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Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 104-B, Issue SUPP_11 | Pages 42 - 42
1 Nov 2022
Kumar K Van Damme F Audenaert E Khanduja V Malviya A
Full Access

Abstract. Introduction. Recurrent groin pain following periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) is a challenging problem. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the position and dynamics of the psoas tendon as a potential cause for recurrent groin pain following PAO. Methods. Patients with recurrent groin pain following PAO were identified from a single surgeon series. A total of 13 patients with 18 hips (4.7%) out of a 386 PAO, had recurrent groin pain. Muscle path of the psoas tendon was accurately represented using 3D models from CT data were created with Mimics software. A validated discrete element model using rigid body springs was used to predict psoas tendon movement during hip circumduction and walking. Results. Five out of the 18 hips did not show any malformations at the osteotomy site. Thirteen hips (72%) showed malformation secondary to callus at the superior pubic ramus. These were classified into: osteophytes at the osteotomy site, hypertrophic callus or non-union and malunion at the osteotomy. Mean minimal distance of the psoas tendon to osteophytes was found to be 6.24 mm (n=6) and to the osteotomy site was 14.18 mm (n=18). Conclusions. Recurrent groin pain after PAO needs a thorough assessment. One need to have a high suspicion of psoas issues as a cause. 3D CT scan may be necessary to identify causes related to healing of the pubic osteotomy. Dynamic ultrasound of the psoas psoas tendon may help in evaluating for psoas impingement as a cause of recurrent groin pain in these cases

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 104-B, Issue SUPP_10 | Pages 57 - 57
1 Oct 2022
Young B Dudareva M Vicentine M Hotchen A McNally M
Full Access

Aim. We reviewed a cohort of individuals with recurrent orthopaedic infection to describe the relative rates of microbial persistence vs re-infection at recurrence surgery. Method. A cohort of 125 individuals with recurrent infection (prosthetic joint infection, fracture-related infection and osteomyelitis) from two centres in the UK between 2007 and 2021. Electronic patient records were reviewed to identify culture results from surgical samples at index surgery and the next operation for recurrent infection. Antibiotic sensitivity results were recorded as sensitive, intermediate or resistant according to contemporary sensitivity testing guidelines. Results. Among patients with recurrent infection, 78/125 (62.4%) were male, with a median age 64 years (IQR 51–73y). 76 had prosthetic joint infection, and 49 had fracture related infection or osteomyelitis. Culture results at index procedure showed the most frequently isolated species were Staphylococci (Table 1). A single species was isolated in 75/125 (60%) and mixed species in 36/125 (28.8%). No organisms were cultured in 14/125 (11.2%). At re-operation 48/125 (38.4%) individuals had an organism from the same species or group as at the index operation. In 49/125 (39.2%), none of the organisms isolated at re-operation were grown at first operation. In 28/125 (22.4%), re-operative cultures yielded no growth. For each species isolated at the index procedure, the proportion with the same, different or no organisms isolated at the next procedure were reviewed (Table 1). Staphylococci (including S. aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci) and Pseudomonas species showed the highest rate of persistence at the species level. Among coagulase-negative staphylococci, changes in antimicrobial sensitivity that make it unclear if these infections were truly persistent, or represented re-infection. Conclusions. Infection with different organisms was seen at similar rates (39.2% vs 38.4%) to persistent infection with the same species in this cohort. Staphylococcus aureus is the organism most likely to be persistently identified in recurrent infections

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 104-B, Issue SUPP_13 | Pages 75 - 75
1 Dec 2022
Rousseau-Saine A Kerslake S Hiemstra LA
Full Access

Recurrent patellar instability is a common problem and there are multiple demographic and pathoanatomic risk factors that predispose patients to dislocating their patella. The most common of these is trochlear dysplasia. In cases of severe trochlear dysplasia associated with patellar instability, a sulcus deepening trochleoplasty combined with a medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction (MPFLR) may be indicated. Unaddressed trochlear pathology has been associated with failure and poor post-operative outcomes after stabilization. The purpose of this study is to report the clinical outcome of patients having undergone a trochleoplasty and MPFLR for recurrent lateral patellofemoral instability in the setting of high-grade trochlear dysplasia at a mean of 2 years follow-up. A prospectively collected database was used to identify 46 patients (14 bilateral) who underwent a combined primary MPFLR and trochleoplasty for recurrent patellar instability with high-grade trochlear dysplasia between August 2013 and July 2021. A single surgeon performed a thin flap trochleoplasty using a lateral para-patellar approach with lateral retinaculum lengthening in all 60 cases. A tibial tubercle osteotomy (TTO) was performed concomitantly in seven knees (11.7%) and the MPFLR was performed with a gracilis tendon autograft in 22%, an allograft tendon in 27% and a quadriceps tendon autograft in 57% of cases. Patients were assessed post-operatively at three weeks and three, six, 12 and 24 months. The primary outcome was the Banff Patellar Instability Instrument 2.0 (BPII 2.0) and secondary outcomes were incidence of recurrent instability, complications and reoperations. The mean age was 22.2 years (range, 13 to 45), 76.7% of patients were female, the mean BMI was 25.03 and the prevalence of a positive Beighton score (>4/9) was 40%. The mean follow-up was 24.3 (range, 6 to 67.7) months and only one patient was lost to follow-up before one year post-operatively. The BPII 2.0 improved significantly from a mean of 27.3 pre-operatively to 61.1 at six months (p < 0 .01) and further slight improvement to a mean of 62.1 at 12 months and 65.6 at 24 months post-operatively. Only one patient (1.6%) experienced a single event of subluxation without frank dislocation at nine months. There were three reoperations (5%): one for removal of the TTO screws and prominent chondral nail, one for second-look arthroscopy for persistent J-sign and one for mechanical symptoms associated with overgrowth of a lateral condyle cartilage repair with a bioscaffold. There were no other complications. In this patient cohort, combined MPFLR and trochleoplasty for recurrent patellar instability with severe trochlear dysplasia led to significant improvement of patient reported outcome scores and no recurrence of patellar dislocation at a mean of 2 years. Furthermore, in this series the procedure demonstrated a low rate (5%) of complications and reoperations

