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Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 102-B, Issue SUPP_8 | Pages 40 - 40
1 Aug 2020
Li A Glaris Z Goetz TJ
Full Access

Physical examination is critical to formation of a differential diagnosis in patients with ulnar-sided wrist pain. Although the specificity and sensitivity of some of those tests have been reported in the literature, the prevalence of positive findings of those provocative maneuvers has not been reported. The aim of the study is to find the prevalence of positive findings of the most commonly performed tests for ulnar sided wrist pain in a population presenting to UE surgeon clinics, and to correlate those findings with wrist arthroscopy findings.

Patients with ulnar sided wrist pain were identified from a prospective database of patients presented with wrist pain from September 2014. Prevalence of positive findings for the following tests were gathered: ECU synergy test, ECU instability test (Ice cream and Fly Swatter), Lunotriquetral ballottement, Kleinman shear, triquetrum tenderness, triquetrum compression test, triquetral-hamate tenderness, pisotriquetral shuck test, ulnar fovea test, ulnocarpal impaction (UCI) maneuver, UCI maneuver with fovea pressure (ulnar carpal plus test), piano key sign. A subgroup was then created for those who underwent wrist arthroscopy, and analysis of the sensitivities, the specificities and the predictive values of these provocative tests was carried out with correlation to arthroscopic finding.

Prevalence of ECU instability tests was t 1.13% (ice cream scoop) and 1.5% (fly swatter). Lunotriquetral ballottement test's positive findings range from 4.91% (excessive laxity) to 14.34% (pain reproducing symptoms. The Kleinman shear test yielded pain in 13.58% of patients, and instability in only 2.26%. Triquetrum compression test reproduces pain in 32.83% of patients, and triquetral-hamate tenderness reproduced pain in 13.21%. Pisotriquetral grind test yields 15.85% positive findings for pain, and 10.57% for crepitus with radioulnar translation. The ulnar fovea test revealed pain in 69.05% of cases. The UCI maneuver yielded pain in 70.19%. The UCI maneuver plus ulnar fovea test reproduced pain in 80.38% of cases. Finally, the piano key sign yields positive finding in 2.64% of cases.

For patients who underwent surgery, sensitivities, specificities and predictive values were calculated based on arthroscopic findings. The lunotriquetral ballottement test has 59.6% sensitivity, 39.6% specificity, 20.3% positive predictive value and 85.4% negative predictive value. The sensitivity of Kleinman test was 62.4%, the specificity was 41.3%, the positive predictive value was 23.5%, and the negative predictive value was 83.2%. The sensitivity of fovea test was 94.3%, the specificity was 82.5%, the positive predictive value was 89.5% and the negative predictive value was 92.3%. The UCI maneuver plus ulnar fovea test has 96.5% sensitivity, 80.7% specificity 86.4% positive predictive value, and 95.3% negative predictive value.

Among the provocative tests, the prevalence of positive findings is low in the majority of those maneuvers. The exceptions are the fovea test, the UCI maneuver, and the UCI plus maneuver. With regard to the sensitivity and the specificity of those tests, the current study reproduces the numbers reported in the literature. Of those patients who underwent wrist arthroscopy, the tests are better at predicting at the absence of injury rather than at predicting its presence

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 102-B, Issue SUPP_8 | Pages 18 - 18
1 Aug 2020
Goetz TJ Mwaturura T Li A
Full Access

Previous studies describing drill trajectory for single incision distal biceps tendon repair suggest aiming ulnar and distal (Lo et al). This suggests that the starting point of the drill would be anterior and radial to the anatomic insertion of the distal biceps tendon. Restoration of the anatomic footprint may be important for restoration of normal strength, especially as full supination is approached.

To determine the safest drill trajectory for preventing injury to the posterior interosseous nerve (PIN) when repairing the distal biceps tendon to the ANATOMIC footprint through a single-incision anterior approach utilising cortical button fixation.

Through an anterior approach in ten cadaveric specimens, three drill holes were made in the radial tuberosity from the centre of the anatomic footprint with the forearm fully supinated. Holes were made in a 30º distal, transverse and 30º proximal direction. Each hole was made by angling the trajectory from an anterior to posterior and ulnar to radial direction leaving adequate bone on the ulnar side to accommodate an eight-millimetre tunnel. Proximity of each drill trajectory to the PIN was determined by making a second incision on the dorsum of the proximal forearm. A K-wire was passed through each hole and the distance between the PIN and K-wire measured for each trajectory.

