Aims. The aim of this study was to examine the association between
postoperative glycaemic variability and
Numerous prediction tools are available for estimating postoperative risk following spine surgery. External validation studies have shown mixed results. We present the development, validation, and comparative evaluation of novel tool (NZSpine) for modelling risk of complications within 30 days of spine surgery. Data was gathered retrospectively from medical records of patients who underwent spine surgery at Waikato Hospital between January 2019 and December 2020 ( Overall complication rate was 34%. In the multivariate model, higher age, increased surgical invasiveness and the presence of preoperative anemia were most strongly predictive of any postoperative complication (OR = 1.03, 1.09, 2.1 respectively, Internal validation using the bootstrapped models showed the model was robust, with an AUC of 0.73. Using sensitivity analysis, 80% of the model's predictions were correct. By comparison SpineSage had an AUC of 0.71, and in decision curve analysis the novel model showed greater expected benefit at all thresholds of risk. NZSpine is a novel risk assessment tool for patients undergoing acute and elective spine surgery and may help inform clinicians and patients of their prognosis. Use of an objective tool may help to provide uniformity between DHBs when completing the “clinician assessment of risk” section of the national prioritization tool.
Introduction. Frame configuration for the management of complex tibial fractures is highly variable and is dependent not only on fracture pattern and soft tissue condition but also surgeon preference. The optimal number of rings to use when designing a frame remains uncertain. Traditionally, larger, stiffer constructs with multiple rings per segment were thought to offer optimal conditions for bone healing, however, the concept of reverse dynamisation questions this approach. Materials & Methods. We compared clinical outcomes in 302 consecutive patients with tibial fractures treated in our unit with either a two-ring circular frame or a three-or-more-ring (3+) frame. The primary outcome measure was time spent in frame. Secondary outcomes were the incidence of malunion and the need for further surgical procedures to achieve bone union. The groups were evenly matched for age, co-morbidities, energy of injury mechanism, fracture classification, post-treatment alignment and presence of an open fracture. Results. The mean time in frame was 168 days for the 2-ring group and 200 days for the 3+ rings group (p=0.003). No significant difference was found in the rate of malunion (p=0.428) or the requirement for secondary surgical intervention to achieve union (p=0.363). No significant difference in time in frame was found between individual surgeons. Conclusions. This study finds that 2-ring frame constructs are a reliable option associated with significantly shorter duration of treatment and no increase in rates of
The Cierny and Mader classification assists with decision-making in the management of osteomyelitis by strafying the host status and the pathoanatomy of disease. However the anatomical type IV represents a heterogenous group with regards to treatment requirements and outcomes. We propose that modification of the Cierny and Mader anatomical classification with an additional type V classifier (diffuse corticomedullary involvement with an associated critical bone defect) will allow more accurate stratification of patients and tailoring of treatment strategies. A retrospective review of 83 patients undergoing treatment for Cierny and Mader anatomical type IV osteomyelitis of the appendicular skeleton at a single centre was performed. Risk factors for the presence of a critical bone defect were female patients (OR 3.1 (95% CI 1.08– 8.92)) and requirement for soft tissue reconstruction (OR 3.35 (95% CI 1.35–8.31)); osteomyelitis of the femur was negatively associated with the presence of a critical bone defect (OR 0.13 (95% CI 0.03–0.66)). There was no statistical significant risk of
Introduction. The Cierny and Mader classification assists with decision-making by stratifying host status and the pathoanatomy of the disease. However, the anatomical type IV represents a heterogenous group with regards to treatment requirements and outcomes. We propose that modification of the Cierny and Mader anatomical classification with an additional type V classifier (diffuse corticomedullary involvement with an associated critical bone defect) will allow more accurate stratification of patients and tailoring of treatment strategies. Materials & Methods. A retrospective review of 83 patients undergoing treatment for Cierny and Mader anatomical type IV osteomyelitis of the appendicular skeleton at a single centre was performed. Results. Risk factors for the presence of a critical bone defect were female patients (OR 3.1 (95% CI 1.08–8.92)) and requirement for soft tissue reconstruction (OR 3.35 (95% CI 1.35–8.31)); osteomyelitis of the femur was negatively associated with the presence of a critical bone defect (OR 0.13 (95% CI 0.03–0.66)). There was no statistically significant risk of
