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Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_2 | Pages 23 - 23
10 Feb 2023
Silva A Walsh T Gray J Platt S
Full Access

Swelling following an ankle fracture is commonly believed to preclude surgical fixation, delaying operative treatment to allow the swelling to subside. This is in an attempt to achieve better soft tissue outcomes. We aim to identify whether pre-operative ankle swelling influences postoperative wound complications following ankle fracture surgery. This is a prospective cohort study of 80 patients presenting to a tertiary referral centre with operatively managed malleolar ankle fractures. Ankle swelling was measured visually and then quantitatively using the validated ‘Figure-of-eight’ technique. Follow-up was standardised at 2, 6, and 12 weeks post-operatively. Wound complications, patient co-morbidities, operative time, surgeon experience, and hospital stay duration were recorded. The complication rate was 8.75% (n=7), with 1 deep infection requiring operative intervention and all others resolving with oral antibiotics and wound cares. There was no significant difference in wound complication rates associated with quantitative ankle swelling (p=0.755), visual assessment of ankle swelling (p=0.647), or time to operative intervention (p=0.270). Increasing age (p=0.006) and female gender (p=0.049) had a significantly greater probability of wound complications. However, BMI, smoking status, level of the operating surgeon, and tourniquet time were not significantly different. Visual assessment of ankle swelling had a poor to moderate correlation to ‘Figure-of-eight’ ankle swelling measurements ICC=0.507 (0.325- 0.653). Neither ankle swelling nor time to surgery correlates with an increased risk of postoperative wound complication in surgically treated malleolar ankle fractures. Increasing patient age and female gender had a significantly greater probability of wound infection, irrespective of swelling. Visual assessment of ankle swelling is unreliable for quantifying true ankle swelling. Operative intervention at any time after an ankle fracture, irrespective of swelling, is safe and showed no better or worse soft tissue outcomes than those delayed for swelling

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 104-B, Issue SUPP_5 | Pages 38 - 38
1 Apr 2022
Gangadharan S Giles S Fernandes J
Full Access

Introduction. Fibula contributes to weight bearing and serves as a lateral buttress to the talus. Fibular shortening leads to ankle valgus, distal tibial epiphyseal wedging and ankle instability. Trauma, infection and skeletal dyplasias are the common causes of fibular shortening in children. Aim was to review this cohort who underwent fibular lengthening and ankle reconstruction. Materials and Methods. Retrospective review from a prospective database of clinical and radiographic data of all children who underwent fibular lengthening for correction of ankle valgus. Distraction osteogenesis with external fixator was performed for all cases. Results. Eight children with 10 fibulae (average age: 10 years) were followed up for an average of 75.6 months. In older children, corrective tibial osteotomy was performed in addition to fibular lengthening. TSF frame mounted with mini-rail fixator was used in seven children who required adjuvant tibial correction and mini-rail was used for bilateral fibular lengthening in one. Remodelling of the wedged distal tibial epiphysis was noted in 75%. Talar tilt and mLDTA improved in 66.7% and fibular station in 85.7% limbs. Seven year old girl required re-lengthening. Two children developed fibular non-union. Proximal fibular migration was observed in one child, in whom the tibial wire did not engage the fibula. Conclusions. Restoration of tibial mechanical axis and lateral talar buttress is necessary to correct ankle valgus. Stabilisation of fibula to the tibia is prudent during distraction. Younger children may require re-lengthening. Remodelling of the triangular tibial epiphysis can be achieved when done early

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 102-B, Issue SUPP_6 | Pages 12 - 12
1 Jul 2020
Axelrod D Wasserstein D Zochowski T Marks PH Mahomed N Veljkovic A
Full Access

The purpose of this study was to define the risk and incidence of eventual ankle arthroplasty or fusion after documented ankle fracture in a large cohort, and compare that rate to matched healthy patients from the general population. The Ontario health insurance plan (OHIP) physician billing database, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) Physician Database, the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) databases, Discharge Abstract Database (DAD) and Same Day Surgery (SDS) were used to identify patients treated surgically and non-surgically for ankle fractures. Each patient was matched to four individuals from the general population (13.5 million) with no documented prior treatment for ankle fracture, according to age, sex, income, and urban/rural residence. Fusion and replacement incidence was compared using time-to-event analysis (Kaplan-Meier). A Cox Proportional Hazards model was used to explore the influence of patient, provider and surgical factors on time to surgery. We identified 45,444 (58.8% female, mean age 48.7 years) and 140, 629 (53.9% female, mean age 47.1 years) patients who had undergone open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) or non-operative management of an ankle fracture (NOA), respectively. Among ORIF patients, n=237 (0.5%) and n=69 (0.15%) patients underwent fusion or arthroplasty after a median 2.8 and 6.9 years, respectively. Among non-operatively treated ankle fractures, n=198 (0.14%) and n=36 (0.03%) patients underwent fusion or arthroplasty after a median of 3.2 and 5.6 years, respectively. Surgical treatment (vs. non-operatively treated fracture), older age, greater co-morbidity and a history of infection post fracture significantly increased the risk of eventual fusion or arthroplasty (HR 3.6 (3.1–4.3), p < 0 .001, HR 1.01 (1.01–1.02), p=0.009, HR 1.2 (1.1–1.3), p < 0 .001, HR 11.3 (6.8–18.7), p < 0 .001, respectively). Compared to matched controls, the risk of fusion/arthroplasty was not independent of time, following an exponential decay pattern. ORIF patient risk was 20 times greater than the general population in the first three years post-ORIF, and approached the risk of non-operatively treated patients (HR 4.5 (95CI: 3.5–5.8), p < 0 .0001) by approximately 14 years out from injury on time and comorbidity adjusted KM curves. Rates of fusion/arthroplasty are very low after ORIF and non-operative treatment of an ankle fracture in the general population of a public healthcare system. Utilization patterns suggest fusion is more common earlier, and arthroplasty remote, which may be a factor of patient age, injury severity, and complications from initial injury/surgery. Patients who underwent ORIF have >20 times the risk of fusion/arthroplasty in the short-term, however, the risk decreases over time eventually approaching that of non-operatively treated patients (∼4.5x the general population) when compared to non-fractured controls