The PIN was closest to the trajectory K-wires drilled 30° distally (mean distance 5.4 mm), contacting the K-wire in three cases. The transverse drill trajectory resulted in contact with the PIN in one case (mean distance 7.6 mm). The proximal drill trajectory appeared safest with no PIN contact (mean distance 13.3 mm). This was statistically significant with a Friedman statistic of 15.05 (p value of 0.00054).

When drilling from the anatomic footprint of the distal biceps tendon the PIN is furthest from a drill trajectory aimed proximally. The drill is aimed radially to minimise blowing out the ulnar cortex of the radius.

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Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 102-B, Issue SUPP_8 | Pages 17 - 17
1 Aug 2020
Hupin M Goetz TJ Robertson N Murphy D Cresswell M Murphy K
Full Access

Postero-lateral rotator instability (PLRI) is the most common pattern of recurrent elbow instability. Unfortunately, current imaging to aid PLRI diagnosis is limited. We have developed an ultrasound (US) technique to measure ulnohumeral joint gap with and without stress of the lateral ulnocollateral ligament. We sought to define lateral ulnohumeral joint gap measurements in the resting and stressed state to provide insight into how US may aid diagnosis of PLRI.

Sixteen elbows were evaluated in eight healthy volunteers. Lateral ulnohumeral gap was measured on US in the resting position and with posterolateral drawer stress test maneuver applied. Joint laxity was calculated as the difference between stress and rest conditions. Measurements were performed by two independent readers with comparison performed between stress and rest positions.

A highly significant difference in ulnohumeral gap was seen between stress and rest conditions (Reader 1: p < 0 .0001 and Reader 2: p=0.0002) with median values of 2.93 mm and 2.50 mm at rest and 3.92 mm and 3.40 mm at stress for Reader 1 and 2 respectively. Median joint laxity was 1.02 mm and 0.74 mm respectively for each reader. Correlation and agreement between readers was good.

This study provides key new insight into use of US for diagnosis as PLRI as it defines normal ulnohumeral distances and demonstrates widening when applying the posterolateral drawer stress maneuver. Further evaluation of this technique is required in patients with PLRI.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 102-B, Issue SUPP_8 | Pages 36 - 36
1 Aug 2020
Glaris Z Goetz TJ Li A Daneshvar P
Full Access

Four-Corner Fusions (4CF) and Proximal Row Carpectomies (PRC) are common procedures utilized to treat carpal pathologies and radial sided wrist pain. Usually, the range of motion (ROM) and grip strength (GS) is affected by such conditions. Literature quotes significant reduction in ROM (50–60%) and grip strength (GS) (80% of normal) with PRC and 4CF. This study aims to determine the correlation between pre-operative ROM and GS and post-operative ROM and GS for patients with wrist pain undergoing PRC or 4CF. We hypothesize that ROM between pre-operative and post-operative patients does not change, but GS improves.

Data from a prospective database of patients with wrist pain was searched to identify patients who have undergone PRC or 4CF with one year follow-up completed in the past two years. 17 such participants were identified. The diagnosis, pre-operative ROM in flexion, extension, radial deviation, ulnar deviation, pronation and supination, as well as GS at time of surgery and at six months and one year follow up were identified and assessed. The data was analysed to determine correlation between pre-and postoperative ROM and GS. The analysis was subdivided to compare patients treated with PRC versus patients with 4CF.

No significant difference between pre- and post-operative ROM was detected, except in flexion at 6 months post-operatively. The average flexion was significantly lower at 6 months (p=0.0251) compared to pre-operative levels. Average flexion pre-operatively and at 6 and 12 months was found to be 46.6 (SD=15), 34.3 (SD=13.3), 51.2 (SD=21.5) respectively. Extension was at 41.4 (SD=15.3) pre-operatively and at 33.4 (SD=12.8) and 42.1 (SD=15.5) at 6 and 12 months post-operatively. Similarly, radial and ulnar deviation averages pre-operatively and at 6 and 12 months post-operatively were found to be 11.33 (SD=5.9), 11.9 (SD=4.5), 16 (SD=8.2) [radial deviation] and 24.1 (SD=8.3), 21.4 (SD=7.3), 26 (SD=12.8) [ulnar deviation].

No significant difference was found in GS at 6 months post-operative. However, significant difference at 12 months post-operatively was observed with an average GS of 28.4 kg (SD=12.8) [p=0.0385]. Average GS pre-operatively and at 6 months was 15.8 kg (SD=9.7) and 17.3 kg (SD=8.9) respectively.

