We aimed to evaluate the relationship of forearm rotation with the magnitude of radial bowing and the localization of maximal radial bowing in children. The purpose of the study was to estimate the future forearm rotation limitation related the with the radial bowing. Forearm fractured 26 children (younger than 15 years, 20 male, 6 female) were evaluated in 2 groups. Operatively treated (n=14) and nonoperatively treated (n=12) groups included diaphysis fracture of both forearm bones. In the early postreductive X-rays, maximal radial bowing (MRB) and the localization of maximal radial bowing (LMRB) were measured. Both groups were re-evaluated after a mean follow up of 25.5 months (range 4–62) clinically by the technique of Price et al. and radiologically by the method of Schemitsch and Richards. The relation of the MRB and LMRB with the forearm rotational movements were evaluated statistically. No meaningful difference could be observed between the MRB and LMRB values of the injured and normal sides statistically (p>
0.05). Operatively treated patient group had closer degrees of MRB when compared with the normal side but there was not any meaningful statistical analysis. The number of patients having forearm rotation was so low that limits of forearm rotation could not be determined by the statistical methods. In the forearm pronation limited cases, it was observed that, when MRB decreases, the ability of pronation decreses and when LMRB increases, the ability of pro-nation also decreases. If radial bowing degrees close to the normal side can be obtained, forearm rotation limitations due to differences of radial bowing can be prevented. The mean values of radial bowing and localization of radial bowing must be measured after forearm fractures of both bones.