Background: Autologous blood from reinfusion drains are commonly used after major joint arthroplasties with a view to decrease the heterologous blood transfusion requirement. The aim of this study is to find the effect of reinfusion drains on the difference in haemoglobin (Hb) level before and after total knee arthroplasties.
Material and Methods: Between January 2001 and October 2003, 158 patients had total knee arthroplasty on one side. The type of thromboprophylaxis used was the same in all the patients. 74 patients had autologous blood transfusion through reinfusion drains (Group I) while 84 patients had no autologous blood transfusion and ordinary suction drains were used to drain the wound in the immediate postoperative period (Group II). The mean age was 72.1 +/− 8.5 in group I and 69.3 +/− 9.1 in group II. In each patient the preoperative Hb level, the amount of autologous blood transfusion, the postoperative Hb level and the amount of heterologous bleed transfusion requirement were noted.
Results: The mean preoperative Hb level was 13.6 +/− 1.4 g/dL (10.4–18.1) in group I and 13.7 +/− 1.3 g/dL (7.9–16.5) in group II. The mean postoperative Hb level was 10.7 +/− 1.5 g/dL (10.4–18.1) in group I and 10.7 + 1.6 g/dL (5.4 +/− 13.6) in group II. The difference in Hb level between the two groups was analysed using t-test and found to be not significant (p = 0.76), with the mean difference between the groups being 0.05 and the 95% CI to the mean difference includes zero (range −0.3 to +0.4). The difference in Hb level before and after surgery was plotted against the amount of autologous blood transfused and it was observed that there was no significant improvement with increased amount of autologous blood transfusion. The cost of reinfusion drain is 36.43 (~ 53.37 Euros) more than the suction drain.
Conclusion: Autologous blood from reinfusion drains did not significantly improve the postoperative Hb level. Further usage of reinfusion drain is not cost-beneficial.