via UK and Australian professional networks to clinicians involved in LBP care, collected data on clinical discipline, practice setting and preferred care of five patient cases (ranging in age, pain duration, BMI, imaging findings, neurological signs/symptoms). Clinicians were also asked about willingness to randomise each patient case. Results. Of 174 responses (73 UK, 101 Australia), 70 were orthopaedic surgeons, 34 neurosurgeons, 65 allied health professionals (AHPs), 5 others. Most worked in public health services only (92% UK, 45% Australia), or a mix of public/private (36% Australia). Most respondents chose BCC as their first-choice management option for all five cases (81–93% UK, 83–91% Australia). For LFS, UK surgeons preferred TLIF (36.4%), whereas Australian surgeons preferred ALIF (54%). Willingness to randomise cases ranged from 37–60% (UK mean 50.7%), and 47–55% (Australian mean 51.9%); orthopaedic and neuro-surgeons were more willing than AHPs. Conclusion. Whilst BCC was preferred for all five patient cases, just over half of survey respondents in both the UK and Australia were willing to randomise cases to either LFS or BCC, indicating clinical equipoise (collective uncertainty) needed for RCT recruitment. Conflicts of interest. None. Sources of funding. No specific funding obtained for the surveys. DB, SA, AG and NEF have funding from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) UK (FORENSIC-UK NIHR134859); NEF, DB and SA have funding from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC FORENSIC-Australia GA268233). AG has funding from Orthopaedic Research UK (combined with British Association of Spine Surgeons and British Scoliosis Society) and Innovate UK. NEF is funded through an Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Investigator Grant (ID: 2018182)

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 104-B, Issue SUPP_9 | Pages 1 - 1
1 Oct 2022
Paskins Z Le Maitre C Farmer C Clark E Mason D Wilkinson C Andersson D Bishop F Brown C Clark A Jones R Loughlin J McCarron M Pandit H Richardson S Salt E Taylor E Troeberg L Wilcox R Barlow T Peat G Watt F
Full Access

Background. Involving research users in setting priorities for research is essential to ensure research outcomes are patient-centred and to maximise research value and impact. The Musculoskeletal (MSK) Disorders Research Advisory Group Versus Arthritis led a research priority setting exercise across MSK disorders. Methods. The Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative (CHRNI) method of setting research priorities with a range of stakeholders were utilised. The MSKD RAG identified, through consensus, four research Domains: Mechanisms of Disease; Diagnosis and Impact; Living Well with MSK disorders and Successful Translation. Following ethical approval, the research priority exercise involved four stages and two surveys, to: 1) gather research uncertainties; 2) consolidate these; 3) score uncertainties using agreed criteria of importance and impact on a score of 1–10; and 4) analyse scoring, for prioritisation. Results. The first survey had 209 respondents, who described 1290 research uncertainties, which were refined into 68 research questions. 285 people responded to the second survey. The largest group of respondents represented patients and carers, followed by researchers and healthcare professionals. A ranked list was produced, with scores ranging between 12 and 18. Key priorities included developing and testing new treatments, better targeting of treatments, early diagnosis, prevention and better understanding and management of pain, with an emphasis on understanding underpinning mechanisms. Conclusions. For the first time, we have summarised priorities for research across MSKD, from discovery science to applied clinical and health research, including translation. We present a call to action to researchers and funders to target these priorities. Conflict of Interest: None. Sources of funding: We thank the funder, Versus Arthritis for their support of the research advisory groups and this activity

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 104-B, Issue 11 | Pages 1242 - 1248
1 Nov 2022
Yang X Arts MP Bartels RHMA Vleggeert-Lankamp CLA