This study provides an insight on ROM and GS after PRC and 4CF. It shows that patients do not gain or lose ROM after surgery. As expected, GS improves with treatment as the pain diminishes. It is interesting to note that flexion gets worse at 6 months post-operatively before it bounces back to pre-operative levels.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 102-B, Issue SUPP_8 | Pages 10 - 10
1 Aug 2020
Zhang Y White N Clark T Dhaliwal G Samuel T Saini R Goetz TJ
Full Access

Ulnar shortening osteotomy (USO) is a procedure performed to alleviate ulnar sided wrist pain caused by ulnar impaction syndrome (UIS) and/or triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) injury. Presently, non-union rates for ulnar shortening osteotomy is quoted to be 0–18% in the literature. However, there is a dearth of literature on the effect of site of osteotomy and plate placement on the rate of complications like a delayed union, symptomatic hardware and need for second surgery for hardware removal. In this study, we performed a multi-centered institutional review of ulnar shortening osteotomies performed, focusing on plate placement (volar vs. dorsal) and osteotomy site (distal vs. proximal) and determining if it plays a role in reducing complications.

This study was a multi-centered retrospective chart review. All radiographs and charts for patients that have received USO for UIS or TFCC injury between 2013 and 2017 from hand and wrist fellowship-trained surgeons in Calgary, Alberta and Winnipeg, Manitoba were examined. Basic patient demographics including age, sex, past medical history, and smoking history were recorded. Postoperative complications such as delayed union, non-union, infection, chronic regional pain syndrome, hardware irritation requiring removal were evaluated with a two-year follow-up period. Osteotomy sites were analyzed based on the location in relation to the entire length of the ulna on forearm radiographs. Surgical techniques including volar vs. dorsal plating, oblique vs. transverse osteotomy cuts, and plate type were documented.

Continuous variables of interest were summarized as mean or medians with standard deviation or inter-quartile range as appropriate. Differences in baseline characteristics were determined by t-test or one-way ANOVA for continuous variables and chi-square or Fischer exact test for dichotomous variables. All analyses were conducted using SPSS V24.0 (Chicago, IL, USA). All statistical tests were considered significant if p < 0.05.

Between 2013–2017 there were 117 ulnar shortening osteotomies performed. The average age of patients was 46.2 ± 16.2, with 62.4% being female. The mean pre-operative ulnar variance was +3.89 ± 2.17 mm and post-operative ulnar variance was −1.90 ± 1.80 mm. 84.6% of the plates were placed on the volar aspect of the ulna and 14.5% were placed on the dorsal aspect. An oblique osteotomy was made 99.1% of the time. In measuring osteotomy placement, the average placement was made in the distal 1/3 of the ulna. Overall, there was a 40% complication rate. Hardware irritation requiring removal encompassed 23%, non-union 14%, and wound infection covered 0.8%. When comparing dorsal vs volar plating, there was no statistically significant difference for non-union or hardware removal. Similarly, in evaluating osteotomy level, there was no statistical difference between proximal vs distal osteotomy for non-union and hardware removal.

In this multi-centered retrospective review of ulnar shortening osteotomies, we found that there was an overall complication rate of 40%. There was no statistically significant difference in complication rates between dorsal vs volar plate placement or proximal vs distal osteotomy sites. Further studies examining other potential risk factors in lowering the complication rate would be beneficial.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 102-B, Issue SUPP_8 | Pages 56 - 56
1 Aug 2020
Stockton DJ Tobias G Pike J Daneshvar P Goetz TJ
Full Access

Compared to single-incision distal biceps repair (SI), double-incision repair (DI) theoretically allows for reattachment of the tendon to a more anatomically favorable position. We hypothesized that DI repair would result in greater terminal supination torque compared to SI repair for acute distal biceps ruptures.

In this retrospective cohort study, patients were included if they sustained an isolated, acute (° supinated position. Secondary outcomes included supination torque in 45° supinated, neutral, and 45° pronated positions, ASES elbow score, DASH, SF-12, and VAS. Power analysis revealed that at least 32 patients were needed to detect a minimum 15% difference in the primary outcome (β = 0.20). Statistical analysis was performed with significance level α = 0.05 using R version 3.4.1 (R Core Team 2017, Vienna, Austria).

