In current practice in the UK there are three main approaches to investigating suspected scaphoid fractures not seen on initial plain film x-rays. Early MRI of all cases Review all cases in clinic at two weeks with repeat x-rays Hybrid model. Virtual Fracture Clinic (VFC) triage to reduce those who are seen in clinic at two weeks by: Organising early MRI for those with high-risk presentation. Discharging those with an alternative more likely diagnosis. Our unit uses the VFC model. We aimed to evaluate its efficiency, safety, clinical outcomes and economic viability. All patients attending the emergency department with either a confirmed or suspected scaphoid fracture between March and December 2020 were included (n=305). Of these 297 were referred to the VFC: 33 had a confirmed fracture on x-ray and 264 had a suspected fracture. Of the suspected fractures reviewed in VFC 14% had an MRI organised directly owing to a high-risk presentation, 79% were brought for fracture clinic review and 17% discharged with an alternative diagnosis such as osteoarthritis. Of those subsequently reviewed in fracture clinic at two weeks: 9% were treated as scaphoid fractures (based on clinical suspicion and repeat x-rays), 17% had MRI or CT imaging organised, 5% did not attend and 69% were discharged. Overall, 17% of cases initially triaged, had further imaging – 41 MRIs and 5 CTs. MRI detected: 5% scaphoid fracture, 17% other fracture, 24% bone contusion, complete ligament tear 10%, partial ligament tear 39% and normal study 10%. The results of MRI minimally affected management. 3 patients were taken out of plaster early, 1 patient was immobilized who was not previously and no patients underwent operative management. In the following 12-month period one patient re-presented with a hand or wrist issue. This approach avoided 218 MRIs, equating to £24000 and 109 hours of scanner time. VFC triage and selective use of MRI scanning is a safe, efficient and cost-effective method for the management suspected scaphoid fractures. This can be implemented in units without the resource to MRI all suspected scaphoid fractures from the emergency department.
Pilon fractures are complex, high-energy, intra-articular fractures of the distal tibia. Achieving good outcomes is challenging due to fracture complexity and extensive soft tissue damage. The purpose of this study was to determine the long-term functional and clinical outcomes of definitive management with fine wire Ilizarov fixation for closed pilon fractures. 185 patients treated over a 14-year period (2004–2018) were included. All patients had Ilizarov frames applied to restore mechanical axis and fine wires to control periarticular fragments. CT scans were performed post operatively to confirm satisfactory restoration of the articular surface. All frames were dynamized prior to removal. Patients' functional outcome was assessed using the validated Chertsey Outcome Score for Trauma (“COST”). Review of clinical notes and imaging was used to determine complications and time to union.Introduction
Materials and Methods
Ashford and St Peter's Hospital (ASPH) is a district general hospital in Chertsey, Surrey. It is a tertiary referral unit offering a circular frame service to manage complex trauma patients in the South East of England. This study analyses the patient pathway in 66 consecutive tertiary referrals from 2015–2020. All patients were managed with an Ilizarov frame for either a tibial plateau fracture or pilon fracture. The patient journey of 66 consecutive tertiary referrals for tibial plateau and pilon fractures were analysed. The following data was captured: patient demographics; type of injury; referring centre; date of injury; date of referral; date of arrival at ASPH; date of surgery and date of discharge. Using this data we aimed to identify areas of the pathway that can be improved. In addition, the 66 patients were split into two groups of 33 patients. 33 patients were referred via an electronic referral platform and 33 patients were referred verbally prior to the implementation of the electronic referral platform. The groups were compared to see the impact of an electronic referral platform on the patient's journey.Introduction
Materials and Methods