Introduction: Physical activity is a major outcome in total hip arthroplasty (THA) and discharge criterion. Increasing immediate post-op activity may accelerate discharge, enable fast track surgery and improve general rehabilitation. Preliminary evidence (O'Halloran P.D. et al. 2015) shows that feedback via motivational interviewing can result in clinically meaningful improvements of physical activity. It was the aim of this study to use wearable sensor activity monitors to provide and study the effect of biofeedback on THA patients' activity levels. It was hypothesized that biofeedback would increase in-hospital and post-discharge activity versus controls. Methods: In this pilot study, 18 patients with osteoarthritis receiving elective primary THA followed by a rapid recovery protocol with discharge on day 3 after surgery (day 0) were randomized to the feedback group (n=9, M/F: 4:5, age 63.3 ± 5.9 years, BMI 26.9 ± 5.1) or a non-feedback control group (n=9, M/F: 0:9, age 66.9 ± 5.1 years, BMI 27.1 ± 4.0). Physical activity was measured using a wearable sensor and parameters (Time-on-Feet (ToF), steps, sit-stand-transfers (SST), mean cadence (steps/min)) were calculated using a previously validated algorithms (Matlab). For the in-hospital period data was calculated twice daily (am, ca. 8–13:00h and pm, ca. 13–20:00h) of day 1 (D1) and 2 (D2). The feedback group had parameters reported back twice (morning, lunch) using bar charts comparing visually and numerically their values (without motivational instructions) to a previously measured reference group (n=40, age 71 ±7 years, M:F 16:24) of a conventional discharge protocol (day 4/5). Activity measures continued from discharge (D3) until day 5 (D5) at home. Results: Randomization resulted in matched groups regarding age and BMI, but not gender. The first post-op activity assessment (D1am) was identical between groups. Also thereafter similar values with no significant differences in any parameter were seen, e.g. the time-on-feet at D2PM was 59.2 ±31.7min (feedback) versus 62.9 ±39.2min (controls). Also on the day of discharge and beyond, no effect from the in-hospital feedback was measured. For both groups the course of activity recovery showed a distinct drop on day 4 following a highly active day of discharge (D3). On day 5, activity levels only recovered partially. For both groups, all quantitative activity parameters were significantly higher than the reference values used for feedback. Only cadence as a qualitative measure was the same like reference values. Discussion: Biofeedback using activity values from a body-worn monitor did not increase in-hospital or immediate post-op home activity levels compared to a control group when using the investigated feedback protocol. In general, while the day of discharge steeply boosts patient activity, the day after at home results in an activity drop to near in-patient levels before discharge. In a fast track surgery protocol, it may be of value to avoid this drop via patient education or home physiotherapy. Biofeedback using activity monitors to increase immediate post-op activity for fast track surgery or improved recovery may only be effective when feedback goals are set higher, are personalised or have additional motivational context.
Glutamate regulates the expression of apoptosis-related genes and triggers the apoptosis of fibroblasts in rotator cuff tendons. Subacromial bursitis is always accompanied by symptomatic rotator cuff tear (RCT). However, no study has been reported on the presence of glutamate in subacromial bursa and on its involvement of shoulder pain in patients who had
Critical shoulder angle (CSA), lateral acromial angle (LAA), and acromion index (AI) are common radiologic parameters used to distinguish between patients with rotator cuff tears (RCT) and those with an intact rotator cuff. This study aims to assess the predictive power of these parameters in degenerative
The function of the upper extremity is highly dependent on correlated motion of the shoulder. The shoulder can be affected by several diseases. The most common are: rotator cuff tear (RCT), shoulder instability, shoulder osteoarthritis and fractures. Rotator cuff disease is a common disorder. It has a high prevalence rate, causing high direct and indirect costs. The appropriate treatment for
The principal of “function priority, early rehabilitation, and return to sports” is now the goal for sports injury rehabilitation. