The concept of a predetermined first patient on the following days trauma list (the golden patient) was introduced to our hospital in April 2009. The golden patient (GP) should already have been seen by an anaesthetist and be ready to be sent for by theatres early. The aim was to improve theatre start times following disappointing results from a previous in-hospital study. It has been shown by others to improve operation start times and could be used to improve trauma services and meet clinical targets more readily. This prospective study involved the collection of planned trauma lists with the designated GP over November and December 2009. Data was collected from theatre logbooks and included patient demographics, theatre arrival, anaesthetic and operation start times. This was compared with the pre-GP data (January and February 2009). A two sample T-test was used to evaluate statistical significance between groups.Introduction
The concept of the golden patient (GP) was introduced to our busy teaching district general hospital, in April 2009, to improve trauma theatre start times following disappointing results from a previous in-hospital study. The GP is a pre-selected first patient on the following day trauma list who is medically fit with a clear surgical plan. The GP should have already been seen by an anaesthetist and be ready to be sent for by theatres early. It has been shown by others to improve operation start times and could be used to improve trauma services and meet clinical targets more readily. This prospective study involved the collection of planned trauma lists with the designated GP over November and December 2009. Data was collected from the theatre logbooks, including patient demographics, theatre reception, anaesthetic and operation start times. This was compared with the pre-GP data (January and February 2009). Graphs showing the comparative mean start times between pre-GP and GP trauma lists, including the 95% confidence interval for the population mean were created. A two sample T test was used to evaluate significance between groups.Introduction