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 101-B, Issue SUPP_8 | Pages 52 - 52
1 May 2019
Jacobs J
Full Access

Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) necessitates disruption of well-vascularised tissue during exposure and soft tissue release as well as from the cutting of bone, and thus bleeding into the joint space routinely occurs to some degree following TKA. Defining a complication from bleeding is not necessarily straightforward, but includes 3 different conditions: hemarthrosis, hematoma, and bloody wound drainage. All of these conditions can be seen in the normal postoperative setting, and when mild, may be simply observed. However, persistent swelling resulting in clinical symptoms should be appropriately treated. A hemarthrosis is defined as blood being contained in the knee capsule. Although some bleeding is expected, “excessive” hemarthrosis results in increased pain limiting or difficulty regaining motion. If high levels of fluid pressure are present, rupture of the arthrotomy may occur. A hematoma occurs when intra-articular blood escapes the arthrotomy and drains into the overlying soft tissues. This may occur following performance of a large lateral release or an insufficient arthrotomy closure or simply secondary to a large hemarthrosis under tension. Symptoms include ecchymosis, soft tissue swelling, and potential skin complications. Increased pain and limited range of motion frequently accompany these symptoms. Wound drainage may present as a knee that continues to have bloody or serous drainage that continues long after the first or second dressing change. It is this continued wound drainage that is most worrisome, with increased wound infection rates when prolonged drainage is allowed to persist. While excessive bleeding during the early postoperative period is most common, isolated or recurrent hemarthrosis may occur long after recovery from surgery. The incidence of postoperative hemarthrosis is not well studied, but the need for surgical treatment is uncommon. Recurrent hemarthrosis is also relatively rare after TKA and has been reported at rates between 0.3% and 1.6%. The etiology of this complication can be systemic or local, and initial workup should include coagulation studies to rule out any underlying systemic coagulopathy. Conservative therapy including rest, cooling, and elevation is the preferred treatment for mild cases. If conservative treatment is not successful, or the acute hemarthrosis is clinically tense, interfering with recovery, or threatening wound healing, drainage may be the preferable option. This can be done by opening the arthrotomy in the operating room or through large bore arthroscopy cannulae. Careful attention to debridement of clotted blood must be followed by a meticulous search for potential sources of bleeding which should be managed appropriately. Recurrent hemarthrosis may occur at any time but is not commonly diagnosed until the patient has left the early recovery period. Repeated bleeding episodes may lead to an inflammatory cascade that propagates bleeding events more readily. If coagulation studies are normal, the most common source is the impingement of proliferative synovium or other retained soft tissue between the articulating components of the knee prosthesis. Other causes may be multifactorial and synergistic but are not well understood, making diagnosis and treatment more difficult. If symptoms persist, classical treatment has consisted of open or arthroscopic synovectomy. Over the past decade angiography and angiographic embolization of the source of bleeding has been successful. In a recent meta-analysis including 99 patients, technical success rates of 99% were noted, though 2 cases became infected and 10 cases suffered recurrent bleeding episodes. Radio-active synovectomy has also been successful

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 104-B, Issue SUPP_13 | Pages 59 - 59
1 Dec 2022
Hiemstra LA Bentrim A Kerslake S Lafave M
Full Access

