Chauffeur fractures or isolated radial styloid fractures (IRSF) are known to be associated with scapholunate ligament (SL) injuries. Diagnosis without arthroscopic confirmation is difficult in acute fractures. Acute management of this injury with early repair may prevent the need for more complex reconstructive procedures for chronic injuries. We investigated if all IRSF should be assessed arthroscopically for concomitant SL injuries. We performed a prospective cohort study on patients above the age of 16, presenting to the Gold Coast University Hospital with an IRSF, over 2 years. Plain radiographs and computerized tomography (CT) scans were performed. All patients had a diagnostic wrist arthroscopy performed in addition to an internal fixation of the IRSF. Patients were followed up for at least 3 months post operatively. SL repair was performed for all Geissler Grade 3/4 injuries. 10 consecutive patients were included in the study. There was no radiographic evidence of SL injuries in all patients. SL injuries were identified arthroscopically in 60% of patients and one third of these required surgical stabilisation. There were no post operative complications associated with wrist arthroscopy. We found that SL injuries occurred in 60% of IRSF and 20% of patients require surgical stabilisation. This finding is in line with the literature where SL injuries are reported in up to 40-80% of patients. Radiographic investigations were not reliable in predicting possible SL injuries in IRSF. However, no SL injuries were identified in undisplaced IRSF. In addition to identifying SL injuries, arthroscopy also aids in assisting and confirming the reduction of these intra-articular fractures. In conclusion, we should have a high index of suspicion of SL injury in IRSF. Arthroscopic assisted fixation should be considered in all displaced IRSF. This is a safe additional procedure which may prevent missed SL injuries and their potential sequelae.
The anterolateral ligament (ALL) is considered as an important stabilizer of the knee joint. This ligament prevents anterolateral subluxation of the proximal tibia on the femur when the knee is flexed and internally rotated. Injury of the ALL was not investigated in patients with knee dislocation. The aim of the current research is to study the prevalence and characteristics of ALL injury in dislocated knees. A retrospective review of charts and radiological images was done for patients who underwent multiligamentous knee reconstruction surgery for knee dislocation in our institution from May 2008 to December 2016. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to describe the ALL injury. The association of ALL injury with other variables related to the injury and the patient's background features was examined. Forty-eight patients (49 knees) were included. The mean age of the patients was 32.3 ± 10.6 years. High energy trauma was the mechanism of dislocation in 28 (57.1%) knees. Thirty-one knees (63.3%) were classified as knee dislocation (KD) type IV. Forty-five (91.8%) knees had a complete ALL injury and three (6.1%) knees had incomplete ALL injury. Forty (81.6%) knees had a complete ALL injury at the proximal fibres of the ALL, while 23 (46.9%) knees had complete distal ALL injury. None of the 46 (93.9%) knees with lateral collateral ligament (LCL) injury had normal proximal ALL fibres (p = 0.012). Injury to the distal fibres of the ALL, as well as overall ALL injury, were not associated with any other variables (p >0.05). Moreover, all patients with associated tibial plateau fractures (9, 18.4%) had abnormality of the proximal fibres of the ALL (p = 0.033). High grade ALL injury is highly prevalent among dislocated knees. The outcomes of reconstructing the ALL in multiligamentous knee reconstruction surgery should be investigated in future studies.
Abstract. Background. Fracture dislocation of the knee involves disruption of two or more knee ligaments with associated tibial plateau fracture. If these injuries are not evaluated swiftly, can result in a limb-threatening injury. The aim of this study is to look at the clinical outcomes of a single surgeon case series at a major trauma centre. Methods. Prospectively collected data was analysed for a 5-year period. Primary outcome measures used were International Knee Documented Committee(IKDC) score and Knee Injury & Osteoarthritis Outcome Score(KOOS). The secondary outcome measures include Tegner activity scale, knee range of movements & complications. Results. 23 patients were presented with the mean age was 37 years(17–74). 14% of patients sustained vascular injury & 19% had common peroneal nerve injury. Priority was given for early total repair/reconstruction with fracture fixation within 3 weeks where feasible (90% of patients), and if not, a staged approach was adopted. The mean IKDC score was 67 & KOOS was 73. The mean postoperative Tegner Activity Scale was 3.6 with mean flexion of 115(90–130). We observed some patterns of tibial plateau fractures are associated with similar patterns of
