Epidemiological figures reflect those of other studies. The male: female ratio was 1.4: 1, most common age at diagnosis was 16 – 18 and the most common site of tumor was the distal femur, 71% of tumors occurred at the knee. 5 year and median survival were 30% and 26 months for the entire period. 5 year survival was found to have improved from 21% between 1933–1959 to 62% in 1990 – 1999. On univariate analysis the most significant factor influencing outcome was use of chemotherapy in treatment (p<
0.00005). On multivariate analysis, date of diagnosis had most influence on the hazard ratio, the greatest difference being found between diagnoses pre and post – 1980. Site of tumor was also found to be a significant factor (p=0.044). The survival from Osteosarcoma in Scotland in recent years was found to be no worse than the rest of the UK as had previously been suggested.