Despite being one of the most common injuries around the elbow, the optimal treatment of olecranon fractures is far from established and stimulates debate among both general orthopaedic trauma surgeons and upper limb specialists. It is almost universally accepted that stable non-displaced fractures can be safely treated nonoperatively with minimal specialist input. Internal fixation is recommended for the vast majority of displaced fractures, with a range of techniques and implants to choose from. However, there is concern regarding the complication rates, largely related to symptomatic metalwork resulting in high rates of implant removal. As the number of elderly patients sustaining these injuries increases, we are becoming more aware of the issues associated with fixation in osteoporotic bone and the often fragile soft-tissue envelope in this group. Given this, there is evidence to support an increasing role for nonoperative management in this high-risk demographic group, even in those presenting with displaced and/or multifragmentary fracture patterns. This review summarizes the available literature to date, focusing predominantly on the management techniques and available implants for stable fractures of the olecranon. It also offers some insights into the potential avenues for future research, in the hope of addressing some of the pertinent questions that remain unanswered. Cite this article:
Given the growing prevalence of obesity around
the world and its association with
Recognized anatomic variations that lead to patella instability include patella alta and trochlea dysplasia. Lateralization of the extensor mechanism relative to the trochlea is often considered to be a contributing factor; however, controversy remains as to the degree this contributes to instability and how this should be measured. As the tibial tuberosity-trochlear groove (TT-TG) is one of most common imaging measurements to assess lateralization of the extensor mechanism, it is important to understand its strengths and weaknesses. Care needs to be taken while interpreting the TT-TG value as it is affected by many factors. Medializing tibial tubercle osteotomy is sometimes used to correct the TT-TG, but may not truly address the underlying anatomical problem. This review set out to determine whether the TT-TG distance sufficiently summarizes the pathoanatomy, and if this assists with planning of surgery in patellar instability. Cite this article:
The patient with a painful arthritic knee awaiting
total knee arthroplasty (TKA) requires a multidisciplinary approach.
Optimal control of acute post-operative pain and the prevention
of chronic persistent pain remains a challenge. The aim of this
paper is to evaluate whether stratification of patients can help
identify those who are at particular risk for severe acute or chronic
pain. . Intense acute post-operative pain, which is itself a risk factor
for chronic pain, is more common in younger, obese female patients
and those suffering from central pain sensitisation. Pre-operative
pain, in the knee or elsewhere in the body, predisposes to central
sensitisation. Pain due to
Dislocation following total hip arthroplasty (THA) is a well-known and potentially devastating complication. Clinicians have used many strategies in attempts to prevent dislocation since the introduction of THA. While the importance of postoperative care cannot be ignored, particular emphasis has been placed on preoperative planning in the prevention of dislocation. The strategies have progressed from more traditional approaches, including modular implants, the size of the femoral head, and augmentation of the offset, to newer concepts, including patient-specific component positioning combined with computer navigation, robotics, and the use of dual-mobility implants. As clinicians continue to pursue improved outcomes and reduced complications, these concepts will lay the foundation for future innovation in THA and ultimately improved outcomes. Cite this article:
In recent years, machine learning (ML) and artificial neural networks (ANNs), a particular subset of ML, have been adopted by various areas of healthcare. A number of diagnostic and prognostic algorithms have been designed and implemented across a range of orthopaedic sub-specialties to date, with many positive results. However, the methodology of many of these studies is flawed, and few compare the use of ML with the current approach in clinical practice. Spinal surgery has advanced rapidly over the past three decades, particularly in the areas of implant technology, advanced surgical techniques, biologics, and enhanced recovery protocols. It is therefore regarded an innovative field. Inevitably, spinal surgeons will wish to incorporate ML into their practice should models prove effective in diagnostic or prognostic terms. The purpose of this article is to review published studies that describe the application of neural networks to spinal surgery and which actively compare ANN models to contemporary clinical standards allowing evaluation of their efficacy, accuracy, and relatability. It also explores some of the limitations of the technology, which act to constrain the widespread adoption of neural networks for diagnostic and prognostic use in spinal care. Finally, it describes the necessary considerations should institutions wish to incorporate ANNs into their practices. In doing so, the aim of this review is to provide a practical approach for spinal surgeons to understand the relevant aspects of neural networks. Cite this article:
Evaluating musculoskeletal conditions of the lower limb and understanding the pathophysiology of complex bone kinematics is challenging. Static images do not take into account the dynamic component of relative bone motion and muscle activation. Fluoroscopy and dynamic MRI have important limitations. Dynamic CT (4D-CT) is an emerging alternative that combines high spatial and temporal resolution, with an increased availability in clinical practice. 4D-CT allows simultaneous visualization of bone morphology and joint kinematics. This unique combination makes it an ideal tool to evaluate functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system. In the lower limb, 4D-CT has been used to diagnose femoroacetabular impingement, patellofemoral, ankle and subtalar joint instability, or reduced range of motion. 4D-CT has also been used to demonstrate the effect of surgery, mainly on patellar instability. 4D-CT will need further research and validation before it can be widely used in clinical practice. We believe, however, it is here to stay, and will become a reference in the diagnosis of lower limb conditions and the evaluation of treatment options. Cite this article:
Evidence suggests that the alleviation of pain is enhancedby a strong patient-clinician relationship and attending to a patient’s social and mental health. There is a limited role for medication, opioids in particular. Orthopaedic surgeons can use comprehensive biopsychosocial strategies to help people recover and can work with colleagues who have the appropriate expertise in order to maximize pain alleviation with optimal opioid stewardship. Preparing patients for elective surgery and caring for them after unplanned injury or surgery can benefit from planned and practiced strategies based in communication science. Cite this article:
The wrist is a complex joint involving many small bones and complicated kinematics. It has, therefore, been traditionally difficult to image and ascertain information about kinematics when making a diagnosis. Although MRI and fluoroscopy have been used, they both have limitations. Recently, there has been interest in the use of 4D-CT in imaging the wrist. This review examines the literature regarding the use of 4D-CT in imaging the wrist to assess kinematics and its ability to diagnose pathology. Some questions remain about the description of normal ranges, the most appropriate method of measuring intercarpal stability, the accuracy compared with established standards, and the place of 4D-CT in postoperative assessment. Cite this article:
The medial malleolus, once believed to be the primary stabilizer of the ankle, has been the topic of conflicting clinical and biomechanical data for many decades. Despite the relevant surgical anatomy being understood for almost 40 years, the optimal treatment of medial malleolar fractures remains unclear, whether the injury occurs in isolation or as part of an unstable bi- or trimalleolar fracture configuration. Traditional teaching recommends open reduction and fixation of medial malleolar fractures that are part of an unstable injury. However, there is recent evidence to suggest that nonoperative management of well-reduced fractures may result in equivalent outcomes, but without the morbidity associated with surgery. This review gives an update on the relevant anatomy and classification systems for medial malleolar fractures and an overview of the current literature regarding their management, including surgical approaches and the choice of implants. Cite this article: Abstract
Stem cells are defined by their potential for self-renewal and the ability to differentiate into numerous cell types, including cartilage and bone cells. Although basic laboratory studies demonstrate that cell therapies have strong potential for improvement in tissue healing and regeneration, there is little evidence in the scientific literature for many of the available cell formulations that are currently offered to patients. Numerous commercial entities and ‘regenerative medicine centres’ have aggressively marketed unproven cell therapies for a wide range of medical conditions, leading to sometimes indiscriminate use of these treatments, which has added to the confusion and unpredictable outcomes. The significant variability and heterogeneity in cell formulations between different individuals makes it difficult to draw conclusions about efficacy. The ‘minimally manipulated’ preparations derived from bone marrow and adipose tissue that are currently used differ substantially from cells that are processed and prepared under defined laboratory protocols. The term ‘stem cells’ should be reserved for laboratory-purified, culture-expanded cells. The number of cells in uncultured preparations that meet these defined criteria is estimated to be approximately one in 10 000 to 20 000 (0.005% to 0.01%) in native bone marrow and 1 in 2000 in adipose tissue. It is clear that more refined definitions of stem cells are required, as the lumping together of widely diverse progenitor cell types under the umbrella term ‘mesenchymal stem cells’ has created confusion among scientists, clinicians, regulators, and our patients. Validated methods need to be developed to measure and characterize the ‘critical quality attributes’ and biological activity of a specific cell formulation. It is certain that ‘one size does not fit all’ – different cell formulations, dosing schedules, and culturing parameters will likely be required based on the tissue being treated and the desired biological target. As an alternative to the use of exogenous cells, in the future we may be able to stimulate the intrinsic vascular stem cell niche that is known to exist in many tissues. The tremendous potential of cell therapy will only be realized with further basic, translational, and clinical research. Cite this article:
Non-traumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head
is a potentially devastating condition, the prevalence of which
is increasing. Many joint-preserving forms of treatment, both medical
and surgical, have been developed in an attempt to slow or reverse
its progression, as it usually affects young patients. However, it is important to evaluate the best evidence that is
available for the many forms of treatment considering the variation
in the demographics of the patients, the methodology and the outcomes
in the studies that have been published, so that it can be used
effectively. The purpose of this review, therefore, was to provide an up-to-date,
evidence-based guide to the management, both non-operative and operative,
of non-traumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Cite this article:
Modern healthcare contracting is shifting the
responsibility for improving quality, enhancing community health
and controlling the total cost of care for patient populations from
payers to providers. Population-based contracting involves capitated
risk taken across an entire population, such that any included services
within the contract are paid for by the risk-bearing entity throughout
the term of the agreement. Under such contracts, a risk-bearing entity,
which may be a provider group, a hospital or another payer, administers
the contract and assumes risk for contractually defined services.