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_17 | Pages 33 - 33
24 Nov 2023
Pilskog K Høvding P Fenstad AM Inderhaug E Fevang JM Dale H
Full Access

Aim. Ankle fracture surgery comes with a risk of fracture-related infection (FRI). Identifying risk factors are important in preoperative planning, in management of patients, and for information to the individual patient about their risk of complications. In addition, modifiable factors can be addressed prior to surgery. The aim of the current paper was to identify risk factors for FRI in patients operated for ankle fractures. Method. A cohort of 1004 patients surgically treated for ankle fractures at Haukeland University hospital in the period of 2015–2019 was studied retrospectively. Patient charts and radiographs were assessed for the diagnosis of FRI. Binary logistic regression was used in analyses of risk factors. Regression coefficients were used to calculate the probability for FRI based on the patients’ age and presence of one or more risk factors. Results. FRI was confirmed in 87 (9%) of 1004 patients. Higher age at operation (p < 0.001), congestive heart failure (CHF), p = 0.006), peripheral artery disease (PAD, p = 0.001), and current smoking (p = .006) were identified as risk factors for FRI. PAD and CHF were the risk factors displaying the strongest association with FRI with an adjusted odds ratio of 4.2 (95% CI 1.8–10.1) and 4.7 (95% CI 1.6–14.1) respectively. Conclusions. The prevalence of FRI was 9% after surgical treatment of ankle fractures. The combination of risk factors found in this study demonstrate the need for a thorough, multidisciplinary, and careful approach when faced with an elderly or frail patient with an ankle fracture. The results of this study help the treating surgeons to inform their patients of the risk of FRI prior to ankle fracture surgery

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 104-B, Issue SUPP_12 | Pages 108 - 108
1 Dec 2022
Manirajan A Polachek W Shi L Hynes K Strelzow J
Full Access

Diabetes mellitus is a risk factor for complications after operative management of ankle fractures. Generally, diabetic sequelae such as neuropathy and nephropathy portend greater risk; however, the degree of risk resulting from these patient factors is poorly defined. We sought to evaluate the effects of the diabetic sequelae of neuropathy, chronic kidney disease (CKD), and peripheral vascular disease (PVD) on the risk of complications following operative management of ankle fractures. Using a national claims-based database we analyzed patients who had undergone operative management of an ankle fracture and who remained active in the database for at least two years thereafter. Patients were divided into two cohorts, those with a diagnosis of diabetes and those without. Each cohort was further stratified into five groups: neuropathy, CKD, PVD, multiple sequelae, and no sequelae. The multiple sequelae group included patients with more than one of the three sequelae of interest: CKD, PVD and neuropathy. Postoperative complications were queried for two years following surgery. The main complications of interested were: deep vein thrombosis (DVT), surgical site infection, hospital readmission within 90 days, revision internal fixation, conversion to ankle fusion, and below knee amputation (BKA). We identified 210,069 patients who underwent operative ankle fracture treatment; 174,803 had no history of diabetes, and 35,266 were diabetic. The diabetic cohort was subdivided as follows: 7,506 without identified sequelae, 8,994 neuropathy, 4,961 CKD, 1,498 PVD, and 12,307 with multiple sequelae. Compared to non-diabetics, diabetics without sequelae had significantly higher odds of DVT, infection, readmission, revision internal fixation and conversion to ankle fusion (OR range 1.21 – 1.58, p values range Compared to uncomplicated diabetics, diabetics with neuropathy alone and diabetics with multiple sequelae were found to have significantly higher odds of all complications (OR range 1.18 – 31.94, p values range < 0.001 - 0.034). Diabetics with CKD were found to have significantly higher odds of DVT, readmission, and BKA (OR range 1.34 – 4.28, p values range < 0.001 - 0.002). Finally, diabetics with PVD were found to have significantly higher odds of DVT, readmission, conversion to ankle fusion, and BKA (OR range 1.62 - 9.69, p values range < 0.001 - 0.039). Diabetic patients with sequelae of neuropathy, CKD or PVD generally had higher complication rates than diabetic patients without these diagnoses. Unsurprisingly, diabetic patients with multiple sequalae are at the highest risk of complications and had the highest odds ratios of all complications. While neuropathy is known to be associated with postoperative complications, our analysis demonstrates that CKD represents a significant risk factor for multiple complications following the operative management of ankle fractures and has rarely been discussed in prior studies