Of 53 eligible patients, 37 consented to participate. Fifteen were repaired using DI technique and 22 using SI technique. Mean age was 47.3yrs and median follow-up time was 28.1months. The groups did not differ with respect to age, time-to-follow-up, dominance of arm affected, Workers Compensation or smoking status. Mean supination torque, measured as the percentage of the unaffected side, was 60.9% (95%CI 45.1–76.7) for DI repair versus 80.4% (95%CI 69.1–91.7) for SI repair at the 60°supinated position (p=0.036). There were no statistically significant differences in mean supination torque at the 45°supinated position: 67.1% (95%CI 49.4–84.7) for DI versus 81.8% (95%CI 72.2–91.4) for SI (p=0.102), at the neutral position: 88.8% (95%CI 75.2–102.4) for DI versus 97.6% (95%CI 91.6–103.7) for SI (p=0.0.170), and at the 45°pronated position: 104.5% (95%CI 91.1–117.9) for DI versus 103.4 (95%CI 97.2–109.6) for SI (p=0.0.862). No statistically significant differences were detected in the secondary outcomes ASES Pain, ASES Function, DASH scores, SF-12 PCS or MCS, or VAS Pain. A small difference was detected in VAS Function (median 1.3 for DI repair versus 0.5 for SI repair, p=0.023). In a multivariate linear regression model controlling for arm dominance, age, and follow-up time, SI repair was associated with a greater mean supination torque than DI repair by 19.6% at the 60°supinated position (p=0.011).

Contrary to our hypothesis, we found approximately a 20% mean improvement in terminal supination torque for acute distal biceps ruptures repaired with the single-incision technique compared to the double-incision technique. Patients uniformly did well with either technique, though we contend that this finding may have clinical significance for the more discerning, high-demand patient.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 102-B, Issue SUPP_7 | Pages 58 - 58
1 Jul 2020
Stockton DJ Tobias G Pike J Daneshvar P Goetz TJ
Full Access

Compared to single-incision distal biceps repair (SI), double-incision repair (DI) theoretically allows for reattachment of the tendon to a more anatomically favorable position. We hypothesized that DI repair would result in greater terminal supination torque compared to SI repair for acute distal biceps ruptures.

In this retrospective cohort study, patients were included if they sustained an isolated, acute (° supinated position. Secondary outcomes included supination torque in 45° supinated, neutral, and 45° pronated positions, ASES elbow score, DASH, SF-12, and VAS. Power analysis revealed that at least 32 patients were needed to detect a minimum 15% difference in the primary outcome (β = 0.20). Statistical analysis was performed with significance level α = 0.05 using R version 3.4.1 (R Core Team 2017, Vienna, Austria).

Of 53 eligible patients, 37 consented to participate. Fifteen were repaired using DI technique and 22 using SI technique. Mean age was 47.3yrs and median follow-up time was 28.1months. The groups did not differ with respect to age, time-to-follow-up, dominance of arm affected, Workers Compensation or smoking status. Mean supination torque, measured as the percentage of the unaffected side, was 60.9% (95%CI 45.1–76.7) for DI repair versus 80.4% (95%CI 69.1–91.7) for SI repair at the 60°supinated position (p=0.036). There were no statistically significant differences in mean supination torque at the 45°supinated position: 67.1% (95%CI 49.4–84.7) for DI versus 81.8% (95%CI 72.2–91.4) for SI (p=0.102), at the neutral position: 88.8% (95%CI 75.2–102.4) for DI versus 97.6% (95%CI 91.6–103.7) for SI (p=0.0.170), and at the 45°pronated position: 104.5% (95%CI 91.1–117.9) for DI versus 103.4 (95%CI 97.2–109.6) for SI (p=0.0.862). No statistically significant differences were detected in the secondary outcomes ASES Pain, ASES Function, DASH scores, SF-12 PCS or MCS, or VAS Pain. A small difference was detected in VAS Function (median 1.3 for DI repair versus 0.5 for SI repair, p=0.023). In a multivariate linear regression model controlling for arm dominance, age, and follow-up time, SI repair was associated with a greater mean supination torque than DI repair by 19.6% at the 60°supinated position (p=0.011).