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is a rising procedure for early rehabilitation. This paper systematically assessed the effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on postoperative ACL reconstruction to provide guidance for physiotherapist and patient when designing a suitable rehabilitation protocol. To evaluate the interventional outcomes of neuromuscular electrical stimulation following ACL reconstruction, we searched PubMed, EMbase, the Cochrane Library, Web of Science and CNKI to collect all randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing the effects with neuromuscular electrical stimulation and without intervention on rehabilitation after ACL reconstruction up to January 30, 2022. Two investigators independently performed literature screening, data extraction, bias assessment of risk, and used RevMan 5.3 software to conduct a meta-analysis. A total of six RCTs were included, and the results showed that the use of neuromuscular electrical stimulation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction significantly improved the International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) scores (MD 6.33, 95% CI [-0.43, 12.22]; I2 = 66%; p = 0.040), the Lysholm score (MD 7.94, 95% CI [6.49, 9.39]; I2 = 89%; p < 0.001), and the range of motion (ROM) (MD 9.99, 95% CI [7.97, 12.02]; I2 = 81%; p < 0.001) in the knees when compared to the control group without using neuromuscular electrical stimulation. Existing evidence show that neuromuscular electrical stimulation is beneficial for early rehabilitation after ACL reconstruction. The use of neuromuscular electrical stimulation is encouraged in the design of rehabilitation protocol. However, due to the limited number of
Introduction. Approximately 20-25% of patients having joint replacement in the UK have moderate-severe frailty. Frailty is associated with poorer outcomes after joint replacement. Targeting frailty pre-operatively with exercise and protein supplementation could improve post-operative outcomes. Prior to conducting a randomised controlled trial (RCT), a feasibility study was necessary to inform trial design and delivery. Method. We conducted a randomised feasibility study with embedded qualitative work. Patients aged ≥65 years, frail and undergoing THR or TKR were recruited from three UK hospitals. Participants were randomly allocated on a 1:1 ratio to the intervention or usual care group. The intervention group had a 1:1 appointment with a physiotherapist and were provided with a home-based, tailored daily exercise programme and a daily protein supplement for 12 weeks before their operation, supported by six telephone calls from a physiotherapist. Questionnaires were administered at baseline and 12 weeks after randomisation. Interviews were conducted with 19 patients. Feasibility outcomes were eligibility and recruitment rates, intervention adherence, and acceptability of the trial and the intervention. Result. 411 patients were sent a screening pack. Of the 168 patients who returned a screening questionnaire, 79 were eligible and consented to participate, and 64 were randomised. Of the 33 participants randomised to the intervention, 26 attended the intervention appointment. Eighteen participants (69%) received all six intervention follow-up telephone calls. Nineteen participants completed an intervention adherence log; 13 (68%) adhered to the exercise programme and 11 (58%) adhered to the protein supplementation. The overall retention rate was 86% at 12 weeks. The 12-week follow-up questionnaire was returned by 84% of participants who were sent a questionnaire. Interviews found that the trial and intervention were generally acceptable, but areas of potential improvements were identified. Conclusion. This study demonstrated that a larger study is possible and has identified improvements to optimise the design of a
Patients with knee prosthetic joint infection (PJI) frequently receive one- or two-stage revision. To explore the feasibility of a randomised controlled trial (RCT) comparing methods, we analysed a UK registry, interviewed patients and surgeons, systematically reviewed literature, held a consensus meeting, and assessed progress of an
Introduction and Objective. Only few studies have investigated the outcome of exercises in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis (OA) or rotator cuff tear arthropathy (CTA), and furthermore often excluded patients with a severe degree of OA. Several studies including a Cochrane review have suggested the need for trials comparing shoulder arthroplasty to non-surgical treatments. Before initiation of such a trial, the feasibility of progressive shoulder exercises (PSE) in patients, who are eligible for shoulder arthroplasty should be investigated. The aim was to investigate whether 12 weeks of PSE is feasible in patients with OA or CTA eligible for shoulder arthroplasty. Moreover, to report changes in shoulder function and range of motion (ROM) following the exercise program. Materials and Methods. Eighteen patients (11 women, 14 OA), mean age 70 years (range 57–80), performed 12 weeks of PSE with 1 weekly physiotherapist-supervised and 2 weekly home-based sessions. Feasibility was measured by drop-out rate, adverse events, pain and adherence to PSE. Patients completed Western Ontario Osteoarthritis of the Shoulder (WOOS) score and Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH). Results. Two patients dropped out and no adverse events were observed. Sixteen patients (89%) had high adherence to the physiotherapist-supervised sessions. Acceptable pain levels were reported. WOOS improved mean 23 points (95%CI:13;33), and DASH improved mean 13 points (95%CI:6;19). Conclusions. PSE is feasible, safe and may improve shoulder pain, function and ROM in patients with OA or CTA eligible for shoulder arthroplasty. PSE is a feasible treatment that may be compared with arthroplasty in a
Improved understanding of the biomechanics and biology of rotator cuff tendons (RCT) may help reduce high re-rupture rates following repairs, particularly amongst larger tears. This study aims to use novel methods for quantitatively determining differences in the mechanical and thermal properties of intact healthy RCTs compared to torn ‘diseased’ tendons. A common problem in the mechanical testing of small tendon samples is that stress risers at the clamp-tendon interface can obscure measurements. As the shoulder is subject to shear, tension and compression, we developed a novel solution using Dynamic Shear Analysis (DSA), a form of rheology which studies material deformation. As collagen is the main component of
Abstract. Objectives. The purpose of this trial is to investigate the safety and efficacy of immediate weight-bearing (IWB) and range of motion exercise regimes following ORIF of unstable ankle fractures with a particular focus on functional outcomes and complication rates. Methods. A pragmatic randomised controlled multicentre trial, comparing IWB in a walking boot and ROM within 24 hours versus NWB and immobilisation in a cast for six weeks, following ORIF of all types of unstable adult ankle fractures. The exclusion criteria are skeletal immaturity and tibial plafond fractures. The primary outcome measure is the functional Olerud-Molander Ankle Score (OMAS). Secondary outcomes include wound infection, displacement of osteosynthesis, the full arc of ankle motion, RAND-36 Item Short Form Survey (SF-36) scoring, time to return to work and postoperative hospital length of stay. Results. We recruited 160 patients with an unstable ankle fracture. Participants’ ages ranged from 15 to 94 years (M = 45.5, SD = 17.2), with 54% identified as female. The mean time from injury to surgical fixation was 1.3 days (0 to 17 days). Patients in the IWB group had a 9.5-point higher mean OMAS at six weeks postoperatively (95% CI 1.48, 17.52) P = 0.021 with a similar result at three months. The complications rate was similar in both groups. The rate of surgical site infection was 4.3%. One patient had DVT, and another patient had a PE, both were randomised to NWB. Length of hospital stay was 1 ± 1.5 (0, 12) for the IWB group vs 1.5 ± 2.5 (0, 19) for the NWB group. Conclusion. In this large multicentre
Summary Statement. The peripheral neuronal phenotype is significantly altered in rotator cuff tendinopathy (RCT) with a clear upregulation of the Glutaminergic system being present in disease. Introduction. Shoulder pain is the third most frequent cause of chronic musculoskeletal pain in the community and is usually caused by rotator cuff tendinopathy (RCT). The central and peripheral nervous system play an important role in both tissue homoeostasis and tendon healing. The Glutaminergic system is of key importance in driving the peripheral and central neuronal changes which increase the body's sensitivity to pain (1, 2). No study to date has investigated the role of the glutaminergic system in human
Abstract. Background. Recruitment of patients to participate in Randomised control trials (RCTs) is a challenging task, especially for trauma trials in which the identification and recruitment are time-limited. Multiple strategies have been tried to improve the participation of doctors and recruitment of patients. Aim. To study the effect of a trainee advocate (trainee Principal investigator-tPI) on influencing junior doctors to take part in trials and its effect on recruitment for a multicenter prospective hip fracture
Background. Inpatient physiotherapy is routinely provided after total knee replacement (TKR) surgery to enhance recovery prior to discharge. However, the provision of outpatient physiotherapy is variable in the UK, and the longer-term benefits of outpatient physiotherapy are unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of conducting a randomised controlled trial (RCT) to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of group-based outpatient physiotherapy after TKR. Methods. Patients listed for primary TKR were recruited prior to surgery. Patients who decided not to participate were asked about their reasons for non-participation. Patients were randomised to attend a newly developed post-operative physiotherapy class plus usual care or usual care alone. Patients allocated to the intervention group were invited to attend a weekly one-hour physiotherapy class, starting at 6 weeks after surgery and running over 6 consecutive weeks. The group classes were run by two physiotherapists within an outpatient gym, and involved task-orientated and individualised exercises. Classes ran on a rolling system, allowing new patients to join each week. Participants completed an evaluation questionnaire after the final class. Outcomes assessment was by questionnaire prior to surgery and 2 weeks, 3 months and 6 months after surgery. Outcomes related to function, pain, balance, self-efficacy, participation, quality of life and resource use. Results. 