Background. Biomechanical joint contact pressure distribution measurements have proven to be a very valuable tool in orthopaedic research to investigate the influence of surgical techniques such as total knee arthroplasty (TKA) on the human knee joint. Quantification of the in vitro tibiofemoral and patellofemoral contact pressure distribution before and after the intervention are an important measure to evaluate the impact of the surgery. The K scan pressure sensor from Tekscan (South Boston USA) is a commonly reported device for these in vitro pressure measurements. Despite the large interest in the sensor, the effective measurement accuracy for in vitro biomechanical joint contact measurement still remains a big question and therefore the reliability of these measurements should be questioned. Methods. Reliable contact pressure measurements can only be done if the sensor behaviour is fully understood. Therefore, a tailored multi-axial testing machine has been designed to profoundly investigate and characterise the sensor behaviour. This test setup is unique through its ability to apply a predefined tangential force or sliding velocity to the sensor's interface next to a normal force. Dynamic effects occurring in knee joint motion can thus be simulated while evaluating the effect on the contact pressure measurements. Results. The change in contact friction coefficient by insertion of the sensor in the joint is quantified. Different interface conditions (dry, lubricated with PTFE spray, lubricated with surgical lubricant) have been evaluated to obtain the best sliding conditions and to minimise the undesired sensor accuracy deteriorating effects. Conclusion. An optimal calibration procedure is put forward and side-effects that deteriorate the measurement accuracy are quantified. The provided knowledge facilitates orthopaedic biomechanics researchers to optimally perform joint contact measurements and to estimate the effective measurement accuracy. In addition, the presented rig provides the opportunity to study the inherent knee kinematics and prosthesis shape optimisation through the inherent degrees of freedom in the rig