Our aim was to ascertain if K-wire configuration had any influence on the infection and complication rate for base of 4th and 5th metacarpal fractures. We hypothesised that in individuals whose wires crossed the 4th and 5th
Used routinely in maxillofacial reconstructive surgery, the chondrocostal graft is also applied to hand surgery in traumatic or pathologic indications. The purpose of this overview was to analyze at long-term follow-up the radiological and histological evolution of this autograft, in hand and wrist surgery. We extrapolated this autograft technique to the elbow by using perichondrium. Since 1992, 148 patients have undergone chondrocostal autograft: 116 osteoarthritis of the thumb
Wrist arthrodesis is a common surgical procedure that provides a high level of functional outcome and pain relief among patients.[1] Upon partial arthrodesis, the wrist experiences changes in load transmission that are influenced by the type of arthrodesis performed. Measuring the load through the wrist joint is difficult, however, combined with computational models [2], it is possible to obtain data regarding the load mechanics of the wrist joint. Although successful fusion rates among patients have been reported, it remains unclear what the biomechanical consequences are. The aim of the study is to quantify pre and post operative load transmission through a cadaveric wrist which has undergone simulated arthrodesis of the radiolunate(RL) joint. An embalmed human wrist was dissected dorsally exposing distal radius, radiocarpal and