Aim. The aim of the present work was (i) to survey the situation of healthcare regarding the use of antibiotics in orthopaedics and trauma surgery in Germany, (ii) to determine which empiric antibiotic regimens are preferred in the treatment of periprosthethic joint infections (PJI) and (iii) to evaluate the hypothetical antibiotic adequacy of the applied empirical antibiotic
Introduction. Non-union is an unfortunate outcome of the fracture healing process for some patients; with an estimated annual incidence of 17.4- 18.9 per 100,00. The management of these patients depicts a significant clinical challenge for surgeons and financial burden to health services. External ultrasound stimulation devices (Exogen. TM. ) have been highlighted as a novel non invasive
Aim. Local antibiotics, delivered to the site of infection, achieve high tissue concentrations and are used as an adjunct to systemic
Chronic pain is recognised as a problem worldwide. Interdisciplinary multimodal pain
Introduction. Legg-Calve-Perthes (Perthes Disease) was first recognised by three physicians, Arthur Legg (1874–1939), Jacqui Calve (1875–1954) and George Perthes (1869 – 1927) in 1910. Perthes disease is a rare childhood condition that affects the hip. It occurs when the blood supply to the femoral head is disrupted. Without this blood supply, the bone cells die and avascular necrosis can occur. The Herring classification is used to diagnose the stages of Perthes Disease. It is an important prognostic factor. There are three classifications, Herring A, B and C. Herring A has no involvement of the lateral pillar with no density changes noted on x-ray. Herring B has at least 50% of the lateral pillar height maintained on x-ray. Herring C has less than 50% of the lateral pillar height on x-ray (Herring et al, 1992). Children with Perthes disease require specialist Limb Reconstruction team throughout their treatment journey, this includes Orthopaedic surgery and
Low back pain affects 80% of the population with half of cases attributed to intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration. However, the majority of treatments focus on pain management, with none targeting the underlying pathophysiological causes. PCRX-201 presents a novel gene
Autologous micro-fragmented adipose tissue (MFAT) for the treatment of symptomatic knee osteoarthritis (OA) is gaining interest although there is still a lack of supportive data on safety and clinical efficacy. This study primarily aimed to identify patient- and pathology-related parameters to tighten patient selection criteria for future clinical MFAT application. Secondly, the overall (1) therapeutic response rate (TRR), (2) short-term clinical effect, (3) effect durability and (4) therapeutic safety was investigated at a minimal follow-up of 1 year. Sixty-four subjects (91 knees) with symptomatic knee OA (mild-severe on MRI) were enrolled in a prospective single-centre case series. Ethical approval was obtained from the local and academic ethical committee (#B300201733775). After liposuction, the adipose tissue was mechanically processed in a Lipogem® device which eventually produced 6–9cc MFAT. Subjects were clinically assessed by means of the KOOS, NRS, UCLA and EQ-5D at baseline and 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after injection. Adverse events were meticulously recorded. The TRR was defined according to the OMERACT-OARSI criteria. A baseline MRI was scored following the MOAKS system. Paired sample t-tests, independent t-test and Fischer's exact test were applied on appropriate variables. Multiple regression models were fit separately for patient-and pathology-specific factors. Significance level was set at α=0.05. The overall TRR was 66% at 3 months and 50% at 12 months after injection. Subgroup analysis revealed that specifically patients with no-mild bone marrow lesions (BML) had a TRR of 88% at 3 months and 75% at 12 months after MFAT injection.
