This study presents an unusual recurrent case of pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) around a ceramic-on-metal (COM) hip retrieved at 9-years.
Introduction:. Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis (PVNS) is a rare inflammatory disorder of the synovium, bursa and tendon sheath. The objective of this study was to evaluate the long-term outcomes and morbidity associated with operative management of
Diffuse-type Tenosynovial Giant-Cell Tumour (d-TGCT) of large joints is a rare, locally aggressive, soft tissue tumour affecting predominantly the knee. Previously classified as Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis (PVNS), this monoarticular disease arises from the synovial lining and is more common in younger adults. Given the diffuse and aggressive nature of this tumour, local control is often difficult and recurrence rates are high. Current literature is comprised primarily of small, and a few larger but heterogeneous, observational studies. Both arthroscopic and open synovectomy techniques, or combinations thereof, have been described for the treatment of d-TGCT of the knee. There is, however, no consensus on the best approach to minimize recurrence of d-TGCT of the knee. Some limited evidence would suggest that a staged, open anterior and posterior synovectomy might be of benefit in reducing recurrence. To our knowledge, no case series has specifically looked at the recurrence rate of d-TGCT of the knee following a staged, open, posterior and anterior approach. We hypothesized that this approach may provide better recurrence rates as suggested by larger more heterogeneous series. A retrospective review of the local pathology database was performed to identify all cases of d-TGCT or
Diffuse-type Tenosynovial Giant-Cell Tumour (d-TGCT) of large joints is a rare, locally aggressive, soft tissue tumour affecting predominantly the knee. Previously classified as Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis (PVNS), this monoarticular disease arises from the synovial lining and is more common in younger adults. Given the diffuse and aggressive nature of this tumour, local control is often difficult and recurrence rates are high. Current literature is comprised primarily of small, and a few larger but heterogeneous, observational studies. Both arthroscopic and open synovectomy techniques, or combinations thereof, have been described for the treatment of d-TGCT of the knee. There is, however, no consensus on the best approach to minimize recurrence of d-TGCT of the knee. Some limited evidence would suggest that a staged, open anterior and posterior synovectomy might be of benefit in reducing recurrence. To our knowledge, no case series has specifically looked at the recurrence rate of d-TGCT of the knee following a staged, open, posterior and anterior approach. We hypothesized that this approach may provide better recurrence rates as suggested by larger more heterogeneous series. A retrospective review of the local pathology database was performed to identify all cases of d-TGCT or
Pigmented villonodular synovitis is a monoarticular proliferative process most commonly involving the synovium of the knee joint. There is considerable debate with regards to diagnosis and effective treatment. We present our experience of managing