The October 2014 Wrist &
Hand Roundup360 looks at: pulsed electromagnetic field of no use in acute scaphoid fractures; proximal interphalangeal joint replacement: one at a time or both at once; trapeziometacarpal arthrodesis in the young patient; Tamoxifen and Dupytren’s disease; and endoscopic or open for de Quervain’s syndrome?
The April 2015 Wrist &
Hand Roundup360 looks at: Non-operative hand fracture management; From the sublime to the ridiculous?; A novel approach to carpal tunnel decompression; Osteoporosis and functional scores in the distal radius; Ulnar variance and force distribution; Tourniquets in carpal tunnel under the spotlight; Scaphoid fractures reclassified; Osteoporosis and distal radial fracture fixation; PROMISing results in the upper limb
The June 2013 Research Roundup360 looks at: a contact patch to rim distance and metal ions; the matrix of hypoxic cartilage; CT assessment of early fracture healing; Hawthornes and radiographs; cardiovascular mortality and fragility fractures; and muscle strength decline preceding OA changes.