Surfing has rapidly grown in popularity as the sport made its debut at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. Surfing injuries are becoming more relevant with the globalisation and increasing risks of the sport, but despite this, little is known about surfing injuries or prevention strategies in either the competitive or recreational surfer. We reviewed the literature for the incidence, anatomical distribution, type and underlying mechanism of acute and overuse injuries, and discuss current preventative measures. Four online databases, including MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE and Cochrane Library were searched from inception to March 2020. This review finds that skin injuries represent the highest proportion of total injuries. Acute injuries most frequently affect the head, neck and face, followed by the lower limbs. Being struck by one's own board is the most common mechanism of injury. Surfers are injured at a frequency of 0.30–6.60 injuries per 1000 hours of surfing. Most prior studies are limited by small sample sizes, poor data collection methodology and geographical constraints. The scientific literature on surfing injuries under-represents overuse musculoskeletal injuries and the efficacy of prevention strategies for surfing-related overuse musculoskeletal injuries has not been studied. Injuries to the head and neck pose greater risks to a surfer's morbidity and mortality, yet there is no consensus on the management protocol of spinal injuries that occur in open water. Non-contact acute
Background. Lateral
Background. Radial head arthroplasty (RHA) is a popular method of treatment for complex fractures of the radial head. The purpose of this study was to investigate patient outcomes and radiographic findings associated with a single anatomical monopolar press-fit radial head system commonly used for the treatment of radial head fractures. Methods. A retrospective review of prospectively collected data was performed for a consecutive series of patients treated with RHA between November 2007 and April 2014. Patients with a minimum of 12-month follow-up were included. Most recent radiographs were evaluated for loosening, stress shielding, and instability. Post-operative motion and outcomes were reported at most-recent follow-up. Results. At an average follow-up of 30 months, 7 of the 17 patients (41%) demonstrated radiographic loosening. Six of the 10 patients (60%) without loosening demonstrated stress shielding (average 6mm). Functional outcome scores included a mean ASES of 74, MEPS of 87, VAS Pain of 1, VAS Function of 8 and SANE of 79. Average flexion-extension arc was 13°–138°, and average pronation-supination was 77°–76° (Figure 1). Of the patients with radiographic loosening, 86% had undergone RHA with an associated
The diagnosis of a clinical scaphoid fracture is made when a scaphoid fracture is suspected, but radiographs are normal. Standard treatment in this scenario involves immobilization and repeat x-rays in 10–14 days. When repeat x-rays are also normal but a scaphoid fracture is still suspected clinically, the optimal management in children is unknown. Our objective was to characterize these patients and evaluate their management and outcomes. A retrospective study was performed of all patients presenting to a tertiary paediatric center over a two year period with a diagnosis of wrist or hand pain. Charts were identified by ICD-10 diagnostic codes and reviewed for inclusion and exclusion criteria. Patients were included if they had clinical suspicion of a scaphoid fracture but two sets of x-rays negative for fracture within 14 days of injury. Ninety-one children (mean age 13.2 years, SD: 2.2) were identified with a clinical scaphoid fracture. Mean follow-up was 7.1 weeks. Most patients (60%) were injured either from a fall while ambulating or from sports. Sixteen (18%) patients received CT or MRI at an average of 8.4 weeks post-injury (95%CI:5–15.3). All patients were immobilized for a mean of 5.4 weeks. No patients underwent surgery. Five patients (5.5%) were found to have a scaphoid fracture diagnosed by X-ray or CT at a mean of 5.7 weeks post-injury (range 4.3–6.6). Other carpal fractures or
There is a difference between “functional instability” of a total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and a case of “TKA instability”. For example a TKA with a peri-prosthetic fracture is unstable, but would not be considered a “case of instability”. The concept of “stability” for a TKA means that the reconstructed joint can maintain its structure and permit normal motion and activities under physiologic loads. The relationship between stability and alignment is that stability maintains alignment. Instability means that there are numerous alignments and almost always the worst one for the loading condition. In the native knee, “instability” is synonymous with
Musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSK-US) can have many uses for orthopaedic surgeons, such as assisting in clinical diagnosis for muscle, tendon and
The purpose of this study was to quantify tibial tunnel enlargement at 3-, 6- and 12-months post-anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR), and evaluate the magnitude of tunnel widening with use of a Poly (L-lactic Acid) interference screw (PLLA (Bioscrew XtraLok, Conmed, New York)) compared to a Poly (L-lactic Acid) + tricalcium phosphate interference screw (PLLA+TCP (GENESYS Matryx screw comprised of microTCP and 96L/4D PLA, Conmed, New York)). This was a prospective randomized controlled trial with two parallel groups. Eighty unilateral ACL-deficient participants awaiting ACLR surgery were recruited between 2013 and 2017 from the clinic of a sole fellowship trained orthopaedic surgeon. Patients had to be skeletally mature and less than 45 years old, with no concomitant knee
Knee dislocations are a rare but serious cause of trauma. The aim of this study was to establish current demographics and injury patterns/associations in multi-ligament (MLI) knee injuries in the United Kingdom. A National survey was sent out to trauma & orthopaedic trainees using the British Orthopaedic Trainees Association sources in 2018. Contributors were asked to retrospectively collect a data for a minimum of 5 cases of knee dislocation, or multi-ligament knee injury, between January 2014 and December 2016. Data was collected regarding injury patterns and surgical reconstructions. 73 cases were available for analysis across 11 acute care NHS Trusts. 77% were male. Mean age was 31.9 (SD 12.4; range 16–69). Mean Body Mass Index (BMI) was 28.3 (SD 7.0; range 19–52). Early (<3 weeks) reconstruction was performed in 53% with 9 (23%) patients under-going procedures for arthrofibrosis. Late (>12 weeks) reconstruction took place in 37% with one (3.7%) patient under-going arthroscopic arthrolysis. 4% had delayed surgery (3–12 weeks) and 5% had early intervention with delayed ACL reconstruction. For injuries involving 3 or more
