Scapula fractures mostly occur following high energy trauma, however, the demographics are unknown in deployed soldiers. We analysed the incidence, aetiology, associated injuries, treatment and complications of these fractures in military personnel from Afghanistan and Iraq (2004–2014). Forty-four scapula fractures from 572 upper limb fractures (7.7%) were sustained. 85% were caused by blast or gunshot wounds and 54% were open blast fractures. Multiple injuries were noted including lung, head, vascular and nerve injuries. Injury Severity Scores were almost double compared to the average upper limb injury without a scapula fracture (21 vs. 11). Brachial plexus injuries (17%) have a favourable outcome following GSW compared to blast injuries. Glenoid fractures or
Fractures of the clavicle remain common in clinical practice. The main changes that have occurred in the last five years are in the indications for surgical intervention. The traditional indications remain. For example, complex cases such as compound fractures, those in which the skin is threatened, fractures of the clavicle associated with a