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_3 | Pages 24 - 24
23 Feb 2023
Marinova M Houghton E Seymour H Jones CW
Full Access

Ankle fractures in the elderly are common and have a mortality rate of 12% within the first year. Treatment is challenging due to osteoporotic bone and patient co-morbidities. Many patients struggle with non-weight-bearing (NWB) and presently there is no consensus in the literature regarding optimum management of these injuries. We hypothesised that early weight-bearing in frail patients, Clinical Frailty scale (CFS) score of 4 or more will reduce morbidity and allow patients to return to their usual place of residence faster without jeopardising clinical outcome. We conducted a retrospective analysis of 80 patients aged over 65 years managed at Fiona Stanley Hospital for ankle fractures between January 2016 and 2018. Patients were divided into two cohorts: 40 patients managed NWB and 40 who were permitted to weight-bear as tolerated (WBAT). Patients were stratified as fit (CFS 1–3) or frail (CFS 4+). Primary outcomes were one-year mortality, return to primary residence at six weeks and complications. Secondary outcomes included length of acute hospital stay and rehab stay. For frail patients, those managed NWB stayed in rehab for 19 days longer (p=0.03) and had 28% more complications (p=0.03). By 6 weeks, fewer patients returned to full weight-bearing (p=0.03) and fewer patients had returned home (p=0.01). For fit patients, there were no significant differences in primary outcomes between NWB and WBAT. Our novel study categorising patients by CSF demonstrates that early mobilisation in frail patients results in improved outcomes. Currently there is no formal treatment protocol for the management of ankle fractures in the elderly, and we hope that our proposed algorithm will assist surgeons at our institution and elsewhere. Our study suggests that WBAT may benefit frail patients. We propose a protocol to assist in the management of geriatric ankle fracture patients based on clinical frailty scores

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_4 | Pages 1 - 1
3 Mar 2023
Kinghorn AF Whatling G Bowd J Wilson C Holt C
Full Access

This study aimed to examine the effect of high tibial osteotomy (HTO) on the ankle and subtalar joints via analysis of static radiographic alignment. We hypothesised that surgical alteration of the alignment of the proximal tibia would result in compensatory distal changes. 35 patients recruited as part of the wider Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre Versus Arthritis HTO study between 2011 and 2018 had pre- and postoperative full-length weightbearing radiographs taken of their lower limbs. In addition to standard alignment measures of the limb and knee (mechanical tibiofemoral angle, Mikulicz point, medial proximal tibial angle), additional measures were taken of the ankle/subtalar joints (lateral distal tibial angle, ground-talus angle, joint line convergence angle of the ankle) as well as a novel measure of stance width. Results were compared using a paired T-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient. Following HTO, there was a significant (5.4°) change in subtalar alignment. Ground-talus angle appeared related both to the level of malalignment preoperatively and the magnitude of the alignment change caused by the HTO surgery; suggesting subtalar positioning as a key adaptive mechanism. In addition to compensatory changes within the subtalar joints, the patients on average had a 31% wider stance following HTO. These two mechanisms do not appear to be correlated but the morphology of the tibial plafond may influence which compensatory mechanisms are employed by different subgroups of HTO patients. These findings are of vital importance in clinical practice both to anticipate potential changes to the ankle and subtalar joints following HTO but it could also open up wider indications for HTO in the treatment of ankle malalignment and osteoarthritis

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_10 | Pages 34 - 34
1 Jun 2023
Airey G Chapman J Mason L Harrison W
Full Access

Introduction. Open fragility ankle fractures involve complex decision making. There is no consensus on the method of surgical management. Our aim in this study was to analyse current management of these patients in a major trauma centre (MTC). Materials & Methods. This cohort study evaluates the management of geriatric (≥65years) open ankle fractures in a MTC (November 2020–November 2022). The method, timing(s) and personnel involved in surgical care were assessed. Weightbearing status over the treatment course was monitored. Patient frailty was measured using the clinical frailty score (CFS). Results. There were 35 patients, mean age 77 years (range 65–97 years), 86% female. Mean length of admission in the MTC was 26.4 days (range 3–78). Most (94%) had a low-energy mechanism of injury. Only 57% of patients underwent one-stage surgery (ORIF n=15, hindfoot nail n=1, external frame n=4) with 45% being permitted to fully weightbear (FWB). Eleven (31.4%) underwent two-stage surgery (external fixator; ORIF), with 18% permitted to FWB. Of those patients with pre-injury mobility, 12 (66%) patients were able to FWB following definitive fixation. Delay in weightbearing ranged from 2–8weeks post-operatively. Seven patients (20%) underwent an initial Orthoplastic wound debridement. Ten patients (28.6%) required plastic surgery input (split-skin grafts n=9, local or free flaps n=3), whereby four patients (40%) underwent one stage Orthoplastic surgery. Eighteen (51.4%) patients had a CFS ≥5. Patients with a CFS of ≥7 had 60% 90-day mortality. Only 17% patients had orthogeriatrician input during admission. Conclusions. These patients have high frailty scores, utilise a relatively large portion of resources with multiple theatre attendances and protracted ward occupancy in an MTC. Early FWB status needs to be the goal of treatment, ideally in a single-staged procedure. Poor access to orthogeriatric care for these frail patients may represent healthcare inequality

