Background. Recent articles in the medical press highlight the potential dangers of Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES). CES has the highest rates of litigation due to its long-term neurological impairment, which can lead to devastating outcome on patients. The aim of this study was to assess health care professionals knowledge with regards to the urinary symptoms of CES and the timeframe in which treatment should be offered. Objectives. To assess health care professionals knowledge with regards to urinary symptoms of CES and when treatment should be offered. Design. A 4-part questionnaire established profession and number of cases seen per week. The participant was asked to rank 15 urinary symptoms, 7 of these symptoms were not related to CES. The participants were asked the ideal time to surgical intervention for Complete CES and Incomplete CES. Setting. Primary and Secondary Care. Participants. 60 questionnaires were complete. Participants had to successfully complete the first three parts of the questionnaire (n = 44). Any who failed to complete section four were excluded from analysis from that part only (n = 41). Interventions. Nil. Outcome measures. As design. Results. A total of 44 questionnaires were analysed. Both doctors and physiotherapists ranked the CES symptoms on average significantly higher than then the non-CES symptoms. The physiotherapists rated the CES symptoms significantly higher than the doctors (P = 0.05) and on average rated the non-CES symptoms significantly lower than doctors (P < 0.05). 87.8% thought that complete CES should be treated < 24 hours and 9.76% thought that complete CES should be treated from 24-48 hours. 46.34% thought that CESI should be treated < 24 hours and 43.9% thought that CESI should be treated from 24-48 hours. Conclusion. These results demonstrate that physiotherapists are better than Doctors at identifying the urinary symptoms in CES. The majority of health care professional who took part in this study stated that they would offer surgical intervention for both Complete and Incomplete CES within 24 hours. The gap in knowledge highlights the need for education to all medical professionals in the symptoms of CES and also the timing of treatment