Purpose and background. Static plain radiographs at the end of uncontrolled bending are the current standard of care for measuring translatory slip in back pain patients. Quantitative fluoroscopy systems (QF) that employ standardised bending protocols have been found to improve precision and reduce dose, but comparative data are lacking. We compared 4 QF methods with static radiographs in a control population, calculating ranges, population variation and measurement errors over 6 weeks. Methods. Fifty-four healthy controls (F=22, M=23) received passive recumbent and active weight bearing QF screenings during controlled motion, plus still fluoro imaging in neutral, flexion and extension. The translatory slip of all levels from L2-S1 was determined for each condition using bespoke image tracking codes (Matlab) and pooled to provide means and ranges of variation (+/-1.96SD). The pooled measurement error, or
Background. Dynamic measurement of continuous intervertebral motion in low back pain (LBP) research in-vivo is developing. Lumbar motion parameters with the features of biomarkers are emerging and show promise for advancing understanding of personalised biometrics of LBP. However, measurement of changes over time inevitably involve error, due to subjects' natural variation and/or variation in the measurement process. Thus, intra-subject repeatability of parameters to measure changes over time should be established. Methods. Seven lumbar spine motion parameters, measured using quantitative fluoroscopy (QF), were assessed for intra-subject repeatability: Intervertebral range-of-motion (IV-RoM), laxity, motion sharing inequality (MSI), motion sharing variability (MSV), flexion translation and flexion disc height. Intra-subject reliability (ICC) and