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_10 | Pages 29 - 29
1 Jun 2023
McCabe F Wade A Devane Y O'Brien C McMahon L Donnelly T Green C
Full Access

Introduction. Aneurysmal bone cysts commonly found in lower limbs are locally aggressive masses that can lead to bony erosion, instability and fractures. This has major implications in the lower limbs especially in paediatric patients, with potential growth disturbance and deformity. In this case series we describe radical aneurysmal bone cyst resection and lower limb reconstruction using cable transport and syndesmosis preservation. Materials & Methods. Case 1 - A 12-year-old boy presented with a two-week history of atraumatic right ankle pain. An X-ray demonstrated a distal tibia metaphyseal cyst confirmed on biopsy as an aneurysmal bone cyst. The cyst expanded on interval X-rays from 5.5cm to 8.5cm in 9 weeks. A wide-margin en-bloc resection was performed leaving a 13.8cm tibial defect. A cable transport hexapod frame and a proximal tibial osteotomy was performed, with syndesmosis screw fixation. The transport phase lasted 11 months. While in frame, the boy sustained a distal femur fracture from a fall. The femur and the docking site were plated at the same sitting and frame removed. At one-year post-frame removal he is pain-free, with full ankle dorsiflexion but plantarflexion limited to 25 degrees. He has begun graduated return to sport. Results. Case 2 - A 12-year-old girl was referred with a three-month history of lateral left ankle swelling. X-ray demonstrated an aneurysmal bone cyst in the distal fibula metaphysis. The cyst grew from 4.2 × 2.3cm to 5.2 × 3.32cm in 2 months. A distal fibula resection (6.2cm) with syndesmosis fixation and hexapod cable transport frame were undertaken. The frame was in situ for 13 weeks and during this time she required an additional osteotomy for premature consolidation and had one pin site infection. After 13 weeks a second syndesmosis screw was placed, frame removed, and a cast applied. 3 months later she had fibular plating, BMAC and autologous iliac crest bone graft for slow union. At 3 years post-operative she has no evidence of recurrence, is pain-free and has no functional limitation. Conclusions. We describe two cases of ankle syndesmosis preservation using cable transport for juxta-articular aneurysmal bone cysts. This allows wide resection to prevent recurrence while also preserving primary ankle stability and leg length in children. Both children had a minor complication, but both had an excellent final outcome. Cable bone transport and prophylactic syndesmosis stabilization allows treatment of challenging juxta-articular aneurysmal bone cysts about the ankle. These techniques are especially useful in large bone defects

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_10 | Pages 10 - 10
1 Jun 2023
Hrycaiczuk A Oochit K Imran A Murray E Brown M Jamal B
Full Access

Introduction. Ankle fractures in the elderly have been increasing with an ageing but active population and bring with them specific challenges. Medical co-morbidities, a poor soft tissue envelope and a requirement for early mobilisation to prevent morbidity and mortality, all create potential pitfalls to successful treatment. As a result, different techniques have been employed to try and improve outcomes. Total contact casting, both standard and enhanced open reduction internal fixation, external fixation and most recently tibiotalocalcaneal (TTC) nailing have all been proposed as suitable treatment modalities. Over the past five years popular literature has begun to herald TTC nailing as an appropriate and contemporary solution to the complex problem of high-risk ankle fragility fractures. We sought to assess whether, within our patient cohort, the outcomes seen supported the statement that TTC has equal outcomes to more traditional open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) when used to treat the high-risk ankle fragility fracture. Materials & Methods. Results of ORIF versus TTC nailing without joint preparation for treatment of fragility ankle fractures were evaluated via retrospective cohort study of 64 patients with high-risk fragility ankle fractures without our trauma centre. We aimed to assess whether results within our unit were equal to those seen within other published studies. Patients were matched 1:1 based on gender, age, Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) and ASA score. Patient demographics, AO/OTA fracture classification, intra-operative and post-operative complications, discharge destination, union rates, FADI scores and patient mobility were recorded. Results. There were 32 patients within each arm. Mean age was 78.4 (TTC) and 78.3 (ORIF). The CCI was 5.9 in each group respectively with mean ASA 2.9 (TTC) and 2.8 (ORIF). There were two open fractures within each group. Median follow up duration was 26 months. Time to theatre from injury was 8.0 days (TTC) versus 3.3 days (ORIF). There was no statistically significant difference in 30-day, one year or overall mortality at final follow up. Kaplan-Meier survivorship analysis did however demonstrate that of those patients who died post-operatively the mean time to mortality was significantly shorter in those treated with TTC nailing versus ORIF (20.3 months versus 38.2 months, p=0.013). There was no statistical difference in the overall complication rate between the two groups (46.9% versus 25%, p=0.12). The re-operation rate was twice as high in patients treated with TTC nailing however this was not statistically significant. There was no statistical difference in the FADI scores at final follow up, 72.1±12.9 (TTC) versus 67.9±13.9 (ORIF) nor post-operative mobility status. Conclusions. Within our study TTC nailing with an unprepared joint demonstrated broadly equivalent results to ORIF in the management of high-risk ankle fragility fractures; this replicates findings of previous studies. We did however observe that mean survival was significantly shorter in the TTC group than those treated with ORIF. We believe this may have been contributed to by a delay to theatre due to TTC stabilisation being treated as a sub-specialist operation in our unit at the time. We propose that both TTC and ORIF are satisfactory techniques to stabilise the frail ankle fracture however, similarly to the other fragility fractures, the priority should be on an emergent operation in a timely fashion in order to minimise the associated morbidity and mortality. Further randomised control studies are needed within the area to establish definitive results and a working consensus