Aims. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the type of cervical disc herniation influences the severity of symptoms at the time of presentation, and the outcome after surgical treatment. Methods. The type and extent of disc herniation at the time of presentation in 108 patients who underwent anterior discectomy for cervical radiculopathy were analyzed on MRI, using a four-point scale. These were dichotomized into disc bulge and disc herniation groups. Clinical outcomes were evaluated using the Neck Disability Index (NDI), 36-Item Short Form Survey (SF-36), and a visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain in the neck and arm at baseline and two years postoperatively. The perceived recovery was also assessed at this time. Results. At baseline, 46 patients had a disc bulge and 62 had a herniation. There was no significant difference in the mean NDI and SF-36 between the two groups at baseline. Those in the disc bulge group had a mean NDI of 44.6 (SD 15.2) compared with 43.8 (SD 16.0) in the herniation group (p = 0.799), and a mean SF-36 of 59.2 (SD 6.9) compared with 59.4 (SD 7.7) (p = 0.895). Likewise, there was no significant difference in the incidence of disabling arm pain in the disc bulge and herniation groups (84% vs 73%; p = 0.163), and no significant difference in the incidence of disabling neck pain in the two groups (70.5% (n = 31) vs 63% (n = 39); p = 0.491). At two years after surgery, no significant difference was found in any of the clinical parameters between the two groups. Conclusion. In patients with cervical radiculopathy, the type and extent of disc herniation measured on MRI prior to surgery correlated neither to the severity of the symptoms at presentation, nor to clinical outcomes at two years postoperatively. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2022;104-B(11):1242–1248

Abstract. MAGnetic Expansion Control (MAGEC) rods are used in the surgical treatment of children with early onset scoliosis. The magnetically controlled lengthening mechanism enables rod distractions without the need for repeated invasive surgery. The CE certification of these devices was suspended in March 2021 due, primarily, to performance evidence gaps in the documents provided by the manufacturer to regulators and notified bodies. MAGEC rods are therefore not permitted for use in countries requiring CE marking. This was a survey of 18 MAGEC rod surgeons in the UK about their perception of the impact of the CE suspension on the clinical management of their patients. Unsurprisingly, virtually all perceived a negative impact, reflecting the complexity of this patient group. Reassuringly, these surgeons are highly experienced in alternative treatment methods. Cite this article: Bone Jt Open 2022;3(2):155–157

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 106-B, Issue SUPP_15 | Pages 5 - 5
7 Aug 2024
Evans DW Brownhill K
Full Access

Background. Disability is an important multifaceted construct. Identifying sources of disability could help optimise patient care. The aim of this study was to test an approach that not only estimates severity of disability, but also identifies the source(s) of this disability. Methods. An online survey was used to collect data from a convenience sample, recruited via email and social media invitations. Two generic measures of disability, the 8-item Universal Disability Index (UDI8) and Groningen Activity Restriction Scale (GARS) were used to estimate the prevalence and severity of disability in this sample. Non-zero UDI8 item responses generated conditional sub-questions, in which participants could attribute their activity limitations to one or more sources (pain, fatigue, worry, mood, and other). This allowed for a decomposition of UDI8 scores into source components. Results. 403 participants enrolled; 334 completed all UDI8 and GARS items. Of these, 85.3% (285/334) reported at least one restricted activity via the UDI8, while 43.4% (145/334) reported some reduced independence via the GARS. Disability severity increased with age until approximately 40 years, after which it decreased gradually. Pain component scores were high in all individuals with higher and lower disability severity, whereas fatigue component scores were highest in individuals reporting higher disability severity. Worry, mood, and other component scores were not high at any level of disability severity. Conclusions. This approach should be used to identify the prevalence, severity and sources of disability in the general population and in specific patient groups. Conflicts of interest. No conflicts of interest. Sources of funding. No funding obtained

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 106-B, Issue SUPP_15 | Pages 9 - 9
7 Aug 2024
Evans DW
Full Access

Background. Disability is an important multifaceted construct. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a brief, generic self-reported disability questionnaire: the Universal Disability Index (UDI). Methods. Convenience sampling was used to collect general population data via an online survey. Data were randomly divided into training and validation subsets. The dimensionality and structure of eight UDI questionnaire items were evaluated using exploratory factor analysis (EFA, training subset) followed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA, validation subset). To assess concurrent validity, the UDI summed score from the full dataset was compared to the Groningen Activity Restriction Scale (GARS) and the Graded Chronic Pain Scale (GCPS) disability scores. Internal consistency was also assessed. Results. 403 participants enrolled; 364 completed at least one UDI item. Three single-factor versions of the UDI were assessed (8-item, 7-item, and 6-item). All versions performed well during EFA and CFA (182 cases assigned to each), but none met the RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation) criterion (≤ 0.08). All versions of the UDI had high internal consistency (Cronbach's α > 0.90) and were strongly correlated (Pearson's r > 0.7) with both GARS and GCPS disability scores, indicating concurrent validity. Conclusions. A brief, generic self-reported disability questionnaire was found to be valid and to possess good psychometric properties. The UDI has a single factor structure and either a 6-item, 7-item or 8-item version can be used to measure disability. For brevity and parsimony, the 6-item UDI is recommended, but further testing of all versions is warranted. Conflicts of interest. No conflicts of interest. Sources of funding. No funding obtained

