Musculoskeletal disorders have been recognised as common occupational risks for all orthopaedic surgeons. The nature of tasks performed by hip surgeons often requires both forceful and repetitive manoeuvres, potentially putting them at higher risk of musculoskeletal injuries compared to other orthopaedic sub-specialities. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of musculoskeletal conditions among hip surgeons and evaluate the association between their workplace and lifestyle factors and musculoskeletal health. An online questionnaire consisting of 22 questions was distributed to UK-based consultant hip surgeons via email and social media platforms. This survey was completed by 105 hip surgeons. The mean age of the respondents was 49 years (range 35–69), with an average of 12 years (range 1–33) in service. 94% were full-time and 6% worked part-time. 49% worked at a district general hospital, 49% at a tertiary centre and 4% at a private institution. 80% were on the on-call rota and 69% had additional trauma commitments. 91% reported having one or more, 50% with three or more and 13% with five or more musculoskeletal conditions. 64% attributed their musculoskeletal condition to their profession. The most common musculoskeletal conditions were