Aim. To review the natural history of upper limb osteochondromas and assess their functional effect. Materials. We performed a retrospective casenote review of a consecutive patient cohort presenting between 1997–2012 with upper limb osteochondromas. Indications for surgical intervention were noted and considered to be cosmetic, functional (including pain relief) and ‘prophylactic’ in terms of deformity prevention. All patients were invited to complete questionnaires for the PODCI, DASH, OSS and MHS scores. Results. We identified 102 patients (62 male: 40 female; mean age = 13.3 years; range 3–31 years). 84 patients had multiple exostoses whilst 18 had a solitary lesion. 52 patients had shoulder girdle involvement (scapula, clavicle and proximal humerus), 51 forearm (Masada I (n=31) Masada II (n=9) Masada III (n=11)), and 38 hand involvement. 46/102 patients had concurrent lower limb lesions. 56 operative procedures were performed primarily for functional benefit. Shoulder girdle procedures (n=21) improved pressure related pain, scapular pseudowinging/dyskinesia and