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 104-B, Issue SUPP_11 | Pages 56 - 56
1 Nov 2022
Thimmegowda A Gajula P Phadnis J Guryel E
Full Access

Abstract. Aim. To identify the difference in infection rates in ankle fracture surgery in Laminar and Non Laminar flow theatres. Background. The infection rates in ankle fracture surgery range between 1–8%. The risk factors include diabetes, alcoholism, smoking, open fractures, osteoporotic fractures in the elderly, and high BMI. Laminar flow has been shown to reduce infections in Arthroplasty surgeries. Therefore, it has become mandatory to use in those procedures. However, it's not the same with ankle fracture surgery. Materials and Methods. It was a retrospective study. The data was collected over a 5 year period between 2015 and 2020. It was collected from Blue spier, Panda, and theatre register. There were 536 cases in each group i.e. Laminar flow (LF) and Non-Laminar flow (NLF). The variables looked at were: 1. Superficial and deep infection rates in LF and NLF theatres, 2. The number of open fractures, 3. Type of ankle fractures (Bimalleolar, Trimalleolar), 4. The number of infected cases who had external fixation prior to ORIF, 5. The number of cases that had Plastics reconstructive procedures, and 6. The grade of the operating surgeon. Conclusions. Superficial infection rate between NLF and LF was not significantly different 11.5% vs 10.3%. The deep infection rate was statistically significant against NLF theatres at 6.34% vs 4.29%. The open fracture was a major contributing factor for deep SSI (14.7% vs 26%). The application of an external fixator in LF and NLF theatres did not alter the infection. rates. Bimalleolar fractures were associated with a higher infection rate

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_15 | Pages 73 - 73
7 Nov 2023
Rachoene T Sonke K Rachuene A Mpho T
Full Access

Fractures of the ankle are common, and they mostly affect young adults. Wound complications are not uncommon following the fixation of these fractures. This study evaluated the impact of HIV on wound healing after plate osteosynthesis in patients with closed ankle fractures. This is an observational retrospective study of patients operated on at a tertiary level hospital. We reviewed hospital records for patients above 18 years of age who presented with wound breakdown following ankle open reduction and internal fixation. The patients’ hospital records were retrieved to identify all the patients treated for closed ankle fractures and those who developed wound breakdown. Patients with Pilon fractures were excluded. The National Health Laboratory System (NHLS) database was accessed to retrieve the CD4 count, viral load, haematology study results, and biochemistry results of these patients at the time of surgery and subsequent follow-up. The x-rays were retrieved from the electronic picture archiving system (PACS) and were assessed for fracture union at a minimum of 3 months follow-up. We reviewed the medical records of 172 patients with closed ankle fractures treated from 2018 to 2022. Thirty-one (18.0%) developed wound breakdown after surgery, and they were all tested for HIV. Most of the patients were male (58.0%), and the average age of the cohort was 43.7 years (range: 21 years to 84 years). Ten of these patients (32.2%) were confirmed HIV positive, with CD4 counts ranging from 155 to 781. Viral load levels were lower than detectable in 40% of these patients. All patients progressed to fracture union at a minimum of 3 months follow-up. We observed no difference between HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients in terms of wound breakdown and bone healing post-plate osteosynthesis for closed ankle fractures

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_10 | Pages 2 - 2
1 Jun 2023
Tay KS Langit M Muir R Moulder E Sharma H
Full Access

