Purpose: Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis (PVNS) is an uncommon presentation characterised by hyperplastic synovium, bloody effusions and bone erosions. Incompletely resected localised and diffuse lesions have a high recurrence rate. The management of recurrent lesions depends on the expertise of the surgeon and severity of the lesion. The imaging characteristics of PVNS and experience of British knee surgeons in managing these lesions is presented in our study.
Methods: A postal questionnaire was sent to 100 knee surgeons of the British Association of Surgeons of the Knee (BASK) with questions relating to their experience in managing localised and recurrent PVNS. The options included either arthroscopic or open synovectomy with or without radiotherapy, radical excision or referral.
Results: 74 responses were included in the study. 73 out of the total cohort of 74 surgeons (98.7%) had seen less than 5 presentations in their career.
Localised lesions were treated primarily by arthroscopic synovectomy [N=58(78.4%)] or open synovectomy [N=12(16.2%)] with radiotherapy being utilised in 4 lesions (5.4%).
For local recurrence the management was arthroscopic [N=26(35.1%)] and open [N= 19(25.7%)] synovectomy. Radiotherapy was used in 18 (24.3%) of patients with localised recurrence and 8 (10.8%) of were referred to specialist units.
Infiltrating lesions were treated with open synovectomy and radiotherapy [N=22(29.7%)] and 20 cases [27.02%] were referred to specialist units.
Imaging of PVNS and Conclusions: The role of imaging is invaluable in early diagnosis and treatment due to limited experience in managing such presentations. Routine radiography and Computerised Axial Tomography (CT scan) often demonstrate non-marginal pressure erosions with sclerotic margins as well as nodular soft tissue masses. Sonography shows non-specific focal or nodular synovial thickening with increased flow on colour doppler. Magnetic Resonance imaging characteristics of PVNS are nodular, synovial masses which are low signal on T1-weighted and T2-weighted imaging.