In 2004 the Scottish Sarcoma Network (SSN) was established with the aim of optimising management of patients with sarcoma. Clinical, radiological, oncological and pathological details of all bone and soft tissue sarcomas presenting in Scotland are registered and cases discussed in a multi-centre, tele-link multidisciplinary team (MDT) forum. The aim of this study was to establish any difference in referral patterns, time to specialist review, preoperative MRI scanning and appropriate biopsy before and after establishment of the Scottish Sarcoma Network in Grampian. A database was established of all patients presenting with sarcomas of the trunk or extremity in Grampian between 1991 and 2010. One hundred and fifty eight patients were randomly selected, 79 (50%) presenting prior to the establishment of the Scottish Sarcoma Network. Since the initiation of the Scottish sarcoma network we found that the median time of referral to review by the sarcoma service has improved from 19.5 days to 10 days (P=0.016). There has been an increase in the number of patients referred from other specialities while the number of general practice has remained fairly constant. This has resulted in a slight increase in the median total patient journey from 35 days to 41 days, this does not reach statistical significance. A greater number of patients are undergoing pre biopsy MRI scan, 53 (67%) before 2004 and 68 (86%) after (P=0.009). More patients are also undergoing appropriate biopsy 45(57%) before the network and 62(79%) after. The creation of the Scottish Sarcoma Network has had a positive impact on the care of sarcoma patients presenting in Grampian.
Five patients with recurrent disease were treated prior to establishment of the sarcoma network. Two patients, before the establishment of the network underwent resection and staging in another unit and the exact time to recurrence is unknown. One patient is currently under investigation for recurrence. The average time to recurrence was 29.2 months (Range 12–48 months). Three of the five patients with original pathology available had complete resection with mean margins of 6.25mm (range 5–7.5mm). Two had incomplete excisions carried out by other specialities, only presenting to our unit with recurrent disease.