This project began as an audit of performance against the 18-week referral to treatment time (RTT) target but became an interesting development in clinical training. The electronic documents and PACS images for 50 consecutive routine GP referrals to an orthopaedic clinic were traced using the UCPN (Unique Care Pathway Number). The average time from referral to 1. st. clinic appointment was 57 days (range 29–117). 16 were discharged at 1. st. visit. 26 were listed for surgery: 20 at the 1. st. clinic, 3 at the 2. nd. clinic, 2 at the 3. rd. clinic, 1 after test results without clinic review. Average time from referral to listing was 68 days (range 28–177). For 25 patients who had surgery, average RTT was 164 days (61–394). 14 patients breached the target. The UCPN allows an overview of the diagnostic work-up for the whole care pathway. Time constraints and less opportunity for continuity of care have hampered effective training in the outpatient clinic. Using the UCPN in this way allows detailed