Introduction. Circular frames for ankle fusion are usually reserved for complex clinical scenarios. Current literature is heterogenous and difficult to interpret. We aimed to study the indications and outcomes of this procedure in detail. Materials & Methods. A retrospective cohort study was performed based on a prospective database of frame surgeries performed in a tertiary institution. Inclusion criteria were patients undergoing complex ankle fusion with circular frames between 2005 and 2020, with a minimum 12-month follow up. Data were collected on patient demographics, surgical indications, comorbidities, surgical procedures, external fixator time (EFT), length of stay (LOS), radiological and clinical outcomes, and adverse events. Factors influencing radiological and clinical outcomes were analysed. Results. 47 patients were included, with a mean follow-up of three years. The mean age at time of surgery was 63.6 years. Patients had a median of two previous surgeries. The median LOS was 8.5 days, and median EFT was 237 days. Where simultaneous limb lengthening was performed, the average lengthening was 2.9cm, increasing the EFT by an average of 4 months. Primary and final union rates were 91.5% and 95.7% respectively. At last follow-up, ASAMI bone scores were excellent or good in 87.2%. ASAMI functional scores were good in 79.1%. Patient satisfaction was 83.7%. 97.7% of patients experienced adverse events, most commonly pin-site related, with major complications in 30.2% and re-operations in 60.5%. There were 3 amputations. Adverse events were associated with increased age, poor soft tissue condition, severe deformities, subtalar fusions, peripheral neuropathy, peripheral vascular disease, and prolonged EFT. Conclusions. Complex ankle fusion using circular frames can achieve good outcomes in complicated clinical scenarios, however patients can expect a prolonged time in the frame and high rates of adverse events. Multiple risk factors were identified for poorer outcomes, which should be considered in patient counselling and prognostication

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_III | Pages 133 - 133
1 Feb 2012
Nagarajah K Aslam N Stubbs D Sharp R McNally M
Full Access

Introduction. Ankle fusion presents a difficult problem in the presence of infection, inadequate soft tissue, poor bone stock and deformity. Nonunion and infection remains a problem even with internal fixation. Ilizarov frame provides an elegant solution to the problem with stable remote fixation while allowing lengthening, deformity correction and weight bearing. Patients and methods. Twenty-one consecutive patients were studied. The mean age at onset of disease was 52 years (range 4-70). Mean duration of the problem was 59.9 months (6-372). Aetiology included traumatic arthritis in 5, traumatic arthritis with osteomyelitis in 1, failed ankle fusion in 8, septic arthritis in 1, infected ankle fracture nonunion in 1, avascular necrosis of talus in 1, congenital deformity in 3 and failed ankle arthroplasty in 1. 15 patients had deformity of the ankle at the time of presentation. 15 of the 21 patients had either clinical or radiological evidence of infection. Treatment principles involved local excision, deformity correction with good alignment and soft tissue management. Static Compression was achieved with an Ilizarov frame while dynamic fixation was performed in 3 cases for lengthening. Antibiotics treatment was continued until union in the infected cases. On achieving union the frame was removed and a below knee cast was applied for 4 weeks. Results. Fusion was achieved in all cases at an average time of 5 months. One patient had below knee amputation for chronic pain. There was no recurrence of infection. Complications included pin site infection, lateral impingement, drug reaction and hind-foot pain. The results were assessed in terms of SF36 and Modified foot and ankle score. Conclusion. The Ilizarov ankle fusion is a reliable salvage procedure in difficult ankle problems

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_17 | Pages 10 - 10
24 Nov 2023
Pilskog K Høvding P Fenstad AM Inderhaug E Fevang JM Dale H
Full Access

Aim. Surgical treatment of ankle fractures comes with a substantial risk of complications, including infection. An unambiguously definition of fracture-related infections (FRI) has been missing. Recently, FRI has been defined by a consensus group with a diagnostic algorithm containing suggestive and confirmatory criteria. The aim of the current study was to report the prevalence of FRI in patients operated for ankle fractures and to assess the applicability of the diagnostic algorithm from the consensus group. Method. Records of all patients with surgically treated ankle fractures from 2015 to 2019 were retrospectively reviewed for signs of postoperative infections. Patients with suspected infection were stratified according to confirmatory or suggestive criteria of FRI. Rate of FRI among patients with confirmatory and suggestive criteria were calculated. Results. Suspected infection was found in 104 (10%) out of 1004 patients. Among those patients, confirmatory criteria were met in 76/104 (73%) patients and suggestive criteria were met in 28/104 (27%) at first evaluation. Patients with clinical confirmatory criteria (N= 76) were diagnosed with FRI. Patients with suggestive criteria were further examined with either bacterial sampling at the outpatient clinic, revision surgery including bacterial sampling, or a wait-and-see approach. Eleven (39%) of the 28 patients had positive cultures and were therefore diagnosed as having FRI at second evaluation. In total 87 (9%) patients were diagnosed with FRI according to the consensus definition. Only 73 (70%) of the 104 patients with suspected FRI had adequate bacterial sampling. Conclusions. The prevalence of FRI, applying the FRI-consensus criteria, for patients with surgically treated ankle fractures was 9%. Twenty-two percent of patients who met the confirmatory criteria had negative bacterial cultures. The current study shows that we did not have a systematic approach to patients with suspected FRI as recommended by the consensus group. A systematic approach to adequate bacterial sampling when FRI is suspected is paramount. The consensus definition of FRI and its diagnostic algorithm facilitates such an approach