The Banff Patellofemoral Instability Instrument 2.0 (BPII 2.0) is a patient-reported disease-specific quality of life (QOL) outcome measure used to assess patients with recurrent lateral patellofemoral instability (LPI) both pre- and post-operatively. The purpose of this study was to compare the BPII 2.0 to four other relevant patient reported outcome measures (PROMs): the Tampa Scale-11 for kinesiophobia (TSK-11), the pain catastrophizing scale (PCS), a general QOL (EQ-5D-5L), and a return to sport index (ACL-RSI). This concurrent validation sought to compare and correlate the BPII 2.0 with these other measures of physical, psychological, and emotional health. The psychological and emotional status of patients can impact recovery and rehabilitation, and therefore a disease-specific PROM may be unable to consistently identify patients who would benefit from interventions encompassing a holistic and person-focused approach in addition to disease-specific treatment. One hundred and ten patients with recurrent lateral patellofemoral instability (LPI) were assessed at a tertiary orthopaedic practice between January and October 2021. Patients were consented into the study and asked to complete five questionnaires: the BPII 2.0, TSK-11, PCS, EQ-5D-5L, and the ACL-RSI at their initial orthopaedic consultation. Descriptive demographic statistics were collected for all patients. A Pearson's r correlation coefficient was employed to examine the relationships between the five PROMs. These analyses were computed using SPSS 28.0 © (IBM Corporation, 2021). One hundred and ten patients with a mean age of 25.7 (SD = 9.8) completed the five PROMs. There were 29 males (26.3%) and 81 females (73.6%) involving 50% symptomatic left knees and 50% symptomatic right knees. The mean age of the first dislocation was 15.4 years (SD = 7.3; 1-6) and the mean BMI was 26.5 (SD = 7.3; range = 12.5-52.6) The results of the Pearson's r correlation coefficient demonstrated that the BPII 2.0 was statistically significantly related to all of the assessed PROM's (p. There was significant correlation evident between the BPII 2.0 and the four other PROMs assessed in this study. The BPII 2.0 does not explicitly measure kinesiophobia or pain catastrophizing, however, the significant statistical relationship of the TSK-11 and PCS to the BPII 2.0 suggests that this information is being captured and reflected. The preliminary results of this concurrent validation suggest that the pre-operative data may offer predictive validity. Future research will explore the ability of the BPII 2.0 to predict patient quality of life following surgery

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_4 | Pages 7 - 7
3 Mar 2023
Hughes I May J Carpenter C
Full Access

Introduction. Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) is a rare condition characterised by bony pain and swelling which may be initially mistaken for bacterial osteomyelitis. The episodic course of the disease may confound the diagnosis and potentially be mistaken for a partial response to antimicrobial therapy. It is an orphan disease and consequently results in many unclear aspects of diagnosis, treatment and follow up for patients. The aim of this study is to evaluate a national tertiary centre's experience with the clinical condition and present one of the largest cohorts to date, emphasizing the vast array of clinical spectrum, course and response to treatment. Methods. We retrospectively evaluated all children identified with CRMO from the period 2000–2022 within Wales. Demographic data and clinical parameters were selectively identified through the utilisation of a national clinical platform (Welsh Clinical Portal). The diagnosis was based on clinical findings, radiological images, histopathological and microbiological studies. Results. A total of 21 patients were identified as suitable for inclusion. The mean age of diagnosis was 9.4 ±2 years. The age range of children being diagnosed was 6–14 years. Of the 21 patients, only 2 reported feeling unwell prior to their first presentation with generalized coryzal illness reported. The most common presenting site for CRMO was knee (33%) followed by back pain (28%). 19% of the included cases at initial presentation had localised warmth and had nocturnal pain. 4 of the patients went on to have dermatological conditions of which psoriasis was the most common (14%). Bilateral symptoms developed in 38% of the included patients. Biochemical investigations revealed only 19% of patients had a raised C-reactive protein level and erythrocyte sedimentation rate whilst 9/21 patients went on to have a bone biopsy to aid diagnosis. 100% of patients had MRI whilst whole body MRI was utilised in 8/21 patients. NSAID's were utilised for 81%, Pamidronate for 33% and methotrexate for 14%. Biologics were utilised for a further 24% of the total population in failed medical therapy. Surgical intervention was utilised for a single individual in this cohort of patients in the form of posterior spinal stabilisation. The most common referring speciality for these patients was Rheumatology (71%) followed by Orthopaedics (33%). Discussion. CRMO represents a challenging diagnosis to make with such varied clinical and biochemical presentations for this condition. The absence of diagnostic Radiological features on X-ray could argue over early MRI imaging. The utilisation of whole body-MRI can now identify multifocal disease burden which may facilitate a timely diagnosis and ensure that effective medical treatment is started promptly without delay. This study is the largest cohort of CRMO patients conducted in this country. Future work will serve to build upon a framework and national referral pathway so that these patients can be seen by the appropriate specialist in a timely manner

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 101-B, Issue SUPP_8 | Pages 87 - 87
1 May 2019
Sculco T
Full Access

