Objectives. The purpose of this study was to evaluate chronological changes
in the collagen-type composition at tendon–bone interface during
tendon–bone healing and to clarify the continuity between Sharpey-like
fibres and inner fibres of the tendon. Methods. Male white rabbits were used to create an extra-articular bone–tendon
graft model by grafting the extensor digitorum longus into a bone
tunnel. Three rabbits were killed at two, four, eight, 12 and 26
weeks post-operatively. Elastica van Gieson staining was used to colour
5 µm coronal sections, which were examined under optical and polarised
light microscopy. Immunostaining for type I, II and III collagen
was also performed. Results. Sharpey-like fibres comprised of type III collagen in the early
phase were gradually replaced by type I collagen from 12 weeks onwards,
until continuity between the Sharpey-like fibres and inner fibres
of the tendon was achieved by 26 weeks. Conclusions. Even in rabbits, which heal faster than humans, an observation
period of at least 12 to 26 weeks is required, because the collagen-type
composition of the Sharpey-like fibre bone–tendon connection may
have insufficient