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Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 99-B, Issue SUPP_1 | Pages 17 - 17
1 Jan 2017
Deluzio K Brandon S Clouthier A Hassan E Campbell A
Full Access

Valgus unloader knee braces are a conservative treatment option for medial compartment knee osteoarthritis (OA). These braces are designed to reduce painful, and potentially injurious compressive loading on the damaged medial side of the joint through application of a frontal-plane abduction moment. While some patients experience improvements in pain, function, and joint loading, others see little to no benefit from bracing [1]. Previous biomechanical studies investigating the mechanical effectiveness of bracing have been limited in either their musculoskeletal detail [2] or incorporation of altered external joint moments and forces [3]. The first objective was to model the relative contributions of gait dynamics, muscle forces, and the external brace abduction moment to reducing medial compartment knee loads. The second objective was to determine what factors predict the effectiveness of the valgus unloading brace.

Seventeen people with knee OA (8 Female age 54.4 +/− 4.2, BMI 30.00 +/− 4.0 kg/m2, Kellgren-Lawrence range of 1–4 with med. = 3) and 20 healthy age-matched controls participated in this study which was approved by the institutional ethics review board. Subjects walked across a 20m walkway with and without a Donjoy OA Assist knee brace while marker trajectories, ground reaction forces, and lower limb electromyography were recorded. The external moment applied by the brace was estimated by multiplying the brace deformation by is pre-determined brace-stiffness. For each subject, a representative stride was selected for each brace condition. A generic musculokeletal model with two legs, a torso, and 96 muscles was modified to include subject-specific frontal plane alignment and medial and lateral contact locations [4]. Muscle forces, and tibiofemoral contact forces were estimated using static optimization [4]. We defined brace effectiveness as the difference in the peak medial contact force between the braced and the unbraced conditions. A stepwise regression analysis was performed to predict brace effectiveness based on: X-ray frontal plane alignment, medial joint space, KL grade, mass, WOMAC scores, unbraced walking speed, trunk, hip and knee joint angles and moments.

The OA Assist brace reduced medial joint loading by approximately 0.1 to 0.2 BW or roughly 10%, during stance. This decrease was primarily due to the external brace abduction moment, and not changes in gait dynamics, or muscle forces. The brace effectiveness could be predicted (R2=0.77) by the KL grade, and the magnitude of the hip adduction moment in early stance (unbraced). The brace was more effective for those that had larger hip adduction moments and for those with more severe OA.

The valgus knee brace was found to reduce the medial joint contact force by approximately 10% as estimated using a musculoskeletal model. Bracing resulted in a greater reduction in joint contact force for those who had more severe OA while still maintaining a hip adduction moment similar to that of healthy controls.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 98-B, Issue SUPP_21 | Pages 58 - 58
1 Dec 2016
Hassan E Tucker A Clouthier A Deluzio K Brandon S Rainbow M
Full Access

Valgus knee unloader braces are often prescribed as treatment for knee osteoarthritis (OA). These braces are designed to redistribute the loading in the knee, thereby reducing medial contact forces. Patient response to bracing is variable; some patients experience improvements in joint loading, pain, and function, others see little to no effect. We hypothesised that patients who experienced beneficial response to the brace, measured by reductions in medial contact force, could be predicted based on static and dynamic measures.

Participants completed a WOMAC questionnaire and walked overground with and without an OA Assist knee brace in a motion capture lab. Eighteen patients with medial compartment OA (8 female, 53.8±7.0 years, BMI 30.3±4.1, median Kellgren-Lawrence grade 4 (range 1–4)) were evaluated. The abduction moment applied by the brace was estimated by multiplying brace deflection by the pre-determined brace stiffness. A generic musculoskeletal model was scaled for each participant based on standing full length radiographs and anatomical markers. Inverse kinematics, inverse dynamics, residual reduction, and muscle analysis were completed in OpenSim 3.2. A static optimisation was then performed to estimate muscle forces and then tibiofemoral contact forces were calculated. Brace effectiveness was defined by the difference in the first peak of the medial contact force between braced and unbraced conditions. Principal component analysis was performed on the hip, knee, and ankle angles and moments from the unbraced walking condition to extract the principal component (PC) scores for these variables. A linear regression procedure was used to determine which variables related to brace effectiveness. Potential regressors included: hip-knee-ankle angle and medial joint space measured radiographically; KL grade; mass; WOMAC scores; unbraced walking speed; and the first two principal component scores for each of the unbraced hip, knee, and ankle joint angles and moments.

KL grade, walking speed, and hip adduction moment PC1, which represented the magnitude of the first peak were all found to be correlated with change in medial contact force. The brace was more successful in reducing medial contact force in subjects with higher KL grades, faster self-selected walking speeds, and larger peak external hip adduction moments. The R2 value for the overall regression model was 0.78.

