Introduction. The exact mechanisms leading to tendinopathies and tendon ruptures remain poorly understood while their occurrence is clearly associated with exercise. Overloading is thought to be a major factor contributing to the development of tendon pathologies. However, as animal studies have shown, heavy loading alone won't cause tendinopathies. It has been speculated, that malfunctioning adaptation or healing processes might be involved, triggering tendon tissue degeneration. By analysing the expression of the entirety of degrading enzymes (degradome) in pathological and non-pathological, strained and non-strained tendon tissue, the aim of this study was to identify common or opposite patterns in gene regulation. This approach may generate new targets for future studies. Materials and Methods. RNA was extracted from different tendon tissues: normal (n=7), tendinopathic (n=4) and ruptured (n=4) Achilles tendon; normal (n=4) and tendinopathic (n=4) posterior tibialis tendon; normal hamstrings tendon with or without subjection to static strain (n=4). The RNA was reverse transcribed, then pooled per group The expression of 538 protease genes was analysed using Taqman low-density array quantitative RT-PCR. To be considered relevant, changes had to be at least 4fold and measurable at a level below 36 Cts. Results. In general, there was little common regulation when exercised was compared with pathological tissue. The expression of PAMR1 and TNFαIP3 was upregulated with exercise (169-fold and 78-fold), Achilles tendinopathy (9724-fold and 7-fold) and Achilles tendon rupture (1809-fold and 10-fold), while DDI1, PSMB11 and PSH2 which were down-regulated with exercise were upregulated with Achilles pathology. Discussion. The newly found targets may deliver insights into the initiation and progression of tendon pathologies: PAMR1, a regeneration associated muscle protease which has been shown to be downregulated in