Shortness of an extremity due to different causes is an issue that may adversely affect human life functional and psychologically. In this study, in the light of previous studies, it is aimed to develop a new expandable intramedullary system, providing lengthening in order to remove previous problems and complications and to annihilate leg length discrepancies at present and future without second surgical intervention as far as possibble by lenghtening the intramedullary nail. To this end, a new electromechanically activated intramedullary nail has been designed and generated. The intramedullary nail was designed to perform extremity lengthening electro-mechanically. The 3D design of the system is performed with computer software and the rapid and metal prototype of the system has been produced. The intramedullary nail system is comprised of three main units; Mechanical transmission unit, Electronic unit, Lengthening unit. The nail system is designed to function both mechanically and electronically complying with the requirement. This also provides an advantage that if any one (mechanic or electronic) fails, the lengthening process can continue with the other. Compression tests are applied in order to evaluate the strength of the system. The deformation values of the parts are recorded and stress values of each parts were calculated. The new system needs only 300N loading for mechanical lengthening. When 800N is considered as average human weight, the implant must withstand minumum 2400N load. Considering the safety conditions, we applied 4000N load on the new system. At 4000N, the whole system shows only 1.465 mm deformation which is less than the gap between the two bone parts. Also, when the system is implanted inside the bone, the loads are distributed proportionally between the bone and the implant. So, except for extraordinary conditions, the newly developed system is highly rigid and safe. In each applied method, lots of complications whether general or method-specific are seen. When the methods like Albizzia, ISKD and