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 103-B, Issue SUPP_11 | Pages 11 - 11
1 Sep 2021
Abdullahi H Fenner C Ajayi B Fragkakis EM Lupu C Bishop T Bernard J Lui DF
Full Access

Introduction. Scoliosis surgery is a life-changing procedure, but not devoid of perioperative complications. Often patients' scoring systems do not cover their real-life needs, including return to pre-surgery activity. Return to school, physical education (PE) is an important indirect marker of recovery. Although anterior spinal fusion (ASF) may have advantages, compared to posterior spinal fusion (PSF), because of motion-saved segments, there is a paucity of literature about post-operative return to school/PE in the compared groups. Aim. To determine the recovery time for patients with scoliosis who underwent anterior spinal fusion (ASF) and posterior spinal fusion (PSF). Design. Prospective cohort. Methods. Patients undergoing Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) surgery from 2018–2019, were examined. We excluded no-AIS and over 18y patients. The Scoliosis Sports Survey validated questionnaire was administered post-operatively regarding return to school, PE and other physical activities. ASF and PSF groups were subcategorised into: Selective Anterior Thoracic Fusion (SATF), Thoracolumbar Fusion (TLF), Short Posterior Spinal Fusion (SPSF) and Long Posterior Spinal Fusion (LPSF) procedures. Hospital length of stay (HLOS) and ICU LOS were recorded. Results. A total of 81 patients were contacted and 43 responded to the survey. The different procedures, return to school / PE, HLOS / ICU LOS, costoplasty are all analysed as shown below in Table 1. Conclusions. Anterior and posterior fusions had similar return to school rates at 1–3 months. The TLF and 2-stages groups returned to school the quickest, whilst the SATF had the longest return time. PSF patients returned to PE faster than ASF. Costoplasty, did not affect return time to school and PE. Further research assessing shorter fusions benefits should be conducted. For any figures or tables, please contact the authors directly

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 103-B, Issue 9 | Pages 1464 - 1471
1 Sep 2021
Barker TP Steele N Swamy G Cook A Rai A Crawford R Lutchman L

Aims. Cauda equina syndrome (CES) can be associated with chronic severe lower back pain and long-term autonomic dysfunction. This study assesses the recently defined core outcome set for CES in a cohort of patients using validated questionnaires. Methods. Between January 2005 and December 2019, 82 patients underwent surgical decompression for acute CES secondary to massive lumbar disc prolapse at our hospital. After review of their records, patients were included if they presented with the clinical and radiological features of CES, then classified as CES incomplete (CESI) or with painless urinary retention (CESR) in accordance with guidelines published by the British Association of Spinal Surgeons. Patients provided written consent and completed a series of questionnaires. Results. In total, 61 of 82 patients returned a completed survey. Their mean age at presentation was 43 years (20 to 77; SD 12.7), and the mean duration of follow-up 58.2 months (11 to 182; SD 45.3). Autonomic dysfunction was frequent: 33% of patients reported bladder dysfunction, and 10% required a urinary catheter. There was a 38% and 53% incidence of bowel and sexual dysfunction, respectively: 47% of patients reported genital numbness. A total of 67% reported significant back pain: 44% required further investigation and 10% further intervention for the management of lower back pain. Quality of life was lower than expected when corrected for age and sex. Half the patients reported moderate or worse depression, and 40% of patients of working age could no longer work due to problems attributable to CES. Urinary and faecal incontinence, catheter use, sexual dysfunction, and genital numbness were significantly more common in patients with CESR. Conclusion. This study reports the long-term outcome of patients with CES and is the first to use validated patient-reported outcome measures to assess the CES Core Outcome Set. Persistent severe back pain and on-going autonomic dysfunction were frequently reported at a mean follow-up of five years. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2021;103-B(9):1464–1471