Although the incidence of total hip dislocation has decreased, it still remains a major problem particularly if recurrent. The actual incidence is around 1–2% but it has been documented as the leading cause for hip revision in the United States. In patients with recurrent hip dislocation, technical issues of leg length inequality, incorrect offset, and poor implant position should be addressed surgically and the abnormality corrected. In patients with recurrent hip dislocation, the articulation is preferably converted to a more stable articulation, with constrained sockets and dual mobility being the choices. In my experience, dual mobility articulations remain an excellent option for recurrent hip dislocation and its use is increasing significantly. It provides improved hip stability and data have demonstrated good success with recurrent hip dislocation. However, with use of the modular variety of dual mobility which is needed for acetabular cup fixation with screw augmentation, dissimilar metals are placed in contact (titanium socket and cobalt chrome liner insert) which potentially can pose a fretting or corrosion problem in longer term outcomes. Constrained sockets of the tripolar configuration provide another option which is useful in those patients with severe abductor dysfunction or insufficiency. Constrained sockets can also be cemented into the existing shell in cases where there is a well-fixed cup and cup removal may lead to significant bone loss and a need for complex acetabular reconstruction. It is important to remember that there are two types of constrained sockets, tripolar and focal constraint. Results with the tripolar constrained socket have been significantly better than the focal constraint variety which adds a polyethylene rim piece to the liner. In a mid-term follow up (2–9 years) of 116 constrained tripolar sockets, recurrent dislocation was only 3.3%. In papers reporting on focal constrained sockets, recurrent dislocation was in the 9–29% range. There continues to be a role for constrained sockets and selection of implant type has made a difference in ultimate outcome

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 100-B, Issue SUPP_10 | Pages 26 - 26
1 Jun 2018
Sculco T
Full Access

Although the incidence of total hip dislocation has decreased, it still remains a major problem particularly if recurrent. The actual incidence is around 1–2% but it has been documented as the leading cause for hip revision in the United States. In patients with recurrent hip dislocation, technical issues of leg length inequality, incorrect offset, and poor implant position should be addressed surgically and the abnormality corrected. In patients with recurrent hip dislocation, the articulation is preferably converted to a more stable articulation, with constrained sockets and dual mobility being the choices. In my experience, dual mobility articulations remain an excellent option for recurrent hip dislocation and its use is increasing significantly. It provides improved hip stability and data have demonstrated good success with recurrent hip dislocation. However, with use of the modular variety of dual mobility which is needed for acetabular cup fixation with screw augmentation, dissimilar metals are placed in contact (titanium socket and cobalt chrome liner insert) which potentially can pose a fretting or corrosion problem in longer term outcomes. Constrained sockets of the tripolar configuration provide another option which is useful in those patients with severe abductor dysfunction or insufficiency. Constrained sockets can also be cemented into the existing shell in cases where there is a well-fixed cup and cup removal may lead to significant bone loss and need for complex acetabular reconstruction. It is important to remember that there are two types of constrained sockets, tripolar and focal constraint. Results with the tripolar constrained socket have been significantly better than the focal constraint variety which adds a polyethylene rim piece to the liner. In a mid-term follow up (2–9 years) of 116 constrained tripolar sockets, recurrent dislocation was only 3.3%. In papers reporting on focal constrained sockets, recurrent dislocation was in the 9–29% range. There continues to be a role for constrained sockets and selection of implant type has made a difference in ultimate outcome

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 95-B, Issue SUPP_15 | Pages 214 - 214
1 Mar 2013
Kawano S Sonohata M Takayama G Tsukamoto M Kiajima M Mawatari M
Full Access

Background. Dislocation is one of the commonest complications of total hip arthroplasty (THA) with incidence of between 0.3 and 10% in primary, and from 15 % to 30% of revision cases. Despite this, little is known of the outcome of treatment strategies for dislocation. In this study, we evaluated clinical results in patient undergoing revision THA for recurrent dislocation. Materials and Methods. Twenty-four hips underwent revision THA for recurrent instability between 1998 and 2011 at our institution. Nine patients were male, and 15 were female. At the time of revision, the average age was 69.9 years (range, 45–83 years). Average follow-up was 29.8 months (range, 6–72 months). We recorded the number of times of dislocation, the direction of dislocation, the factor of dislocation and the operative strategy employed for each case. Demographic data and surgical treatment used were analyzed to determine risk factors for failure. We performed Mann-Whitney rank sum test, Student's t-test and Fisher exact test to evaluate the factors influencing failure. Significance was defined as a p value of <0.05 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 12.0 J for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA)). Results. Before revision surgery, dislocation was occurred more than three times in all cases. The anterior dislocation was only four cases. In the factor of dislocation, 5 were malposition of implant, 11 were soft tissue imbalance, 3 were highly posterior tilting of pelvic and 5 were multi-factorial. Revision treatment includedã��liner and ball exchange in 19 hips, cup exchange in 5 hips. There was eight substitution to constrain liner for sever soft tissue imbalance. Nine (37.5%) had further dislocation. Cup revision for implant malposition was a successful method in recurrent instability (P=0.04). Constrain liner exchange (P=0.03) was associated with higher failure rate. Conclusion. Recurrent dislocation has complex problems with multifaceted etiology that requires extensive preoperative planning of each dislocation factors and availability of multiple surgical options

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_XXI | Pages 85 - 85
1 May 2012
M.A. A C.M. R
Full Access

