Hallux valgus (HV) presents as a common forefoot deformity that causes problems with pain, mobility, footwear, and quality of life. The most common open correction used in the UK is the Scarf and Akin osteotomy, which has good clinical and radiological outcomes and high levels of patient
Injuries to the quadriceps muscle group are common in athletes performing high-speed running and kicking sports. The complex anatomy of the rectus femoris puts it at greatest risk of injury. There is variability in prognosis in the literature, with reinjury rates as high as 67% in the severe graded proximal tear. Studies have highlighted that athletes can reinjure after nonoperative management, and some benefit may be derived from surgical repair to restore function and return to sport (RTS). This injury is potentially career-threatening in the elite-level athlete, and we aim to highlight the key recent literature on interventions to restore strength and function to allow early RTS while reducing the risk of injury recurrence. This article reviews the optimal diagnostic strategies and classification of quadriceps injuries. We highlight the unique anatomy of each injury on MRI and the outcomes of both nonoperative and operative treatment, providing an evidence-based management framework for athletes. Cite this article:
Over the past 30 years there have been many improvements
in implant fixation, correction of deformity, improved polyethylene
wear, and survival after knee replacement. The work over the last
decade has focused on less invasive surgical techniques, multimodal
pain management protocols, more rapid functional recovery and reduced
length of stay, aiming to minimise the side effects of treatment
while maintaining function and implant durability. When combined
and standardised these pre-, intra- and post-operative factors have
now facilitated outpatient knee replacement procedures for unicompartmental
replacement, patella femoral arthroplasty and total knee replacement
(TKR). We have found liposomal bupivacaine, with potential for longer
therapeutic action, to be a helpful adjunct and describe our current
pain management program. The next step in our multimodal program
is to improve the duration of patient
We have reviewed the literature to establish the role of lateral retinacular release in the management of disorders of the extensor apparatus of the knee. The scientific evidence for intervention is explored and reports on outcome are discussed.
Chronic patellofemoral instability can be a disabling condition. Management of patients with this condition has improved owing to our increased knowledge of the functional anatomy of the patellofemoral joint. Accurate assessment of the underlying pathology in the unstable joint enables the formulation of appropriate treatment. The surgical technique employed in patients for whom non-operative management has failed should address the diagnosed abnormality. We have reviewed the literature on the stabilising features of the patellofemoral joint, the recommended investigations and the appropriate forms of treatment.
This paper describes the presence of tenodesis effects in normal physiology and explores the uses of operative tenodesis in surgery of the upper limb.
The management of patients with a painful total knee replacement requires careful assessment and a stepwise approach in order to diagnose the underlying pathology accurately. The management should include a multidisciplinary approach to the patient’s pain as well as addressing the underlying aetiology. Pain should be treated with appropriate analgesia, according to the analgesic ladder of the World Health Organisation. Special measures should be taken to identify and to treat any neuropathic pain. There are a number of intrinsic and extrinsic causes of a painful knee replacement which should be identified and treated early. Patients with unexplained pain and without any recognised pathology should be treated conservatively since they may improve over a period of time and rarely do so after a revision operation.
This review discusses the pathogenesis and surgical treatment of tears of the rotator cuff.
Orthopaedic outcome measures are used to evaluate the effect of operative interventions. They are used for audit and research. Knowledge of these measures is becoming increasingly important with league tables comparing surgeons and hospitals being made accessible to the profession and the general public. Several types of tool are available to describe outcome after hip surgery such as generic quality-of-life questionnaires, disease-specific quality-of-life questionnaires, hip-specific outcome measures and general short-term clinical measures. We provide an overview of the outcome measures commonly used to evaluate hip interventions.