The Adams-Berger reconstruction is an effective technique for treating distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) instability. Graft preparation techniques vary amongst surgeons with insufficient evidence to support one technique over another. Our study evaluated the biomechanical properties of four graft preparation techniques. Extensor tendons were harvested from fresh frozen porcine trotters obtained from a local butcher shop and prepared in one of three configurations (n=5 per group): tendon only; tendon prepared with non-locking, running suture (2-0 FiberLoop, Arthrex, Naples, FL) spaced at 6 mm intervals; and tendon prepared with suture spaced at 12 mm intervals. A fourth configuration of suture alone was also tested. Tendons were allocated in a manner to ensure comparable average diameters amongst groups. Biomechanical testing occurred using custom jigs simulating radial and ulnar tunnels attached to a Bose Electroforce 3510 mechanical testing machine (TA Instruments). After being woven through the jigs, all tendons were sutured end-to-end with 2-0 PROLENE suture (Ethicon). Tendons then underwent a staircase cyclic loading protocol (5-25 Newtons [N] at 1 hertz [Hz] for 1000 cycles, then 5-50 N at 1 Hz for 1000 cycles, then 5-75 N at 1 Hz for 1000 cycles) until graft failure; if samples did not fail during the protocol, they were then loaded to failure. Samples were visually inspected for mode of failure after the protocol. A one-way analysis of variance was used to compare average tendon diameter; post-hac Tuhey tests were used to compare elongation and elongation rate. Survival to cyclic loading was analyzed using Kaplan-Meier survival curves with log rank. Statistical significance was set at a = 0.05. The average tendon diameter of each group was not statistically different [4.17 mm (tendon only), 4.33 mm (FiberLoop spaced 6 mm), and 4.30 mm (FiberLoop spaced 12 mm)]. The average survival of tendon augmented with FiberLoop was significantly higher than tendon only, and all groups had significantly improved survival compared to suture only. There was no difference in survival between FiberLoop spaced 6 mm and 12 mm. Elongation was significantly lower with suture compared to tendon augmented with FiberLoop spaced 6 mm. Elongation rate was significantly lower with suture compared to all groups.
The Mathys. ¯. finger joint replacement system offers a novel fixation method into the proximal and distal medullary canals and a semi-constrained articulation. This comprises a separable, form-fit joint with a distal/proximal play of 0.7 mm, a lateral excursion of 10°, and rotation of up to 6°. This has theoretical advantages of increased radio-ulnar stability, preventing ulnar drift in patients with rheumatoid disease, and enhanced osseointegration offering implant longevity. In our unit, however, high failure rates were noted, prompting a review of cases to quantify our suspicions. Case notes of all patients who underwent finger joint replacement using the Mathys. ¯. implant between 1999 and 2005 were retrieved. Twenty-two devices were implanted by a single surgeon during this period. Four were in finger proximal interphalangeal joints, 17 in finger metacarpophalangeal joints and one in a thumb carpometacarpal joint (CMCJ). Indications for joint replacement included sixteen for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and five for post-traumatic joint problems. The only thumb CMCJ was replaced for primary osteoarthritis. Patients were reviewed regularly and implant performance assessed critically along with survival of the implant to revision, infection or death of the patient. Mean follow up was 30 months. Sixteen implants failed including the only thumb CMCJ.
CURRENT INDICATIONS. The ideal patient for unicompartmental arthroplasty has been described as an elderly sedentary individual with significant joint space loss isolated to either the medial or lateral compartment. Angular deformity should be no more than 5 or 10 degrees off a neutral mechanical axis. Ideal weight is below 180 pounds. Pre-operative flexion contracture should be less than 15 degrees. At surgery, the anterior cruciate ligament is ideally intact and there is no evidence of inflammatory synovitis. (Kozinn, Scott, 1989) Indications for the procedure have broadened today because of the availability of less invasive operative techniques and more rapid recovery with UKA. Because of its conservative nature, the procedure is being thought of as a conservative first arthroplasty in the middle-aged patient. Because of its less invasive nature with more rapid recovery and potentially less medical morbidity, it is being considered as the “last arthroplasty” in the octogenarian or older. OUTCOMES OF UKA. Initial results reported for UKA in the 1970s were not as encouraging as they are today. This is most likely due to lessons that had yet to be learned about patient selection, surgical technique and prosthetic design. By the 1980s, reported results were improving with post-operative range of motion much higher than that reported for TKA. As longer follow-ups were reported, results were obtained that were competitive with those reported for TKA. Through the first post-operative decade, revision rates were being seen at approximately 1% failure per year or a 90% survivorship of the prosthesis at 10 years. More recently, however, some 10-year results have been reported that have survivorship well over 95% at 10 years.