INTRODUCTION. In native knees the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) plays a major role in joint stability and kinematics. Sacrificing the ACL in contemporary total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is known to cause abnormal knee motion, and reduced function. Hence, there is growing interest in the development of ACL retaining TKA implants. Accommodation of ACL insertion around the tibial eminence is a challenge with these designs. Therefore, a reproducible and practical test setup is necessary to characterize the strength of the ACL/bone construct in ACL retaining implants. Seminal work showed importance of loading the ACL along its anatomical orientation. However, prior setups designed for this purpose are complex and difficult to incorporate into a standardized test for wide adoption. The goal of this study was to develop a standardized and anatomically relevant test setup for repeatable strength assessment of ACL construct using basic force-displacement testing equipment. METHODS. Cadaver knees were positioned with the ACL oriented along the loading axis and being the only connection between femur and tibia. 15° knee flexion was selected based on highest ACL tensions reported in literature. Therefore, the fixtures were adjusted accordingly to retain 15° knee flexion when the ACL was tensioned. The test protocol included 10 cycles of preconditioning between 6N and 60N at 1mm/s, followed by continuous distraction at 1mm/s until failure (Fig. 1). Eleven cadaveric knees (4 male, 7 female; 70.9 yrs +/−13.9 yrs) were tested using this setup to characterize a baseline ACL
Nearly a quarter of screws cause damage during insertion by stripping the bone, reducing
Introduction. From 2004 to 2015, elective lumbar fusions increased by 62% in the US. The largest increases were for among age 65 or older (139% in volume) and scoliosis (187%) [1]. Age is a well known factor of osteoporosis. The load-sharing may exceed the pedicular screws constructs in aging spine and lead to non-union and re-do. Surgical options may increase the screw purchase (e.g.: augmentation, extensions) at supplementary risks. Pedicular screw are known to cause vascular, nerve root or cord injuries. Facing these pitfalls, the surgeon's experience and rule of thumbs are the most deciding factors for the surgical planning. The aim of this study is to assess the accuracy of a patient specific tool, designed to plan a safe pedicular trajectory and to provide an intraoperative screw