Contrary to our hypothesis, we found approximately a 20% mean improvement in terminal supination torque for acute distal biceps ruptures repaired with the single-incision technique compared to the double-incision technique. Patients uniformly did well with either technique, though we contend that this finding may have clinical significance for the more discerning, high-demand patient.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 93-B, Issue SUPP_IV | Pages 571 - 571
1 Nov 2011
Costa AJ Patel S Mulpuri K Travlos A Goetz TJ Milner R
Full Access

Purpose: Pinch strength has been shown to be a predictor of the ability to grip objects and perform functional hand-related tasks. As the sole flexor of the thumb IP joint, the flexor pollicus longus (FPL) muscle has previously been shown to play an essential role in directing thumb tip force as well as contribute to overall pinch strength. The relative contribution of FPL to pinch strength is unknown however. As the FPL may be affected in several acute and chronic conditions, determining the contribution of FPL to pinch strength may be useful in planning as well as evaluating treatment options. The purpose of this study was to estimate the contribution of FPL to pinch strength in-vivo using an EMG-guided, selective motor blockade, test-retest protocol.

Method: 11 healthy volunteers were recruited to participate in the study. All participants completed a brief questionnaire regarding prior hand injuries and subsequently underwent a physical examination to assess baseline hand function. Baseline pinch strength was recorded using three different pinch techniques: key pinch, 3-point chuck grasp, and tip pinch. Participants then underwent EMG-guided lidocaine blockade of the FPL muscle. Motor evoked potentials as well as skin potentials were used to confirm adequate FPL blockade. The physical exam was repeated as were pinch strength measurements. Post block splinting was necessary to stabilize the thumb IP joint. Grip strength, in addition to clinical examination, was utilized pre and post block to assess for inadvertent blockade of other muscle groups or nerves. A final clinical evaluation was conducted at study completion to note any complications or adverse effects.

Results: All three types of pinch strength showed a significant difference between pre and post measurements (p< 0.01). The mean differences pre and post were 9.7N,6.4N, and 5.2N in key, 3-point chuck, and tip pinch respectively (p< 0.01). The relative contribution of FPL for each pinch type was 53.2%,39.5%, and 44.3%. EMG, motor evoked potentials, and skin potentials confirmed adequate paralysis of the FPL. Physical examination did reveal decreased sensation in median and radial nerve distributions in some individuals, however the effect on observed motor function was negligible. Grip strength decreased by only 4N post blockade confirming no clinically significant median nerve motor blockade. The protocol was well tolerated and no serious complications were noted.

Conclusion: Using an in-vivo model we were able to estimate the contribution of FPL to overall pinch strength. In our study, FPL’s contribution to pinch strength was estimated to be 9.7N,6.4N, and 5.2N in key, 3-point chuck, and tip pinch respectively (p< 0.01). The relative contribution of FPL for each pinch type was 53.2%, 39.5%, and 44.3%. Inherent limitations in study design may have tended to overestimate the contribution of FPL to pinch. This information may be useful in planning and evaluating treatments for acute and chronic conditions affecting FPL function.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 93-B, Issue SUPP_III | Pages 266 - 266
1 Jul 2011
Clarkson P Sandford KL LaFrance AE Griffin A Wunder JS Masri BA Goetz TJ
Full Access

Purpose: Giant cell tumour (GCT) of the distal radius is associated with high local recurrence rates unless the tumour is aggressively resected, which often leaves a significant skeletal defect. The purpose of this study is to compare the functional outcomes of two commonly used reconstructive techniques, vascularised free fibular transfer (VFF) and non-vascularised structural iliac crest transfer (NIC).

Method: Patients treated for giant cell tumour of the distal radius in either Vancouver or at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto were identified in the prospectively collected databases maintained in each centre. Twenty-seven patients were identified, 14 of whom underwent VFF transfer as their primary procedure. The two groups were comparable for age, sex and tumour grade. Functional outcomes were assessed with TESS, MSTS, DASH and the Ankle Osteoarthritis Scale.

Results: Fourteen patients were included in the VFF group, 13 of which were performed as the primary index procedure, one followed prior cementation. Thirteen patients underwent NIC, one followed prior cementation. Two local recurrences occurred in the VFF group and one in NIC group, all treated with local excision. In the VFF group three patients underwent further surgery for cosmesis, hardware removal and tendon release respectively. One is scheduled for future surgery for tendon release. In the NIC group two patients suffered infections requiring debridement, one of which ultimately went on to require free fibular transfer. This patient’s results were included in the NIC group as this was the index procedure. Functional scores showed no differences between the two groups on any of the parameters studied for the upper limb (Mann-Whitney test). The Ankle osteoarthritis scale had a median score of 9% for the six patients on which it was available.