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 104-B, Issue SUPP_11 | Pages 30 - 30
1 Nov 2022
Barakat A Ahmed A Ahmed S White H Mangwani J
Full Access

Abstract. Background. Distinction between foot and ankle wound healing complications as opposed to infection is crucial for appropriate allocation of antibiotic therapy. Our aim was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of white cell count (WCC) and C-reactive protein (CRP) as diagnostic tools for this distinction in the non-diabetic cohort. Methods. Data were reviewed from a prospectively maintained Infectious Diseases Unit database of 216 patients admitted at Leicester University Hospitals – United Kingdom between July 2014 and February 2020 (68 months). All diabetic patients were excluded. For the infected non-diabetic included patients, we retrospectively retrieved the inflammatory markers (WCCs and CRP) at the time of presentation. Values of CRP 0–10 mg/L and WCC 4.0–11.0 ×109 /L were considered normal. Results. 25 patients met our inclusion criteria. Infections were confirmed microbiologically with positive intra-operative culture results. 7 (28%) patients with foot osteomyelitis (OM), 11 (44%) with ankle OM, 5 (20%) with ankle septic arthritis, and 2 (8%) patients with post-surgical wound infection were identified. Previous bony surgery was identified in 13 (52%) patients. 21 (84%) patients did have raised inflammatory markers while 4 (16%) patients failed to mount an inflammatory response even with subsequent debridement and removal of metalwork. CRP sensitivity was 84%, while WCC sensitivity was only 28%. Conclusion. CRP had good sensitivity, whereas WCC is a poor inflammatory marker in the detection of such cases. In presence of a clinically high level of suspicion of foot or ankle infection, a normal CRP should not rule out the diagnosis of OM

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 104-B, Issue SUPP_12 | Pages 95 - 95
1 Dec 2022
Gleicher Y Wolfstadt J Entezari B
Full Access

Ankle fractures are common orthopedic injuries, often requiring operative intervention to restore joint stability, improve alignment, and reduce the risk of post-traumatic ankle arthritis. However, ankle fracture surgeries (AFSs) are associated with significant postoperative pain, typically requiring postoperative opioid analgesics. In addition to putting patients at risk of opioid dependence, the adverse effects of opioids include nausea, vomiting, and altered mental status which may delay recovery. Peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs) offer notable benefits to the postoperative pain profile when compared to general or spinal anaesthesia alone and may help improve recovery. The primary objective of this quality improvement (QI) study was to increase PNB administration for AFS at our institution to above 50% by January 2021. A root cause analysis was performed by a multidisciplinary team to identify barriers for PNB administration. Four interventions were chosen & implemented: recruitment and training of expert anesthesiologists in regional anesthesia techniques, procurement of additional ultrasound machines, implementation of a dedicated block room with training to create an enhanced learning environment, and the development of an educational pamphlet for patients outlining strategies to manage rebound pain, instructions around the use of oral multimodal analgesia, and the potential for transient motor block of the leg. The primary outcome was the percentage of patients who received PNB for AFS. Secondary outcome measures included total hospitalization length of stay (LOS), post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) and 24-hour postoperative opioid consumption (mean oral morphine equivalent [OME]), proportion of patients requiring opioid analgesic in PACU, and proportion of patients experiencing post-operative nausea and/or vomiting (PONV) requiring antiemetic in PACU. Thirty-day post-operative emergency department (ED) visits were collected as a balance measure. The groups receiving PNB and not receiving PNB included 78 & 157 patients, respectively, with no significant differences in age, gender, or ASA class between groups. PNB administration increased from less than 10% to 53% following implementation of the improvement bundle. Mean total hospital LOS did not vary significantly across the PNB and no PNB groups (1.04 days vs. 1.42 days, P = 0.410). Both mean PACU and mean 24-hour postoperative opioid analgesic consumption was significantly lower in the PNB group compared to the no PNB group (OME in PACU 38.96mg vs. 55.42mg [P = 0.001]; 24-hour OME 44.74mg vs. 37.71mg [P = .008]). A greater proportion of patients in the PNB group did not require any PACU opioid analgesics compared to those in the no PNB group (62.8% vs. 27.4%, P < 0.001). The proportion of patients experiencing PONV and requiring antiemetic both in the PACU did not vary significantly across groups. Thirty-day postoperative ED visits did not vary significantly across groups. By performing a root cause analysis and implementing a multidisciplinary, patient-centered QI bundle, we achieved significant increases in PNB administration for AFS. As a result, there were significant improvements in the recovery of patients following AFS, specifically reduced use of postoperative opioid analgesia. This multi-faceted approach provides a framework for an individualized QI approach to increase PNB administration and achieve improved patient outcomes following AFS

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 104-B, Issue SUPP_13 | Pages 81 - 81
1 Dec 2022
Tong J Ajrawat P Chahal J Daud A Whelan DB Dehghan N Nauth A Hoit G
Full Access

To systematically review the literature regarding post-surgical treatment regimens on ankle fractures, specifically whether there is a benefit to early weightbearing or early mobilization (6 weeks form surgery). The PubMed, MEDLINE and Embase databases were searched from inception to May 24, 2020. All randomized controlled trials that analyzed the effects of early weightbearing and mobilization following an ankle surgery were included. The primary outcome measure was the Olerud Molander Ankle Score (OMAS). Secondary outcomes included return to work (RTW) and complications. Logistic regression models with random intercepts were used to pool complication data by protocol clustered by study. Twelve RCT's were included, with a total of 1177 patients (41.8 ± 8.4 years). In total, 413 patients underwent early weightbearing and early mobilization (35%), 338 patients underwent early weightbearing and delayed mobilization (29%), 287 patients underwent delayed weightbearing and early mobilization (24%), and 139 patients underwent delayed weightbearing and delayed mobilization (12%). In total, 81 patients had a complication (7%), including 53 wound complications (5%), 11 deep vein thromboses (1%), and 2 failures/nonunions (0%). Early ankle mobilization resulted in statistically significant increases in OMAS scores compared to delayed mobilization (3 studies [222 patients], 12.65; 95% CI, 7.07-18.22; P < 0.00001, I2 = 49%). No significant differences were found between early and delayed weightbearing at a minimum of one-year follow-up (3 studies [377 patients], 1.91; 95% CI, −0.73-4.55, P = 0.16, I2 = 0%). Patients treated with early weightbearing and early mobilization were at higher odds of facing any complication (OR 3.6, 95%CI 1.05-12.1, p=0.041) or wound complications (OR 4.9, 95%CI 1.3-18.8, p=0.022) compared to those with delayed weightbearing and delayed mobilization. Early mobilization following surgical treatment for an ankle fracture resulted in improved ankle function scores compared to delayed mobilization regimens. There were no significant differences between early and delayed weightbearing with respect to patient reported outcomes. Patients who were treated with early mobilization and early weightbearing had an increased odds of postoperative complications

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 103-B, Issue SUPP_3 | Pages 7 - 7
1 Mar 2021
Heinrichs L Beaupre L Ramadi A Kang SH Pedersen E
Full Access

Decreased ankle dorsiflexion is common after injury and may result in patient complaints of stiffness and subsequent injury. The weight-bearing lunge test (WBLT) is a simple clinical measure of dorsiflexion. Previous study has defined a 2.0cm side-to-side discrepancy in WBLT as likely significant. With review of current literature, ankle stiffness is a concept largely undefined; we aim to relate patient complaints of stiffness to WBLT. This was a population-based inception cohort with longitudinal follow-up. Patients between ages 18–65 receiving surgical fixation for ankle fracture were screened. Pilon/plafond fractures, bilateral injuries, or polytrauma were excluded. At 6-weeks, 6-months, and 1-year WBLT was measured along with non-weight-bearing goniometry; and an Olerud-Molander ankle score completed. 155 patients were recruited (90 female, 65 male; mean age 42, range 20–67). 47% of injuries were unimalleolar, 17% bimalleolar, and 36% trimalleolar; 35% received syndesmotic fixation. 89% of patients reported feeling stiff at 6-weeks, 82% at 6-months, and 74% at 1-year. 98% of patients had ≥2.0cm discrepancy of WBLT at 6-weeks, 78% at 6-months, and 72% at 1-year. Different thresholds of WBLT (larger discrepancy or absolute negative measurement) had worse correlation with patient reported stiffness. Our population had high incidence of stiffness at 1-year. The proportion of patients complaining of stiffness after ankle fracture was similar to that measured with ≥2.0cm discrepancy of WBLT. This is the first study that we are aware of that relates the WBLT and the previously reported threshold of 2.0cm to stiffness. This measurement may give clinicians a better objective idea regarding patient perception of a “stiff” ankle. Reducing side to side discrepancy in range of motion should be considered in rehabilitation rather than total range of motion

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of casting in achieving acceptable radiological parameters for unstable ankle injuries. This retrospective observational cohort study was conducted involving the retrieval of X-rays of all ankles taken over a 2 year period in an urban setting to investigate the radiological outcomes of cast management for unstable ankle fractures using four acceptable parameters measured on a single X- ray at union. The Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) was used, the X-rays were measured by a single observer. From the 1st of January 2020 to the 31st of December 2021, a total of 1043 ankle fractures were treated at the three hospitals with a male to female ratio of 1:1.7. Of the 628 unstable ankle injuries, 19% of patients were lost to follow up. 190 were managed conservatively with casts, requiring an average of 4 manipulations, with a malunion rate of 23.2%. Unstable ankle injuries that were treated surgically from the outset and those who failed conservative management and subsequently converted to surgery had a malunion rate of 8.1% and 11.0% respectively. Unstable ankle fractures pose a challenge with a high rate of radiological malunion, regardless of the treatment Casting surgery from the outset or converted to surgery, with rates of 23% and 8% and 11% respectively. In this multivariate analysis we found that conservative management was the only factor influencing the incidence of malunion, age, sex and type of fracture did not have a scientific significant influence