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are one of the most common
Purpose. Assess and report the functional and post-operative outcomes of complex acute radial head fractures with elbow instability treated by arthroplasty using an uncemented modular anatomic prosthesis. Methods. Over a 3-year period (2007–2010), 21 patients (mean age 51.9 years) were treated primarily with modular radial head arthroplasty (mean follow up of 27.1 months). Data was collected retrospectively using clinical notes, operation documentation and prospectively using validated scoring systems namely the Oxford Elbow Index, Quick DASH and the Mayo Elbow Performance Score. Associated elbow fractures,
The brief answer is no….I do not believe that outpatient total joint arthroplasty is the emergent standard of care. However, for some patients and some surgeons I do believe that outpatient total joint arthroplasty can be performed safely and with greater comfort and convenience for the patient. Further, for the surgeon, it can provide greater control over the care environment if performed at an ambulatory surgery center. Patient selection is paramount in my opinion for safely performing outpatient total joint arthroplasty. While some have attempted to define specific criteria, our own criteria include patients with simple orthopaedic problems who are healthy, trustworthy and have a good support system of family or friends to assist them. As surgeons we must also be self-aware as the margin for error, particularly at a freestanding ambulatory surgery center, is narrow. Operative times should be reliably brief and blood loss should be minimal to allow for a safe discharge on the same day. Further the incidence of intraoperative complications such as fractures at the time of total hip arthroplasty or
Introduction. Active robotics for total knee Arthroplasty (TKA) uses a CAD-CAM approach to plan the correct size and placement of implants and to surgically achieve planned limb alignment. The TSolution One Total Knee Application (THINK Surgical Inc., Fremont, CA) is an open-implant platform, CT-based active robotic surgical system. A multi-center, prospective, non-randomized clinical trial was performed to evaluate safety and effectiveness of robotic-assisted TKA using the TSolution One Total Knee Application. This report details the findings from the IDE. Methods. Patients had to be ≥ 21 years old with BMI ≤ 40, Kellgren-Lawrence Grade ≥ 3, coronal deformity ≤ 20°, and sagital flexion contracture ≤ 15° to participate. In addition to monitoring all adverse events (AE), a pre-defined list of relevant major AEs (medial collateral
Introduction. Fracture around the knee can lead to posttraumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA) of the knee. Malunion, malalignment, intra-articular osseous defects, retained internal fixation devices, and compromised soft tissues may affect the outcome of total knee replacement (TKR). On average, the posttraumatic patient subsets were 10.4 years younger than those for primary knee OA. Recently, there were several studies reporting the outcome of THA for posttraumatic OA hip. However, no current literature defines the comparative functional outcome between PTOA and primary OA knee. The purpose of our study was to compare the midterm outcomes of patients undergoing TKR following periarticular knee fractures/
Optimal management of acute patellar dislocation is still a topic of debate. Although, conventionally it has been managed by non-operative measures, recent literature recommends operative treatment to prevent re-dislocations. Our study recommends that results of non-operative measures comparable to that of operative management. Our study is the retrospective with 46 consecutive patients (47 knees) of first time patellar dislocation managed between 2012 and 2014. The study methodology highlighted upon the etiology, mechanism of injury and other characteristics of first time dislocations and also analysed outcomes of conservative management including re-dislocation rates. The duration of follow up ranged from 1 to 4 years. Average age at first-time dislocation was 23 years (Range 10–62 years). Male:Female ratio was 30:17. Twisting injury was the commonest cause. 1 patient required open reduction but all others relocated spontaneously or had successful closed reduction. Medial Patello-Femoral
Bone is capable of regeneration, and defects often heal spontaneously. However, cartilage, tendon, and
A retrospective review of 57 military patients undergoing ankle arthroscopy between 1999 and 2011 was performed. A case-note review of medical records was undertaken pertaining to military role, ankle injury sustained, mechanism, presenting symptoms and their duration. Arthroscopic findings were compared to findings on radiographs and MRI scans. At first presentation 23 patients had features of arthritis on radiographs. We found MRI was both highly sensitive (97.7%) and specific (93.4%) in detecting osteochondral defects (OCD). 16 of the patients had evidence of osteochondral injury. All OCDs picked up on MRI were confirmed at arthroscopy. Ankle injury may not be a benign injury in military personnel, with over half of these young patients having radiological features of osteoarthritis at presentation. We found MRI an effective tool for identifying occult injuries not seen on radiographs. Lateral