Conclusion: Both VFF and NIC are effective surgical techniques that result in a well-functioning wrist arthrodesis. VFF may be more useful where there is a significant skin defect from previous interventions. We were unable to demonstrate any difference in functional scores between VFF and NIC.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 93-B, Issue SUPP_III | Pages 252 - 252
1 Jul 2011
McConkey M Schwab TD Travlos A Oxland T Goetz TJ
Full Access

Purpose: Open reduction internal fixation with a volar plate is a popular surgical option for distal radius fractures. The pronator quadratus (PQ) must be stripped from the distal radius in this procedure. PQ is an important pronator of the forearm and stabilizer of the distal radioulnar joint. The purpose of this study was to investigate pronation torque in healthy volunteers before and after temporary paralysis of the PQ with lidocaine under EMG guidance.

Method: A custom-made apparatus was built to allow isometric testing of pronation torque at 5 positions of rotation: 90° of supination, 45° of supination, neutral, 45° of pronation and 80° of pronation. It was validated using a test-retest design with 10 subjects. For the study, 17 (9 male, 8 female) right hand dominant volunteers were recruited. They were tested at all 5 positions in random order and then had their PQs paralyzed with lidocaine. Repeat testing was performed in the same random order 30 minutes after injection. Three subjects underwent unblinded testing with saline injected instead of lidocaine.

Results: After paralysis of PQ with lidocaine, pronation torque decreased by 23.2% (p=0.0010) at 90° of supination, 16.7% (p=0.0001) at 45° of supination, 22.9% (p=0.0002) in the neutral position, 20.4% (p=0.0066) at 45° of pronation and 22.2% (p=0.0754) at 80° of pronation. All were statistically significant except 80° of pronation. Peak torque values before and after injection were highest in the supinated positions (8.2 Nm at 45° supination) and decreased gradually as the subjects were in more pronated positions (1.8 Nm at 80° pronation). The test-retest trial demonstrated no evidence of fatigue with repeated testing. The subjects who underwent injection of saline demonstrated no evidence of pronation torque loss secondary to pain or a pressure effect of the injectate.

Conclusion: This study demonstrated a significant decrease in pronation torque with controlled elimination of PQ function. Open reduction internal fixation of distal radius fractures damages the PQ. This may result in a pronation torque deficit. Functional significance of this loss should be shown. Pronation torque measurement may add to postoperative outcome analysis of surgical procedures about the wrist.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 92-B, Issue SUPP_I | Pages 7 - 7
1 Mar 2010
McCormack RG Zomar ML Panagiotopoulos KP Buckley RE Penner MJ Perey BH Pate GC Goetz TJ Piper MS
Full Access

Purpose: To compare failure rates, and patient functional outcomes, using the Dynamic Hip Screw (DHS) and Medoff Sliding Plate (MSP) for unstable intertrochanteric hip fractures.

Method: One hundred and sixty three consecutive patients with unstable intertrochanteric hip fractures, from three hospitals, were prospectively randomized to DHS or MSP. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were designed to focus on isolated unstable intertrochanteric hip fractures in ambulatory patients over age 60, without previous hip fractures or significant subtrochanteric extension. Patients were stratified by mental status and treating hospital. Randomization was performed intra operatively, after placement of a 135 degree guide wire. Follow up assessments were performed at regular intervals for a minimum of six months. The primary outcome was re-operation rate. The secondary outcome was patient function, using a validated outcome measure, the Hip Fracture Functional Recovery Score. Tertiary outcomes included: mortality, hospital stay, quality of reduction and mal union rate.

Results: 86 patients were randomized to DHS and 76 to MSP. The groups had similar patient demographics and pre fracture status (medical and functional). The patients had similar hospital course except there were more transfusions in the MSP group (2 vs. 1 unit). The quality of reduction was the same for each group but the operative time was longer in the MSP group (61 vs. 50 min). The rate of re-operation was low (3/86 in DHS and 2/76 in MSP) with no statistically significant difference. The indication for re-operation differed for the two groups as all three failures in the DHS group were related to screw cut out and both failures in the MSP arm were because of non union. The functional outcomes were the same for both groups with functional recovery scores at six months of 51% in the DHS arm and 49% in the MSP arm.

Conclusion: The two techniques produced similar results for the clinically important outcomes of the need for further surgery and functional status of the patients. For this challenging sub group of hip fractures, based on the equivalent results in this study either implant is a reasonable choice.