This study was performed to assess the incidence of generalised ligament laxity in patients presented with recurrent shoulder dislocations. Prospective data was collected for 38 patients with recurrent shoulder dislocations and 43 patients with clavicle fractures as a control group between May 2007 and July 2009, including demographic details, mechanism of injury, number of dislocations and hyperlaxity. Clinical examination was used to assess the ligament laxity using the Beighton score. The mean age was 29 years with a range from 14-40 years. There were 36 males and 2 females. The left shoulder was involved in 21 patients; right in 13 patients and 4 patients had bilateral shoulder dislocations. The average number of dislocations was 3 with a range from 2-17, while the average number of subluxations was 4.5 with a range from 0-35. The average Beighton score for the patients with recurrent shoulder dislocations was 2.8 with a range from 0-8. 17 patients (45%) in this group had a Beighton score of 4 or more as compared to the control group that had only 12 patients (27%) There was a statistically significant difference between the 2 groups with a P value of < 0.05. 8 patients (21%) fulfilled the Brighton criteria for BJHS. The most common cause of recurrent shoulder dislocation was sports related injuries in 26 patients (68%). The most common sport was football in 14 patients (37%) followed by rugby in 10 (26%) patients. We looked at the incidence of generalised ligament laxity in patients with recurrent shoulder dislocations and found a statistically significant difference as compared with the control group. 21% of the patients fulfilled the Brighton criteria for BJHS but 45% had a Beighton score of 4 or more. Appropriate advice should be given to these patients with hyperlaxity and the timing of shoulder stabilisation should be carefully decided

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 101-B, Issue SUPP_8 | Pages 86 - 86
1 May 2019
Lachiewicz P
Full Access

Dual mobility components for total hip arthroplasty provide for an additional articular surface, with the goals of improving range of motion, jump distance, and overall stability of the prosthetic hip joint. A large polyethylene head articulates with a polished metal acetabular component, and an additional smaller metal or ceramic head is snap-fit into the large polyethylene. In some European centers, these components are routinely used for primary total hip arthroplasty. However, their greatest utility will be to prevent and manage recurrent dislocation in the setting of revision total hip arthroplasty. Several retrospective series have shown satisfactory results for this indication at medium-term follow-up times. The author has used dual mobility components on two occasions to salvage a failed constrained liner. At least one center reports that dual mobility outperforms 40mm femoral heads in revision arthroplasty. Modular dual mobility components, with screw fixation, are the author's first choice for the treatment of recurrent dislocation, revision of failed metal-on-metal resurfacing or total hips, unipolar arthroplasties, and salvage of failed constrained liners. There are concerns of elevated metal levels with one design, and acute early intra-prosthetic dissociation following attempted closed reduction. Total hip surgeons no longer use conventional polyethylene, autologous blood donation, or a hemovac drain; now constrained components join these obsolete techniques! In 2018, a dual mobility component, rather than a constrained liner, is the preferred solution in revision surgery to prevent and manage recurrent dislocation

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 100-B, Issue SUPP_10 | Pages 103 - 103
1 Jun 2018
Rosenberg A
Full Access

Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) necessitates disruption of well vascularised tissue during exposure and soft tissue release as well as from the cutting of bone, and thus bleeding into the joint space routinely occurs to some degree following TKA. Defining a complication from bleeding is not necessarily straightforward, but includes 3 different conditions: hemarthrosis, hematoma, and bloody wound drainage. All of these conditions can be seen in the normal post-operative setting, and when mild may be simply observed. However, persistent swelling resulting in clinical symptoms should be appropriately treated. A hemarthrosis is defined as blood being contained in the knee capsule. Although some bleeding is expected, “excessive” hemarthrosis results in increased pain limiting or difficulty regaining motion. If high levels of fluid pressure are present, rupture of the arthrotomy may occur. A hematoma occurs when intra-articular blood escapes the arthrotomy and drains into the overlying soft tissues. This may occur following performance of a large lateral release or an insufficient arthrotomy closure or simply secondary to a large hemarthrosis under tension. Symptoms include ecchymosis, soft tissue swelling, and potential skin complications. Increased pain and limited range of motion frequently accompany these symptoms. Wound drainage may present as a knee that continues to have bloody or serous drainage that continues long after the first or second dressing change. It is this continued wound drainage that is most worrisome with increased wound infection rates when prolonged drainage is allowed to persist. The incidence of post-operative hemarthrosis as a clinical problem is not well studied, but the need for surgical treatment is uncommon. Recurrent hemarthrosis is also relatively rare after total knee arthroplasty and has been reported at rates between 0.3% and 1.6%. The etiology of this complication can be systemic or local, and initial work-up should include coagulation studies to rule out any underling systemic coagulopathy. Conservative therapy including rest, cooling, and elevation is the preferred treatment for mild cases. If conservative treatment is not successful, or the acute hemarthrosis is clinically tense, interfering with recovery, or threatening wound healing, drainage may be the preferable option. This can be done by opening the arthrotomy in the operating room or through a large bore arthroscopy cannulae. Careful attention to debridement of clotted blood must be followed by a meticulous search for potential sources of bleeding which should be managed appropriately. Recurrent hemarthrosis may occur at any time after surgery. Repeated bleeding episodes may lead to an inflammatory cascade that propagates bleeding events more readily. If coagulation studies are normal, the most common source is the impingement of proliferative synovium or other retained soft tissue between the articulating components of the knee prosthesis. Other causes include damage to the geniculate or popliteal vessels with pseudo aneurysm formation. Mild to moderate clinical knee instability may be associated with bloody synovial effusions but limited clinical complaint specific to instability. Other causes may be multifactorial and synergistic but are not well understood, making diagnosis and treatment more difficult. If symptoms persist, and the resulting disability is sufficient, classical treatment has consisted of open or arthroscopic synovectomy. Over the past decade angiography and angiographic embolization of the source of bleeding has been shown to be successful. Radio-active synovectomy has also been successful