These contracts can be structured in various ways, from professional
fee capitation to full global per member per month diagnosis-based
risk. The entity contracting with the payer must have downstream
network contracts to provide the care and facilities that it has
agreed to provide. Population health is a very powerful model to
reduce waste and costs. It requires a deep understanding of the nuances
of such contracting and the appropriate infrastructure to manage
both networks and risk. Cite this article:
The United States and Canada are in the midst
of an epidemic of the use, misuse and overdose of opioids, and deaths
related to overdose. This is the direct result of overstatement
of the benefits and understatement of the risks of using opioids
by advocates and pharmaceutical companies. Massive amounts of prescription
opioids entered the community and were often diverted and misused.
Most other parts of the world achieve comparable pain relief using
fewer opioids. The misconceptions about opioids that created this epidemic are
finding their way around the world. There is particular evidence
of the increased prescription of strong opioids in Europe. Opioids are addictive and dangerous. Evidence is mounting that
the best pain relief is obtained through resilience. Opioids are
often prescribed when treatments to increase resilience would be
more effective. Cite this article:
Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a major orthopaedic
intervention. The length of a patient's stay has been progressively
reduced with the introduction of enhanced recovery protocols: day-case
surgery has become the ultimate challenge. This narrative review shows the potential limitations of day-case
TKA. These constraints may be social, linked to patient’s comorbidities,
or due to surgery-related adverse events (e.g. pain, post-operative
nausea and vomiting, etc.). Using patient stratification, tailored surgical techniques and
multimodal opioid-sparing analgesia, day-case TKA might be achievable
in a limited group of patients. The younger, male patient without
comorbidities and with an excellent social network around him might
be a candidate. Demographic changes, effective recovery programmes and less invasive
surgical techniques such as unicondylar knee arthroplasty, may increase
the size of the group of potential day-case patients. The cost reduction achieved by day-case TKA needs to be balanced
against any increase in morbidity and mortality and the cost of
advanced follow-up at a distance with new technology. These factors
need to be evaluated before adopting this ultimate ‘fast-track’
approach. Cite this article:
Intravenous tranexamic acid (TXA) has been shown
to be effective in reducing blood loss and the need for transfusion
after joint replacement. Recently, there has been interest in applying
it topically before the closure of surgical wounds. This has the
advantages of ease of application, maximum concentration at the
site of bleeding, minimising its systemic absorption and, consequently,
concerns about possible side-effects. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis which included
14 randomised controlled trials (11 in knee replacement, two in
hip replacement and one in both) which investigated the effect of
topical TXA on blood loss and rates of transfusion. Topical TXA
significantly reduced the rate of blood transfusion (total knee
replacement: risk ratio (RR) 4.51; 95% confidence interval (CI):
3.02 to 6.72; p <
0.001 (nine trials, I2 = 0%); total
hip replacement: RR 2.56; 95% CI: 1.32 to 4.97, p = 0.004 (one trial)).
The rate of thromboembolic events with topical TXA were similar
to those found with a placebo. Indirect comparison of placebo-controlled
trials of topical and intravenous TXA indicates that topical administration
is superior to the intravenous route. In conclusion, topical TXA is an effective and safe method of
reducing the need for blood transfusion after total knee and hip
replacement. Further research is required to find its optimum dose
for topical use. Cite this article:
The surgical community is plagued with a reputation
for both failing to engage and to deliver on clinical research.
This is in part due to the absence of a strong research culture, however
it is also due to a multitude of barriers encountered in clinical
research; particularly those involving surgical interventions. ‘Trauma’
amplifies these barriers, owing to the unplanned nature of care,
unpredictable work patterns, the emergent nature of treatment and
complexities in the consent process. This review discusses the barriers
to clinical research in surgery, with a particular emphasis on trauma.
It considers how barriers may be overcome, with the aim to facilitate
future successful clinical research. Cite this article: