Osteoarthritis (OA) is the fastest growing global health problem, with a total joint replacement being the only effective treatment for patients with end stage OA. Many groups are examining the use of bone marrow or adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to repair cartilage, or modulate inflammation to promote healing, however, little efficacy in promoting cartilage repair, or reducing patient symptoms over temporary treatments such as micro-fracture has been observed. There is a growing body of literature demonstrating that MSCs derived from the synovial lining of the joint are superior in terms of chondrogenic differentiation and while improvements in clinical outcome measures have been observed with synovial MSCs, results from clinical studies are still highly variable. Based on our results, we believe this variability in clinical studies with MSCs results in part from the isolation, expansion and re-injection of distinct MSCs subtypes in normal vs. OA tissues, each with differing regenerating potential. However, it remains unknown if this heterogeneity is natural (e.g. multiple MSC subtypes present) or if MSCs are influenced by factors in vivo (disease state/stage). Therefore, in this study, we undertook an ‘omics’ screening approach on MSCs from normal and OA knee synovial tissue. Specifically, we characterized their global proteome and genomic expression patterns to determine if multiple MSC from normal and OA joints are distinct at the protein/gene expression level and/if so, what proteins/genes are differentially expressed between MSCs derived from normal and OA synovial tissue. Synovium tissue was collected from OA patients undergoing joint replacement and normal cadaveric knees. The in vitro adipogenic, chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation potential of the MSCs was analyzed via qPCR and histology. Fully characterized MSC populations where then analyzed through an unbiased shotgun proteomics, and microarray analysis. Synovial MSCs isolated from both OA and normal knees demonstrated similar multipotent differentiation capacity. Likewise, both OA and normal MSCs display the typical MSCs cell surface marker profile in vitro (CD90+, CD44+, CD73+, CD105+). Using shotgun proteomics, 7720 unique peptides corresponding to 2183 proteins were identified and quantified between normal and OA MSCs. Of these 2183 proteins, 994 were equally expressed in normal and OA, MSCs, 324 were upregulated in OA MSCs (with 50 proteins exclusively expressed in OA MSCs), 630 proteins were upregulated in normal MSCs (with 16 proteins exclusively expressed in normal MSCs). Microarray analysis of normal and OA MSCs demonstrated a similar result in where, 967 genes were differentially expressed between normal and OA MSCs, with 423 genes upregulated in OA, and 544 genes upregulated in normal MSCs. In this project, we have demonstrated that although normal and OA synovial derived MSCs demonstrate similar multipotent differentiation potential and cell surface markers expression, these cells demonstrated significant differences at the molecular level (protein and gene expression). Further research is required to determine if these differences influence functional differences in vitro and/or in vivo and what drives this dramatic change in the regulatory pathways within normal vs. OA synovial MSCs.
There is currently no cure for osteoarthritis (OA), although there are ways to manage it, but most require quite invasive surgeries. There is a resident mesenchymal progenitor cell (MPC) population within the synovial membrane of the joint that have the ability to differentiate into bone, fat, and cartilage. We hypothesise that Method optimisation protocol: Synovial biopsies (2 or 5mm) were obtained from patients undergoing surgery. The biopsies were digested in either collagenase type I, IA, IV or II at a concentration of 0.5 or 1.0 mg/mL. Digestion was conducted at 37°C for 30, 60, 90 or 120min. To assay for the number of MPCs obtained, the cell suspension was stained with CD90 (a synovial MPC marker) and magnetically purified. The purified cells were then assayed by flow cytometry (Co-stained with a live/dead cell marker, BV510) or bright-field microscopy. Study protocol: Synovial tissues were digested in type IV collagenase for two hours to obtain a single cell suspension. The cells were subsequently stained with mesenchymal stem cell markers, including CD 90, CD 271, CD 44, CD73, and CD105, a macrophage marker, CD68. The macrophages were excluded and the remaining cells were index sorted into 96-well plates. The cells were expanded, and underwent 21-day chondrogenic, adipogenic, and osteogenic differentiation. Differentiation was assayed using RT-qPCR and histological methods. Additionally, the cells were re-analysed for marker expression after culturing. Optimisation: Synovial biopsies of 5mm produced a greater number of live CD90+ cells than 2mm biopsies. It was observed that type IV collagenase at 1mg/ML treatment for 120 min (hip) and 90 min (knee) obtained the greatest number of CD90+ MPCs from the synovium. Results: A single cell was isolated from an OA hip biopsy and was positive for the markers CD90, CD44, CD73, and negative for the markers CD68, CD271, CD105. Following differentiation, PCR analysis suggested that the cell line was able to differentiate into chondrocytes and adipocytes, but not osteoblasts. Histology data agreed with the PCR data with the adipocytes and chondrocytes having positive staining, whereas the osteoblasts were negative. FACS analysis following proliferation showed that the expression MPCs express cell surface markers that provide information as to populations have the best cartilage regeneration abilities. By determining the properties of the MPCs in OA hips that allow for better chondrogenic differentiation abilities
To identify the differences in inflammatory profiles between hip OA, knee OA and non-OA control cohorts and investigate the association between cytokine expression and clinical outcome measurements, specifically pain. A total of 250 individuals were recruited in three cohorts (100 knee OA, 50 hip OA, 100 control). Serum was collected and inflammatory profiles analysed using the Multiplex Human Cytokine Panel (Millipore) on the Luminex 100 platform (Luminex Corp., Austin, TX). The pain, physical function and activity limitations of hip OA cohort were scored using the WOMAC, SF-36, HHS and UCLA scores. All cytokine levels were compared between cohorts individually using Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon (MWW) test with Bonferroni multiple comparison correction. Within hip OA cohorts, the effect of hip alignment (impingement and dysplasia) and radiographic grade (Kellgren and Lawrence grade, K/L grade) on cytokine levels were accessed by MWW test. Spearman's rank correlation test used to assess the association between cytokines and pain levels. The three cohorts showed distinct inflammatory profiles. Specifically, EGF, FGF-2, MCP-3, MIP-1a, IL-8 were significant different between knee and hip OA; FGF-2, GRO, IL-8, MCP-1, VEGF were significant different between hip OA and control; Eotaxin, GRO, MCP-1, MIP-1b, VEGF were significant different between knee OA and control (p-value < 0.0012). For hip OA cohorts, cytokines do not differ between K/L grade three and K/L grade four or between patients that displayed either impingement or dysplasia. Three cytokines were significant associated with pain: IL-6 (p-value = 0.045), MDC (p-value = 0.032) and IP-10 (p-value = 0.038). We have demonstrated that differences in serum inflammatory profiles exist between hip and knee OA patients. These differences suggest that OA may include different inflammatory subtypes according to affected joints. We also identified that the cytokine IL-6, MDC and IP-10 are associated with pain level in hip OA patients. These cytokines might help explain the inconsistent of presentation of pain with radiographical severity of OA joints. Future studies are needed to validate our findings and then to understand the following questions: (1) how differently affected joints are reflected in systematic biomarkers; (2) how these cytokines are biologically involved in the OA pain pathway.