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 99-B, Issue SUPP_15 | Pages 81 - 81
1 Aug 2017
Lachiewicz P
Full Access

Dual mobility components for total hip arthroplasty provide for an additional articular surface, with the goals of improving range of motion, jump distance, and overall stability of the prosthetic hip joint. A large polyethylene head articulates with a polished metal acetabular component, and an additional smaller metal or ceramic head is snap-fit into the large polyethylene. In some European centers, these components are routinely used for primary total hip arthroplasty. However, their greatest utility will be to prevent and manage recurrent dislocation in the setting of revision total hip arthroplasty. Several retrospective series have shown satisfactory results for this indication at medium-term follow-up times. The author has used dual mobility components on two occasions to salvage a failed constrained liner. At least one center reports that dual mobility outperforms 40mm femoral heads in revision arthroplasty. Modular dual mobility components, with screw fixation, are the author's first choice for the treatment of recurrent dislocation, revision of failed metal-metal resurfacing, total hips, unipolar arthroplasties, and salvage of failed constrained liners. There are concerns of elevated metal levels with one design, and acute early intra-prosthetic dissociation following attempted closed reduction. Total hip surgeons no longer cement Charnley acetabular components, use conventional polyethylene, autologous blood donation, or a drain; now constrained components join these obsolete techniques! In 2017, a dual mobility component, rather than a constrained liner, is the preferred solution in revision surgery to prevent and manage recurrent dislocation

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 98-B, Issue SUPP_7 | Pages 119 - 119
1 May 2016
Donaldson T Gregorius S Burgett-Moreno M Clarke I
Full Access

This study presents an unusual recurrent case of pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) around a ceramic-on-metal (COM) hip retrieved at 9-years. PVNS literature relates to metal-polyethylene and ceramic-ceramic bearings. Amstutz reported 2 cases with MOM resurfacing and Xiaomei reported PVNS recurring at 14 years with metal-on-polyethylene THA. Friedman reported on PVNS recurrence in a ceramic THA. Ours may be the first reported case of recurrent PVNS of a ceramic-on-metal articulation. This young female patient (now 38-years of age) had a total hip replacement in 2006 for PVNS in her left hip. In her initial work-up, this case was presumed to be a pseudotumor problem, typical of those related to CoCr debris with high metal-ion concentrations. She had an CoCr stem (AML), 36mm Biolox-delta head (Ceramtec), and a Pinnacle acetabular cup with CoCr liner (Ultramet, Depuy J&J). This patient had no concerns regarding subluxation, dislocation or squeaking. Three years ago she complained of mild to moderate groin and thigh pain in her left hip. This worsened in the past year. She noticed increased swelling now with an asymmetry to her right hip. She went to the emergency room in Dec-2014 and was referred to a plastic surgeon. In our consult we reviewed MARS-MRI and CT-scans that demonstrated multiple mass lesions surrounding the hip. Laboratory results presented Co=0.7, Cr=0.3 ESR=38 and Crp=0.3. At revision surgery, the joint fluid was hemorrhagic/bloody with hemosiderin staining the soft tissues. Multiple large 4–5×5cm nodules were present in anterior aspect of the hip as well as multiple nodules surrounding posterior capsule and sciatic nerve. Pathology demonstrated a very cellular matrix with hemosiderin-stained tissue and multiple giant cells, which was judged consistent with PVNS. The trunnion showed no fretting, no contamination and no discoloration. The superior neck showed impingement due to low-inclination cup. There was minimal evidence of metal-debris staining the tissues. There was a large metallic-like stripe across the ceramic head. This is a particularly interesting case and may be the first reported recurrent PVNS around a ceramic-on-metal bearing (COM). Data is scant regarding clinical results of COM bearings and here we have a nine-year result in a young and active female patient. She was believed to have a metalosis-related pseudotumor yet her metal-ion levels were not alarmingly high and there was no particular evidence of implant damage or gross wear products. In addition, the CoCr trunnion appeared pristine. Our work-up continues with analyses of wear and histopath-evidence. This case may demonstrate the need for a broadening of the differential diagnosis when dealing with hip failures

