Chondral injuries of the knee are extremely common and present a unique therapeutic challenge due to the poor intrinsic healing of articular cartilage. These injuries can lead to significant functional impairment. There are several treatment modalities for articular osteochondral defects, one of which is autologous chondrocyte implantation. Our study evaluates the mid to long term functional outcomes in a cohort of 828 patients who have undergone an autologous chondrocyte implantation procedure (either ACI or MACI), identifying retrospectively factors that may influence their outcome. The influence of factors including age, sex, presence of osteoarthritis and size and site of lesion have been assessed individually and with multivariate analysis. All patients were assessed using the Bentley Functional Score, Visual Analogue Score and the Cincinnati Functional Score. Assessment were performed pre-operatively and of their status in 2010. The majority of patients had several interim scores performed at varying intervals. The longest follow-up was 12 years (range 24 to 153 months) with a mean age of 34 years at time of procedure. The mean defect size was 486 mm2 (range 64 to 2075 mm2). The distribution of lesions was 51% Medial Femoral Condyle, 12.5% Lateral Femoral Condyle, 18% Patella (single facet), 5% Patella (Multifacet) and 6% Trochlea. 4% had cartilage transplant to multiple sites. 30% failed following this procedure at a mean time of 72 months. 52% patients stated a marked improvement in their functional outcomes within the first two years. 49% stated an excellent result following their procedure. High failure rate was noted in those with previous