46/124 patients consented to participate (37% recruitment rate). Frequent reasons for non-participation were related to travelling distance, transportation, and time commitments. 17/23 patients randomised to the intervention group attended the exercise classes. Most (15) patients were very satisfied with the range of exercises on offer. The task-orientated and individual exercises were given average usefulness ratings of 9.6/10 and 9.5/10, respectively. Retention of participants was acceptable; 2 patients were withdrawn from the intervention group and 2 patients from the usual care group. Questionnaire return rates were high in the intervention group (91% at 6 months post-operative) but lower in the usual care group (65% at 6 months post-operative). Conclusion. This study highlights the importance of conducting feasibility work for a
Background. To aid recovery, rehabilitation is an important adjunct to surgery. Acknowledging the MRC framework for complex interventions we assessed the evidence-base for components of comprehensive rehabilitation in total hip (THR) and total knee replacement (TKR) pathways. Methods. We conducted systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials (RCT) of pre-surgical exercise and education, occupational therapy and post-operative physiotherapy. In feasibility RCTs we explored acceptability of pain self-management and occupational therapy before THR, and physiotherapy after TKR. We searched trial registers for ongoing RCTs. Results. Pre-surgical interventions. Systematic review identified 38 interventions targeting physical function before THR and TKR. Interventions showed functional benefit compared with controls, standardised mean difference (SMD) 0.32 (95% CI 0.20, 0.44; p<0.00001). In 27 studies targeting in-hospital recovery, intervention patients had lower anxiety, SMD 0.38 (95% CI 0.13, 0.63; p=0.003), and earlier mobilisation by 4 hours (95% CI 0.04, 0.30; p=0.009). In 20 studies, interventions targeting long-term recovery showed no benefit for function or pain. We randomised 88 patients into a feasibility
Robust evidence on the effectiveness of peri-operative local anaesthetic infiltration (LAI) is required before it is incorporated into the pain management regimen for patients receiving total hip replacement (THR). We assessed the effectiveness of LAI using a systematic review and a fully powered randomised controlled trial (RCT) with economic evaluation. We searched MEDLINE, Embase and Cochrane databases for RCTs of peri-operative LAI in patients receiving THR. Two reviewers screened abstracts, extracted data, and liaised with authors. Outcomes were pain, opioid use, mobilisation, hospital stay and complications. If feasible, we conducted meta-analysis. In the APEX
Robust evidence on the effectiveness of peri-operative local anaesthetic infiltration (LAI) is required before it is incorporated into the pain management regimen for patients receiving total knee replacement (TKR). To assess the effectiveness of peri-operative LAI for pain management in patients receiving TKR we conducted a systematic review, fully powered randomised controlled trial (RCT) and economic evaluation. We searched MEDLINE, Embase and Cochrane databases for RCTs of peri-operative LAI in patients receiving TKR. Two reviewers screened abstracts and extracted data. Outcomes were pain, opioid use, mobilisation, hospital stay and complications. Authors were contacted if required. When feasible, we conducted meta-analysis with studies analysed separately if a femoral nerve block (FNB) was provided. In the APEX
The objective of this trial was to investigate the efficacy of a Comfrey root extract cream in patients with acute upper or lower back pain. The study was conducted as a double-blind, multi-centre, parallel group design
Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is one of the most successful surgery. However, patients' expectations have increased over the last two decades in regards to hip function after joint replacement, the patients assume to return their daily and sport activities without major limitations. This presentation will examine the effect of surgical approaches and implant designs as well as rehabilitation protocol on the clinical and biomechanical outcomes after THA. The new implant designs for THA aim to improve joint function whereas the surgical approaches intend to reduce muscle damage to regain muscle strength. One important determinant measured from gait analysis is the hip abduction moment as the abductors play a key role in stabilizing the pelvis in the frontal plane, particularly in phases of transition, such as the single leg stance in walking or stair climbing. This showed that muscle strength needs to be preserved. To minimize the risk of hip joint instability, a strong focus of implant development has been carried out. To illustrate this important concept within the context of gait analysis, I will present two studies that examine the influence of surgical approach and biomechanical reconstruction; and the second, is a prospective