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 95-B, Issue SUPP_27 | Pages 27 - 27
1 Jul 2013
Quah C Syme G Swamy G Nanjayan S Fowler A Calthorpe D
Full Access

Introduction. Given the rising incidence of obesity in the adult population, it is more than likely that orthopaedic surgeons will be treating more obese patients with lumbar disc pathologies. The relationship between obesity and recurrent herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP) following microdiscectomy remains unclear. Objectives. To investigate the relationship between obesity and recurrent HNP following lumbar microdiscectomy. Methods. A retrospective review of case notes from 2008–2011 was conducted for all patients that underwent one level lumbar microdiscectomy, performed by a single surgeon. The standard criteria for microdiscectomy were used. Patient demographics, including Body Mass Index (BMI), collected from notes. Obese patients classified as BMI >/= 30. The primary clinical outcome measure was evidence of recurrent HNP on post operative MRI scan requiring further surgery. Results. A total of 283 patients were available for analysis: 190(67%) were in the non-obese group and 93 (32.9%) in the obese group. The average BMI was 28.1 and the average length of stay was 1.3days. Dural leak was seen in 11 patients(3.9%) out of which 8(4.2%) occurred in the non-obese group and 3(3.2%) in the obese group [p=0.04]. Recurrent symptomatic HNP was seen in 27(9.5%) patients confirmed by MRI scan. 19(10%) were in the non-obese group and 8(8.6%) in the obese group [p>0.8]. Conclusion. Obesity was not a predictor of recurrent HNP after lumbar microdiscectomy and did not have increased complication rates compared to the non-obese group

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 95-B, Issue SUPP_29 | Pages 1 - 1
1 Aug 2013
Barrow M
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Purpose of Study:. Various techniques have been described and are still used for treating recurrent dislocation of the patella when conservative measures fail. Among them are distal, proximal and combined realignment techniques and lateral releases. Since being shown proof of the biomechanical importance of the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) in patellofemoral instability, the reconstruction of the MPFL has gained in popularity. The objective of this paper is to present a case series with preliminary clinical results using the gracilis tendon to reconstruct the MPFL. Method:. Between 01/07 and 03/11 23 knees in 21 patients underwent reconstruction of the MPFL.4 of these patients had had previous surgery. Preoperatively the Caton Deschamps ratio using plain x-rays was worked out and the TT/TG distance was measured using CT scanning. Using these measurements as a guideline, 7 cases underwent a tibial tubercle transfer as an additional procedure. In 6 of the cases an additional cartilage procedure was required. The technique was simplified using intra-operative x-rays to achieve anatomical tunnel placement. Results:. The Tegner Activity Score was used to evaluate the patients preoperatively and at a minimum of 6 months postoperatively. The scores improved on average from 3,6 to 7,4. One patient had an extensor lag of 10 degrees at 3 months. This had normalised by 6 months. One patient had recurrence of her instability and required a revision MPFL reconstruction using an allograft. One patient had recurrent episodes of patella subluxation but no overt dislocation. Conclusion:. This case series gave good functional results using the Tegner Activity score. The procedure of MPFL reconstruction was effective in stabilising the patellae and in improving the symptoms of patellofemoral instability

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 96-B, Issue SUPP_8 | Pages 48 - 48
1 May 2014
Lachiewicz P
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Dual mobility components for total hip arthroplasty provide for an additional articular surface, with the goals of improving range of motion, jump distance, and overall stability of the prosthetic hip joint. A large polyethylene head articulates with a polished metal acetabular component, and an additional smaller metal head is snap-fit into the large polyethylene. New components have been released for use in North America over the past three years. In some European centers, these components are routinely used for primary total hip arthroplasty. However, their greatest utility may be to manage recurrent dislocation in the setting of revision total hip arthroplasty. Several small retrospective series have shown satisfactory results for this indication at short- to medium-term follow-up times. However, there are important concerns with polyethylene wear, late intra-prosthetic dislocation, and the lack of long-term follow-up data. These components are an important option in the treatment of recurrent dislocation in younger patients, revision of failed metal-metal resurfacing, and salvage of failed constrained liners. Until further long-term results are available, caution is advised in the routine use of dual mobility components in primary or revision total hip arthroplasty

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_XXI | Pages 75 - 75
1 May 2012
H. S J.J. D A. U B. B
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Objective. To assess patterns of recurrence in patients with Dupuytren's disease after surgery for proximal interphalangeal joint (PIPJ) deformity. Methods. 81 patients (94 fingers) with Duputyren's contracture of the proximal interphalangeal joint underwent surgery to have either a ‘firebreak’ skin graft (46 fingers) or a fasciectomy (48 fingers). They were reviewed after three weeks, six weeks, 6, 12, 24 and 36 months to note the range of movement and recurrence. Both groups were similar with regard to age, gender and factors considered to influence the outcome such as bilateral disease, family history, and the presence of diabetes, smoking and alcohol intake. Results. The rate of recurrent contracture of PIP joint was 12.2%. Four patterns were identified: Group 1 (Responsive group: Immediate improvement, maintained over three years), Group 2 (Improved group: Initial mild loss of position but improvement maintained), Group 3 (Stiffness group: Immediate significant worsening but maintained), and Group 4 (Recurred group: Immediate loss of position with further progressive contracture). Time since onset of Dupuytren's disease and pre-op PEM showed significant association with recurrent contracture on regression analysis (GEE, Wald chi square test, P< 0.01). Conclusion. Four distinct patterns of recurrent contracture of PIP joint were identified three years after corrective surgery for Dupuytren's disease. Pre-operative PEM and disease duration could predict recurrence