Surgical site infections following orthopaedic surgery are a serious complication associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Intra-wound antibiotic powder may be able to provide infection prophylaxis locally with less systemic adverse effects, and promising results have been reported in systematic reviews of its use in spine surgery. This study aims to analyse the efficacy and adverse effect profile of intra-wound antibiotics in reducing surgical site infections in orthopaedic surgery for traumatic pelvic and lower limb fractures. A systematic review was conducted for studies reporting on the incidence of surgical site infections following administration of intra-wound antibiotic powder in pelvic and lower limb trauma surgery. Randomised controlled trials, cohort and case-control studies were included. A meta-analysis was conducted for deep surgical site infections. Seven studies were included in the systematic review including six retrospective case-control studies and one randomised controlled trial. Results of the meta-analysis suggest a potential 23% reduction in the odds of developing a deep surgical site infection in patients treated with intra-operative antibiotic powder compared with those managed with intravenous antibiotics alone (OR 0.77, 95% CI 0.52 – 1.13), although the results did not reach statistical significance. Notable selective bias against intra-wound antibiotics and suboptimal study design were found in the retrospective studies, however the randomised controlled trial reported a significant reduction in deep surgical site infections with intra-wound vancomycin powder. There were no reports of systemic
Intimate partner violence (IPV) causes significant morbidity and its unlikely to be reported compared to other forms of gender-based violence (GBV). For early detection, understanding Orthopaedic injuries from GBV is vital. This study assesses the pattern of musculoskeletal injuries from GBV and determines the factors associated with it. It is a retrospective observational study of patients aged ≥18 years, with GBV-related acute Orthopaedic injuries. Data was reviewed from January 2021 to December 2021, including, demographic information, soft tissue and bony injuries, relationship to assailant, substance abuse and the day and time of injury. Frequencies and percentages for categorical data were analysed. Chi-square test was used to calculate association. T-test was used to compare groups for continuous & categorical variables. Multivariate analysis was conducted to find the odds ratio and a p-value <0.05 was statistically significant. 138 patients were included, the mean age at presentation being 35.02 years (SD=11). 92.75% of GBV victims were females. Most were unemployed (66.7%). 30.43% (n-42) had a soft tissue injury; superficial laceration being the most common (23.1%), flexor tendon injury (10.87%), hand abscess (5.8%), and extensor tendon injury (5.07%). 71.02 % (n=98) sustained appendicular fractures. 51.45% (n=71) sustained upper limb fractures; distal radius fractures (10.86%) and distal 3rd ulnar fractures (9,42%). 19.57% (n=27) had lower limb fractures; 7.25% (n=10) had lateral malleolus ankle fractures. 63.7% (n=80) of cases were by an intimate partner on weekends (50.73%). 62.31% occurred between 16h00 and 0h00. 41.1% (n=65) reported alcohol abuse. 63.04% had surgery. GBV likely occurs in early middle-aged females by intimate partners influenced by alcohol over the weekends between 16h00 to 0h00. Distal radius/distal 3rd ulnar fractures are the most common bony injuries. Superficial wrist laceration is the commonest soft tissue injury. These findings may assist with early detection and intervention to prevent
Aim. To report outcomes of soft tissue reconstruction using free tissue transfer for the treatment of tibial osteomyelitis as part of a single-stage, ortho-plastic procedure. Method. Patients who underwent ortho-plastic reconstructive surgery to excise tibial osteomyelitis in combination with free tissue transfer in one stage were included. Patients underwent surgery between 2015 and 2024 in a single specialist centre within the UK. Baseline patient information, demographics, and infection information was recorded.
Background. There is minimal published data regarding the long-term functional outcome in pyogenic spinal infection. Previous studies have used heterogeneous, unreliable and non-validated measure instruments, or neurological outcome alone, yielding data that is difficult to interpret. We aim to assess long-term
Aim. Management of infection after osteosynthesis (IAO) poses a significant challenge in the setting of multidrug resistant organisms (MDRo). We have analysed whether IAO with MDRo has an
The benefit of using a long intramedullary device for the treatment of geriatric intertrochanteric hip fractures is unknown. The InterTAN device (Smith and Nephew, Memphis TN) is offered in either Short (180–200 mm) or Long (260–460 mm) constructs and was designed to provide stable compression across primary intertrochanteric fracture fragments. The objective of our study was to determine whether Short InterTANs are equivalent to Long InterTANs in terms of functional and
Introduction:. Patient expectations have escalated over the past several decades with respect to demand for success with total knee arthroplasty (TKA). It is reported that 15% to 20% of TKA recipients are unsatisfied with their result. Dynamic fluoroscopic studies and gait analyses have demonstrated that patients with TKA do not exhibit normal kinematics. On the other hand, patients with partial knee arthroplasty demonstrate more normal kinematics, thought to be secondary to retention of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) along with the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). While not a new concept, bicruciate-retaining designs in TKA that preserve the natural ligament structure of the knee are drawing renewed interest as an option for patients with higher and more complex activity demand. These designs may result in a more natural kinematic feel as perceived by the patient. In a study of 2313 knees in patients undergoing primary knee arthroplasty at our center, the ACL was observed to be intact in 80% and normal in 53%. Bi-cruciate retaining TKA has recently been re-introduced for use in patients with an intact ACL and PCL. As with the introduction of any new technology into orthopaedic surgery, there is a concern regarding learning curve and
This study aimed to investigate the risk of postoperative complications in COVID-19-positive patients undergoing common orthopaedic procedures. Using the National Surgical Quality Improvement Programme (NSQIP) database, patients who underwent common orthopaedic surgery procedures from 1 January to 31 December 2021 were extracted. Patient preoperative COVID-19 status, demographics, comorbidities, type of surgery, and postoperative complications were analyzed. Propensity score matching was conducted between COVID-19-positive and -negative patients. Multivariable regression was then performed to identify both patient and provider risk factors independently associated with the occurrence of 30-day postoperative adverse events.Aims
Safety concerns surrounding osseointegration are a significant barrier to replacing socket prosthesis as the standard of care following limb amputation. While implanted osseointegrated prostheses traditionally occur in two stages, a one-stage approach has emerged. Currently, there is no existing comparison of the outcomes of these different approaches. To address safety concerns, this study sought to determine whether a one-stage osseointegration procedure is associated with fewer adverse events than the two-staged approach. A comprehensive electronic search and quantitative data analysis from eligible studies were performed. Inclusion criteria were adults with a limb amputation managed with a one- or two-stage osseointegration procedure with follow-up reporting of complications.Aims
Aim. The aim of this systematic review was to determine the reported treatment strategies, their individual success rates, and other outcome parameters in the management of critical-sized bone defects in Fracture-Related Infection (FRI) patients between 1990 and 2018. Method. We performed a systematic literature search on treatment and outcome of critical-sized bone defects in FRI. Treatment strategies identified were, autologous cancellous grafts, autologous cancellous grafts combined with local antibiotics, the induced membrane technique, vascularized grafts, bone transport, and bone transport combined with local antibiotics. Studies describing bone defects of 1 cm or greater were included. Outcomes were bone healing and infection eradication after primary surgical protocol and recurrence of FRI and amputations at the end of study period. Results. Fifty studies were included, describing 1,530 patients, of which the tibia was affected in 82%. The mean age was 40 years (range 6–80), with predominantly male subjects (79%). Mean duration of infection was 17 months (range 1–624) and mean follow-up lasted 51 months (range 6–126). Four studies (8%) described treatment using vascularized grafts, 18 (36%) cancellous grafts, 8 (16%) the induced membrane technique, and 20 (40%) bone transport. A total of 1063 grafts were used of which 30% were vascularized and 60% were cancellous bone. After initial protocolized treatment, FRI was cured in 83% (95% CI 79–87) of all cases, increasing to 94% (95% CI 92–96) at the end of each individual study. Recurrence of infection was seen in 8% (95% CI 6–11) and amputation in 3% (95% CI 2–3). Conclusions. This is the first extensive review of bone defect treatment protocols in chronic/late-onset FRI. Overall published work showed a high success rate of 94% and low amputation rate of only 3%. However, data did not allow a reliable comparison across treatments. The results should thus be interpreted with caution due to the retrospective and observational design of most studies, the lack of clear classification systems, incomplete data reports, potential underreporting of
Multimodal analgesia protocols for pain control following total joint arthroplasty can reduce post-operative pain, allow early mobilisation and early discharge from hospital. This study analyses the achievement of functional milestones, patient satisfaction, length of stay and
Total knee replacement (TKA) is one of the most successful procedures in orthopaedic surgery. Although originally limited to more elderly and less active individuals, the inclusion criteria for TKA have changed, with ever younger, more active and heavier patients receiving TKA. This broadening of indications coincided with the widespread adoption of modular cemented and cementless TKA systems in the 1980's, and soon thereafter wear debris related osteolysis and associated prosthetic loosening became major modes of failure for TKA implants of all designs. Initially, tibial components were cemented all polyethylene monoblock constructs. Subsequent long-term follow-up studies of some of these implant designs have demonstrated excellent durability in survivorship studies out to twenty years. While aseptic loosening of these all polyethylene tibial components was a leading cause of failure in these implants, major polyethylene wear-related osteolysis around well-fixed implants was rarely (if ever) observed. Cemented metal-backed nonmodular tibial components were first introduced to allow for improved tibial load distribution and protection of the underlying (often osteoporotic) bone. Eventually, modularity between the polyethylene tibial component and the metal-backed tray was introduced in the mid-80s mainly to facilitate screw fixation for cementless implants. These designs also provided intraoperative versatility by allowing interchange of various polyethylene thicknesses, and also aided the addition of stems and wedges. Modular vs. All Polyethylene Tibial Components in Primary TKA: Kremers et al. reviewed 10,601 adult (>18 years) patients with 14,524 condylar type primary TKA procedures performed at our institution between 1/1/1988 and 12/31/2005 and examined factors effecting outcome. The mean age was 68.7 years and 55% were female. Over an average 9 years follow-up, a total of 865 revisions, including 252 tibia revisions were performed, corresponding to overall survival of 89% (Confidence intervals (CI): 88%, 90%) at 15 years. In comparison to metal modular designs, risk of tibial revision was significantly lower with all polyethylene tibias (HR 0.3, 95% CI: 0.2, 0.5). With any revision as the endpoint, there were no significant differences across the 18 designs examined. Similarly, there were no significant differences across the 18 designs when we considered revisions for aseptic loosening, wear, osteolysis. Among patient characteristics, male gender, younger age, higher BMI were all significantly associated with higher risk of revisions (p<0.008). In a more recent review from our institution of over 11, 600 primary TKA procedures, Houdek et al. again showed that all polyethylene tibial components had superior survivorship vs. metal backed designs, with a lower risk of revision for loosening, osteolysis or component fracture. Furthermore, results for all polyethylene designs were better for all BMI subgroups except for those <25 BMI where there was no difference. All polyethylene results were also better for all age groups except for those under age <55 where there again was no difference. Finally, in a recently published meta-analysis of 28 articles containing data on 95,847 primary TKA procedures, all polyethylene tibial components were associated with a lower risk of revision and
Background. Outcomes for patients with acute illnesses may be affected by the day of the week they present to hospital. Policy makers state this ‘weekend effect’ to be the main reason for pursuing a change in consultant weekend working patterns. However, it is uncertain whether such a phenomenon exists for elective orthopaedic surgery. This study investigated whether a ‘weekend effect’ contributed to
Deprivation underpins many societal and health inequalities. COVID-19 has exacerbated these disparities, with access to planned care falling greatest in the most deprived areas of the UK during 2020. This study aimed to identify the impact of deprivation on patients on growing waiting lists for planned care. Questionnaires were sent to orthopaedic waiting list patients at the start of the UK’s first COVID-19 lockdown to capture key quantitative and qualitative aspects of patients’ health. A total of 888 respondents were divided into quintiles, with sampling stratified based on the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD); level 1 represented the ‘most deprived’ cohort and level 5 the ‘least deprived’.Aims
Introduction. Hindfoot surgery is assumed to be more painful than midfoot/forefoot procedures with the former often requiring an inpatient stay for pain relief. Poorly controlled pain is associated with