Introduction. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of a multi-modal blood conservation protocol that involved pre–operative autologous blood donations (2 units) in conjunction with erythropoietin supplementation as well as intra-operative conservation modalities. Methods. A retrospective chart review of 90 patients with simultaneous bilateral total knee arthroplasty done between 2006–2009 by one of the 3 senior authors was performed. Patients donated two units of blood 4 weeks prior to surgery and also received erythropoietin injections (40,000 units: 3 weeks, 2 weeks and 1 week prior to surgery). Intra- operative blood management included use of pneumatic tourniquet, re-infusion drains, local epinephrine injections and fibrin spray. Post-operatively,
Introduction. Early rehabilitation and discharge following minimally-invasive total hip arthroplasty has potential risks including the possibility that patients may become progressively anemic at home. The current study assess the use of pre-emptive autologous blood transfusion on the length of stay, readmission, and allogenous transfusion. Methods. Patients treated by primary total hip arthroplasty using the superior capsulotomy technique were studied. Patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 were patients who did donate autologous blood and received an intra-operative pre-emptive transfusion. There were 283 patients in Group 1. Group 2 were patients who were medically capable of donating autologous blood but did not for non-medical reasons. There were 71 patients in Group 2. Patients who did not donate autologous blood for medical reasons (preoperative Hgb less than 11.5, age over 80) were excluded. All patients received general anesthesia. Length of stay, allogenous transfusion and readmission were compared. Results. The mean length of stay after surgery for the Group 1 patients who received autologous blood donation during primary THA was 1.56 days (SD 78 days, range 0–4). The mean length of stay for the Group 2 patients who did not donate or receive autologous blood during primary THA was 1.87 days (SD 84 days, range 1–4). Patients who received autologous blood donation had a significantly shorter post-surgical length of stay than patients who did not (p = .002, Mann-Whitney test). Patients who did not donate and preemptively receive autologous blood received significantly more allogenous blood (Mann-Whitney, p=.0004). Moreover 15% of those who auto-donated were given allogenic transfusions, while 37% of those who did not auto-donate were given allogeneic transfusions. One patient who did receive
Clinical, haematological or economic benefits of post-operative blood salvage with autologous blood re-transfusion have yet to be clearly demonstrated for primary total hip replacement. We performed a prospective randomised study to analyse differences in postoperative haemoglobin levels and homologous blood requirements in two groups of patients undergoing primary total hip replacement. A series of 158 patients was studied. In one group two vacuum drains were used and in the other the ABTrans autologous retransfusion system. A total of 58 patients (76%) in the re-transfusion group received autologous blood. There was no significant difference in the mean post-operative haemoglobin levels in the two groups. There were, however, significantly fewer patients with post-operative haemoglobin values less than 9.0 g/dl and significantly fewer patients who required transfusion of homologous blood in the re-transfusion group. There was also a small overall cost saving in this group.
Using a computer-based quality assurance program, we analysed peri-operative data on 160 patients undergoing one-stage bilateral hip or knee arthroplasties under regional anaesthesia with routine anaesthetic monitoring and only using peripheral intravenous access for peri-operative safety. We monitored defined intra-operative adverse events such as hypotension, myocardial ischaemia, arrhythmias, hypovolaemia, hypertension and early post-operative complications. We also determined post-operative hip and knee function, and patient satisfaction with different aspects of the anaesthetic management. Those patients undergoing one-stage bilateral arthroplasties were matched according to a cross-stratification which used three variables (American Society of Anesthesiologists’ physical status scoring system, age and joint replaced) to patients undergoing unilateral hip or knee arthroplasties. Serious intra-operative adverse events were, with the exception of intra-operative hypotension, very infrequent in patients undergoing bilateral (nine adverse events) as well as unilateral arthroplasties (five adverse events). Early post-operative complications were also infrequent in both groups. However, the risks of receiving a heterologous blood transfusion (odds ratio 2.5; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.3 to 5.0, estimated by exact conditional logistic regression) or vasoactive drugs (odds ratio 3.9; 95% CI 2.0 to 7.8) were significantly greater for patients undergoing bilateral operations. Patient satisfaction with anaesthesia was high; all patients who underwent the one-stage bilateral operation would choose the same anaesthetic technique again.