Introduction and Objective. The patients with a total hip arthroplasty is growing in world manly in Europe and USA, and this solution present a high success at 10years in several orthopaedic registers. The application of total press-fit hip fixation presents the most used solution, but presents some failures associated to the acetabular component fixation, associated to the load transfer and bone loss at long term. The aim of this work is to investigate the influence of different acetabular bone loss in the strain distribution in iliac
Surgical treatment of fragility sacrum fractures with percutaneous sacroiliac (SI) screw fixation is associated with high failure rates in terms of screw loosening, cut-through and turn-out. The latter is a common cause for complications, being detected in up to 20% of the patients. The aim of this study was to develop a new screw-in-screw concept and prototype implant for fragility sacrum fracture fixation and test it biomechanically versus transsacral and SI screw fixations. Twenty-seven artificial pelves with discontinued symphysis and a vertical osteotomy in zone 1 after Denis were assigned to three groups (n = 9) for implantation of their right sites with either an SI screw, the new screw-in-screw implant, or a transsacral screw. All specimens were biomechanically tested to failure in upright position with the right ilium constrained. Validated setup and test protocol were used for complex axial and torsional loading, applied through the S1 vertebral body. Interfragmentary movements were captured via optical motion tracking. Screw motions in the
Autologous bone grafting is a standard procedure for the clinical repair of skeletal defects, and good results have been obtained. Autologous vascularized bone grafting is currently the procedure of choice because of high osteogenic potential and resistance against reabsorption. Disadvantages of this procedure include limited availability of donor sites, clinical difficulty in handling, and a failure rate exceeding 10%. Allografts are often used for massive bone loss, but since only the marginal portion is newly vascularized after the implantation non healing fractures are often reported, along with a graft reabsorption. To overcome these problems, some studies in literature tried to conjugate bone graft and vascular supply, with encouraging results. On the other side, several studies in literature reported the ability of bone marrow derived cells to promote neo-vascularization. In fact, bone marrow contains not only hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and MSCs as a source for regenerating tissues but also accessory cells that support angiogenesis and vasculogenesis by producing several growth factors. In this scenario a new procedure was developed, consisting in an allogenic bone graft transplantation in a critical size defect in rabbit radius, plus a deviation at its inside of the median artery and vein with a supplement of autologous bone marrow concentrate on a collagen scaffold. Twenty-four New Zealand male white rabbits (2500–3000 g) were divided into 2 groups, each consisting of 12 animals. Surgeries were performed as follow:. −. Group 1 (#12): allogenic bone graft (left radius) / allogenic bone graft + vascular pedicle + autologous bone marrow concentrate (right radius). −. Group 2 (#12): sham operated (left radius)/ allogenic bone graft + vascular pedicle (right radius). For each group, 3 experimental time: 8, 4 and 2 weeks (4 animals for each time). The bone used as graft was previously collected from an uncorrelated study. An in vitro
The objective of this study was to investigate the therapeutic effect of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNCs) treated with quality and quantity control culture (QQ-culture) to expand and fortify angiogenic cells on the acceleration of fracture healing. Human PBMNCs were cultured for seven days with the QQ-culture method using a serum-free medium containing five specific cytokines and growth factors. The QQ-cultured PBMNCs (QQMNCs) obtained were counted and characterised by flow cytometry and real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Angiogenic and osteo-inductive potentials were evaluated using tube formation assays and co-culture with mesenchymal stem cells with osteo-inductive medium Objectives
The aim of our study was to investigate the effect of platelet-rich plasma on the proliferation and differentiation of rat bone-marrow cells and to determine an optimal platelet concentration in plasma for osseous tissue engineering. Rat bone-marrow cells embedded in different concentrations of platelet-rich plasma gel were cultured for six days. Their potential for proliferation and osteogenic differentiation was analysed. Using a rat limb-lengthening model, the cultured rat bone-marrow cells with platelet-rich plasma of variable concentrations were transplanted into the distraction gap and the quality of the regenerate
Short intense electrical pulses transiently increase the permeability of the cell membrane, an effect known as electroporation. This can be combined with antiblastic drugs for ablation of tumours of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The aim of this study was to test the efficacy of electroporation when applied to bone and to understand whether the presence of mineralised trabeculae would affect the capability of the electric field to porate the membrane of bone cells. Different levels of electrical field were applied to the femoral bone of rabbits. The field distribution and modelling were simulated by computer. Specimens of bone from treated and control rabbits were obtained for histology, histomorphometry and biomechanical testing. After seven days, the area of ablation had increased in line with the number of pulses and/or with the amplitude of the electrical field applied. The osteogenic activity in the ablated area had recovered by 30 days. Biomechanical testing showed structural integrity of the bone at both times. Electroporation using the appropriate combination of voltage and pulses induced ablation of bone cells without affecting the recovery of osteogenic activity. It can be an effective treatment in bone and when used in combination with drugs, an option for the treatment of metastases.
Soaking bone grafts in a bisphosphonate solution before implantation can prevent their resorption and increase the local bone density in rats and humans. However, recent studies suggest that pre-treatment of allografts with bisphosphonate can prevent bone ingrowth into impaction grafts. We tested the hypothesis that excessive amounts of bisphosphonate would also cause a negative response in less dense grafts. We used a model where non-impacted metaphyseal bone grafts were randomised into three groups with either no bisphosphonate, alendronate followed by rinsing, and alendronate without subsequent rinsing, and inserted into bone chambers in rats. The specimens were evaluated histologically at one week, and by histomorphometry and radiology at four weeks. At four weeks, both bisphosphonate groups showed an increase in the total bone content, increased newly formed bone, and higher radiodensity than the controls. In spite of being implanted in a chamber with a limited opportunity to diffuse, even an excessive amount of bisphosphonate improved the outcome. We suggest that the negative results seen by others could be due to the combination of densely compacted bone and a bisphosphonate. We suggest that bisphosphonates are likely to have a negative influence where resorption is a prerequisite to create space for new bone ingrowth.
Allograft bone is widely used in orthopaedic surgery, but peri-operative infection of the graft remains a common and disastrous complication. The efficacy of systemic prophylactic antibiotics is unproven, and since the graft is avascular it is likely that levels of antibiotic in the graft are low. Using an electrical potential to accelerate diffusion of antibiotics into allograft bone, high levels were achieved in specimens of both sheep and human allograft. In human bone these ranged from 187.1 mg/kg in endosteal ( Structural allograft can be supplemented directly with antibiotics using iontophoresis. The technique is simple and inexpensive and offers a potential means of reducing the rate of peri-operative infection in allograft surgery. Iontophoresis into allograft bone may also be applicable to other therapeutic compounds.