This paper aims to provide evidence-based guidance for the general orthopaedic surgeon faced with the presentation of a potential soft tissue sarcoma in an extremity.
The April 2014 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: is it safe to primarily close dog bite wounds?; conservative transfusion evidence based in hip fracture surgery; tibial nonunion is devastating to quality of life; sexual dysfunction after traumatic pelvic fracture; hemiarthroplasty versus fixation in displaced femoral neck fractures; silver VAC dressings “Gold Standard” in massive wounds; dual plating for talar neck fracture; syndesmosis and fibular length easiest errors in ankle fracture surgery; and dual mobility: stable as a rock in fracture.
The June 2014 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: BMP use increasing wound complication rates in trauma surgery; can we predict re-admission in trauma?; humeral bundle nailing; how best to treat high-angle femoral neck fractures?; hyperglycaemia and infection; simultaneous soft-tissue and bony repair in terrible triad injuries; metaphyseal malunion in the forearm leading to function restrictions; delayed fixation of the distal radius: not a bad option; and fasciotomies better with shoelaces
Blast and ballistic weapons used on the battlefield cause devastating injuries rarely seen outside armed conflict. These extremely high-energy injuries predominantly affect the limbs and are usually heavily contaminated with soil, foliage, clothing and even tissue from other casualties. Once life-threatening haemorrhage has been addressed, the military surgeon’s priority is to control infection. Combining historical knowledge from previous conflicts with more recent experience has resulted in a systematic approach to these injuries. Urgent debridement of necrotic and severely contaminated tissue, irrigation and local and systemic antibiotics are the basis of management. These principles have resulted in successful healing of previously unsurvivable wounds. Healthy tissue must be retained for future reconstruction, vulnerable but viable tissue protected to allow survival and avascular tissue removed with all contamination. While recent technological and scientific advances have offered some advantages, they must be judged in the context of a hard-won historical knowledge of these wounds. This approach is applicable to comparable civilian injury patterns. One of the few potential benefits of war is the associated improvement in our understanding of treating the severely injured; for this positive effect to be realised these experiences must be shared.
The June 2012 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: avoiding pelvic hemipelvectomy; proximal femoral metastasis; extendible prostheses; rotationplasty; soft-tissue sarcomas; osteosarcoma of the pelvis; recurrent chondrosarcoma ; MRI and the differentiation between benign and malignant lesions; and malignant fibrous histiocytoma.
We live in troubled times. Increased opposition reliance on explosive devices, the widespread use of individual and vehicular body armour, and the improved survival of combat casualties have created many complex musculoskeletal injuries in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Explosive mechanisms of injury account for 75% of all musculoskeletal combat casualties. Throughout all the echelons of care medical staff practice consistent treatment strategies of damage control orthopaedics including tourniquets, antibiotics, external fixation, selective amputations and vacuum-assisted closure. Complications, particularly infection and heterotopic ossification, remain frequent, and re-operations are common. Meanwhile, non-combat musculoskeletal casualties are three times more frequent than those derived from combat and account for nearly 50% of all musculoskeletal casualties requiring evacuation from the combat zone.