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 98-B, Issue SUPP_17 | Pages 89 - 89
1 Nov 2016
Murphy S
Full Access

Management of recurrent instability of the hip requires careful assessment to determine any identifiable causative factors. While plain radiographs can give a general impression, CT is the best methodology for objective measurement. Variables that can be measured include: prosthetic femoral anteversion, comparison to contralateral native femoral anteversion, total offset from the medial wall of the pelvis to the lateral side of the greater trochanter, comparison to total offset on the contralateral side, acetabular inclination, & acetabular anteversion. Wera et al describe potential causes of instability. These are typed into I. Acetabular Component Malposition; II. Femoral Component Malposition; III. Abductor Deficiency; IV. Impingement; V. Late Wear; and VI. Unknown. Acetabular component malposition is the most common cause of instability and so measurement of cup orientation is essential. It is well known that excessive or inadequate anteversion can lead to anterior and posterior dislocation respectively but horizontal components are also associated with posterior dislocation due to deficient posterior/inferior acetabular surface. Similarly, excessive or inadequate femoral anteversion can be easily identified on CT as can insufficient total offset of the reconstructed joint compared to the contralateral side. This can be caused by medialization of the acetabular component. Abductor deficiency can be a soft-tissue cause of instability, but it certainly isn't the only one. Knowledge of the prior surgical exposure can be instructive. Anterior exposures can be prone to deficient anterior capsule just as posterior exposures can be prone to deficient posterior capsule and short rotators, while anterolateral and lateral exposures can be associated with gluteus minimus and gluteus medius compromise. Impingement, whether involving implants, bone, or soft tissue are primarily secondary to the above factors, if osteophytes were properly trimmed at the index procedure. Correction of the incorrect variables is the primary goal of revision for instability and greatly preferable to using salvage options such as dual-mobility or constrained articulations which invoke additional concerns. Ultimately though, such salvage options are necessary if the cause of the instability cannot be determined or can be determined but not corrected. Bracing, while highly inconvenient and sometimes impractical for certain patients, still has a role in specific circumstances. Formal analysis of the unstable prosthetic reconstruction is the key to successful treatment

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 99-B, Issue SUPP_22 | Pages 94 - 94
1 Dec 2017
Artyukh V Liventsov V Bozhkova S
Full Access

Aim. To evaluate the efficacy of infection elimination and functional outcomes of the resection hip arthroplasty (RHA) with m. vastus lateralis flap plasty in patients with chronic recurrent periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) one year or later after the surgery. Method. We retrospectively studied the outcomes of 61 cases with recurrent PJI (more than 3 relapses). All patients underwent RHA with m. vastus lateralis flap plasty from the year 2005 to 2016. There were 35 males (63.6%) and 20 females (36.4%) with the mean age of 54 years. At least in one year after the surgery, the cases were analyzed for the absence of inflammation during the physical exam, functional result with the Harris hip score (HSS), quality of life with the Instrument for measurement of health-related quality of life scale and level of pain with the visual analogue scale (VAS). The results are presented as means with CI95%. Results. The mean follow-up period was 40.8 months. The overall mortality rate was 12.2% (n = 6). Of all patients, 3 (5.5%) had severe concomitant pathology and died due to systemic infection within 90 days after the surgery. Two more patients died during the period of 1–3 years. Prolonged remission of PJI was achieved in 91% (n = 50) patients. In 9% of cases (n = 5) the relapse of infection was achieved. The HHS corresponded to an unsatisfactory outcome with the mean value of 49.3 (45.4–53.3). Most of the patients (56%, n = 31) used 2 crutches while walking, 23% (n = 13) - a cane or a crutch, and 11% (n = 6) – a walker. In 73% of cases (n = 40), the load-bearing capacity of the operated limb was preserved. In 27% of cases (n = 15) the limb was non-supporting, including 10 patients with severe pain syndrome under the load. At the same time, the pain syndrome was absent in the rest of the patients. The mean VAS score was 2.77 (2.3–3.12). Despite the insufficient function of the operated limb, 83.6% of patients noted a satisfactory result with the mean Instrument for measurement of health-related quality of life* score of 57.8 (52.1–63.4). Conclusions. RHA with m. vastus lateralis flap plasty is a technically complex operation that in most cases leads to the elimination of chronic recurrent PJI. Apparently, the improvement of functional capabilities can be ensured by the use of revision arthroplasty or external fixation in order to form a supporting «new joint» (neoarthrosis). * EQ5D