Abstract. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disorder associated with cartilage loss and is a leading cause of disability around the world. In old age, the capacity of cartilage to regenerate is diminished. With an aging population, the burden of OA is set to rise. Currently, there is no definitive treatment for OA. However, cell-based
Abstract. Objectives. Bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC), together with fibrin glue (Tisseel, Baxter, UK) and Hyaluronic acid (HA) were used as a one-step cell
Symptomatic and non-symptomatic hip osteonecrosis related to sickle cell disease (SCD) has a high risk of progression to collapse and total hip arthroplasty (THA) in this disease has a high rate of complications. We asked question about the benefit of performing an IRM to detect and treat with cell
There is conjecture on the optimal timing to administer bisphosphonate
Purpose. Cognitive Muscular
Aim. Successful management of native Joint septic arthritis (SA) hinges on the timely initiation of appropriate antibiotic
Purpose of study: To test the relative effectiveness of interferential
Aim. Antibiotics have limited activity in the treatment of multidrug-resistant or chronic biofilm-associated infections, in particular when implants cannot be removed. Lytic bacteriophages can rapidly and selectively kill bacteria, and can be combined with antibiotics. However, clinical experience in patients with surgical infections is limited. We investigated the outcome and safety of local application of bacteriophages in addition to antimicrobial therapy. Method. 8 patients (2 female and 6 male) with complex orthopedic and cardiovascular infections were included, in whom standard treatment was not feasible or impossible. The treatment was performed in agreement with the Article 37 of the Declaration of Helsinki. Commercial or individually prepared bacteriophages were provided by ELIAVA Institute in Tbilisi, Georgia. Bacteriophages were applied during surgery and continued through drains placed during surgery three times per day for the following 5–14 days. Follow-up ranged from 1 to 28 months. Results. Median age was 57 years, range 33–75 years. Two patients were diagnosed with a persistent knee arthrodesis infection, one chronic periprosthetic joint infection (PJI), one cardiovascular implantable electronic device (CIED) infection and four patients with left ventricular assist device (LVAD) infection. The isolated pathogens were multi-drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n=3), methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (n=4), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) (n=1) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (MRSE) (n=1). 4 infections were polymicrobial. 5 patients underwent surgical debridement with retention of the implant, 1 patient with PJI underwent the exchange of the prosthesis and one patient with LVAD infection was treated conservatively. All patients received intravenous and oral antibiotic
Intra-articular injection is a common way to deliver biologics to joints, but their effectiveness is limited by rapid clearance from the joint space. This barrier can be overcome by genetically modifying cells within the joint such that they produce anti-arthritic gene products endogenously, thereby achieving sustained, therapeutic, intra-articular concentrations of the transgene products without re-dosing. A variety of non-viral and viral vectors have been subjected to preclinical testing to evaluate their suitability for delivering genes to joints. The first transfer of a gene to a human joint used an ex vivo protocol involving retrovirally transduced, autologous, synovial fibroblasts. Recent advances in vector technology allow in vivo delivery using adeno-associated virus (AAV). We have developed an AAV vector encoding the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (AAV.IL-1Ra) for injection into joints with osteoarthritis (OA). It showed efficacy and safety in equine and rat models of OA, leading to a recently-completed, investigator-initiated, Phase I, dose-escalation clinical trial in 9 subjects with mid-stage OA of the knee (. Identifier: NCT02790723). Three cohorts of three subjects with mild to moderate OA in the index knee were injected intra-articularly under ultrasound guidance with a low (10e11 viral genomes) medium (10e12 viral genomes) or high (10e13 viral genomes) dose of AAV.IL-1Ra and followed for one year. The data confirm safety, with evidence of sustained intra-articular expression of IL-1Ra and a clinical response in certain subjects. Funding for a subsequent Phase Ib trial involving 50 subjects (. Identifier: NCT05835895), expected to start later this year, has been acquired. Progress in this area has stimulated commercial activity and there are now at least seven different companies developing gene
To analyse the efficacy and safety of cellular
Despite osteoarthritis (OA) representing a large burden for healthcare systems, there remains no effective intervention capable of regenerating the damaged cartilage in OA. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are adult-derived, multipotent cells which are a candidate for musculoskeletal cell
Aim. The management of PJIs is slowed down by the presence of bacteria forming biofilms where they may withstand antibiotic
Autologous tendon cell injection (ATI) is a promising non-surgical treatment for tendinopathies and tendon tear that address its underlying pathology. The procedure involves harvesting autologous tendon tissue, the isolation of the tendon cells, expansion under quality assured GMP cell laboratory and the injection of the tendon cells via U/S into the degenerative tendon tissue. In clinical practice, the patella (PT) and palmaris longus (PL) tendons are common sites used for tendon tissue biopsy. The objective of this study is to compare the tendon cell quality, identity, purity, doubling time and yield of cells between PT and PL tendons for ATI. Tendon tissue biopsies were harvested from PT via U/S using a 14-gauge needle or resected surgically from the PL tendon. The biopsies were transported to a GMP cell laboratory, where tendon cells were isolated, cultured and expanded for 4 to 6 weeks, and analysed for viability, cell doubling time, cellular characteristics including cell purity, potency and identity (PPI). Tendon samples from 149 patients were analysed (63 PT). Average biopsy weight was 62mg for PT and 119mg for PI (p<0.001). Average cell doubling time (83.9 vs 82.7 hours), cellular yield (16.2 vs 15.2x106), viability (98.7 vs 99.0%) and passage number (3 vs 3) were not significantly different between tendons. Additionally, ddPCR analyses showed no differences of PPI including tendon cell markers of collagen type I, scleraxis and tenomodulin. No post-biopsy complications or contamination were reported for either group. Assessing tendon tissue from palmaris tendon is relatively easier. Tendon tissue biopsy tissue for autologous tendon cell