Patient-centred medicine is an approach to medical care that emphasises the patient experience.
The December 2015 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: Delay to surgery in hip fracture; Hexapod fixators in the management of hypertrophic tibial nonunions; Thromboembolism after nailing pathological fractures; Tibial plateau fracture patterns under the spotlight; The health economic effects of long bone nonunion; Adverse outcomes in trauma; The sacral screw in children; Treating the contralateral SUFE
The December 2015 Shoulder &
Elbow Roundup360 looks at:
The August 2015 Spine Roundup360 looks at: Steroids may be useful in avoiding dysphagia in anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF); Perhaps X-Stop ought to stop?; Is cervical plexus block in ACDF the gateway to day case spinal surgery?; Epidural past its heyday?; Steroids in lumbar back pain; Lumbar disc replacement improving; Post-discectomy arthritis
The April 2015 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: New hope for skull base tumours; Survival but at what cost?; Synovial sarcoma beginning to be cracked?; Wound complications facing soft-tissue sarcoma surgeons; Amputation may offer no survival benefit over reconstruction; Giant cell tumour in the longer term; Intralesional treatment comparable with excision in GCT of the radius?; Imaging prior to oncological referral; And finally…
The October 2015 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: Radiographic follow-up of DDH; When the supracondylar goes wrong; Apophyseal avulsion fractures; The ‘pulled elbow’; Surgical treatment of active or aggressive aneurysmal bone cysts in children; Improving stability in supracondylar fractures; Biological reconstruction may be preferable in children’s osteosarcoma; The paediatric hip fracture
The June 2015 Wrist &
Hand Roundup360 looks at: Collagenase and Dupuytren’s disease – a genuine alternative to surgery?; iPad PROMise?; Should we learn how to do endoscopic carpal tunnel release?; Two-week radiographs a relic of the past?; Bible? Aspirate or excise?; Patient expectations and trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis; Splintage in the treatment of sagittal band incompetence and extensor tendon subluxation
The February 2015 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: Evaluating the syndesmosis in ankle fractures; Calcaneal fracture management an ongoing problem; Angular stable locking in low tibial fractures did not improve results; Open fractures: do the seconds really count?; Long-term outcomes of tibial fractures; Targeted performance improvements in pelvic fractures
The October 2014 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: proximal humeral fractures in children; quadrilateral surface plates in transverse acetabular fractures; sleep deprivation and poor outcomes in trauma; bipolar hemiarthroplasty; skeletal traction; forefoot fractures; telemedicine in trauma; ketamine infusion for orthopaedic injuries; and improved functional outcomes seen with trauma networks.