The best predictor of brace effectiveness was the hip adduction moment, indicating the need to consider dynamic measures. Participants who had hip adduction moments and walking speeds similar to those of their healthy counterparts saw a greater reduction in medial contact force. Thus, those who responded to bracing had more severe OA as measured by the KL grade but had not experienced changes in their hip adduction moment due to OA. The results of this study suggest that there is potential for an objective criterion for valgus knee brace use to be established.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_XXV | Pages 2 - 2
1 Jun 2012
Acker S Kutzner I Bergmann G Deluzio K Wyss U
Full Access

Accurate in vivo knee joint contact forces are required for joint simulator protocols and finite element models during the development and testing of total knee replacements (Varadarajan et al., 2008.) More accurate knowledge of knee joint contact forces during high flexion activities may lead to safer high flexion implant designs, better understanding of wear mechanisms, and prevention of complications such as aseptic loosening (Komistek et al., 2005.) High flexion is essential for lifestyle and cultural activities in the developing world, as well as in Western cultures, including ground-level tasks and chores, prayer, leisure, and toileting (Hemmerich et al., 2006.) In vivo tibial loads have been reported while kneeling; but only while the subject was at rest in the kneeling position (Zhao et al., 2007), meaning that the loads were submaximal due to muscle relaxation and thigh-calf contact support. The objective of this study was to report the in vivo loads experienced during high flexion activities and to determine how closely the measured axial joint contact forces can be estimated using a simple, non-invasive model. It provides unique data to better interpret non-invasively determined joint-contact forces, as well as directly measured tiobiofemoral joint contact force data for two subjects.

Two subjects with instrumented tibial implants performed kneeling and deep knee bend activities. Two sets of trials were carried out for each activity. During the first set, an electromagnetic tracking system and two force plates were used to record lower limb kinematics and ground reaction forces under the foot and under the knee when it was on the ground. In the second set, three-dimensional joint contact forces were directly measured in vivo via instrumented tibial implants (Heinlein et al., 2007.) The measured axial joint contact forces were compared to estimates from a non-invasive joint contact force model (Smith et al., 2008.)

The maximum mean axial forces measured during the deep knee bend were 24.2 N/kg at 78.2° flexion (subject A) and 31.1 N/kg at 63.5° flexion (subject B) during the deep knee bend (Figure 1.) During the kneeling activity, the maximum mean axial force measured was 29.8 N/kg at 86.8° flexion (subject B.) While the general shapes of the model-estimated curves were similar to the directly measured curves, the axial joint contact force model underestimated the measured contact forces by 7.0 N/kg on average (Figure 2.) The most likely contributor to this underestimation is the lack of co-contraction in the model.

The study protocol was limited in that data could not be simultaneously collected due to electromagnetic interference between the motion tracking system and the inductively powered instrumented tibial component. Because skin-mounted markers were used, kinematics may be affected by skin motion artefacts. Despite these limitations, this study presents valuable information that will advance the development of high flexion total knee replacements. The study provides in vivo measurements and non-invasive estimates of joint contact forces during high flexion activities that can be used for joint simulator protocols and finite element modeling.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 93-B, Issue SUPP_III | Pages 305 - 305
1 Jul 2011
Leighton R Dunbar M Petrie D Deluzio K O’Brien P Buckley R Powell J Mckee M Schmitsch E Stephen D Kreder H Harvey E Sanders D McCormack B Pate G Hawsawi A Evans A Persis R
Full Access

Introduction: Surgical fixation of intra-articular distal femoral fractures has been associated with nonunion & varus collapse. The soft tissuestripping associated with this fracture andthe surgical exposure have been factors associated with delayed union & infection. The limited soft tissue exposure has been lauded the as a solution to this fracture. However, it has occurred with the new fixation as well.(Locked Plate)

Aims: This study is an attempt to look at the fixation. Does the LISS system improve the results of this difficult fracture? Is there truly a difference in the outcome of this fracture utilizing the Locked plate system or is the percieved difference due to the surgical mini invasive approach.

Patients & Methods: One hunderd & forty patients were screened, only 53 were randomized and fixed in six academic centers over 5 years. All C3 fractures were excluded as they were felt not to be treatable by the DCS device, but they were treated appropiately. 35 females and 18 males were included in the study and randomized appropiatley.

Results: Fifty-three patients were randomized, 28 had the LISS implant and 25 had the DCS utilized. There were 3 nonunions in the LISS group plus two patients with early loss of reduction that required reoperation in the early post operative period. One patient developed arthrofibrosis requiring arthroscopic release and subsequently the implant failed necessitating refixation. In the DCS group, only one nonunion reported & required second surgery. This translated to a reoperation rate of 21% in the LISS group compared to 4% with DCS.

Conclusion: This prospective randomized multicentre trial showed a difference when comparing the LISS to the DCS in the supracondylar distal femur fractures.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 91-B, Issue SUPP_II | Pages 221 - 221
1 May 2009
Newell R Hubley-Kozey C Stanish W Deluzio K
Full Access

The knee adduction moment is indicative of the degree of medial compartmental loading at the knee joint and has been related to the presence and progression of knee osteoarthritis (OA). Studies have reported differences between OA and asymptomatic groups when measuring the adduction moment at the knee; however, there have been various biomechanical models used to describe this moment. In addition, non-invasive interventions have been shown to decrease the adduction moment but only at certain portions of the gait cycle. The objective of the study was to determine if changing the biomechanical model would affect the ability to detect differences between OA and asymptomatic gait and whether these differences depended on which portion of the gait cycle was analysed.

The gait of forty-four asymptomatic and forty-four moderate OA subjects was measured. The adduction moment was calculated using three different biomechanical models commonly used in the literature:

a 2D representation of the lower limb,

a 3D coordinate system based in the tibia, and

a 3D coordinate system based in both the tibia and femur. The adduction moment waveforms were compared between groups for various portions of the gait cycle for all three models.

The choice of biomechanical model changed the overall magnitude and shape of the adduction moment waveform. These changes affected the ability to detect group differences using commonly reported parameters of the adduction moment. However, group separation was achieved (regardless of model) when analyzing the overall magnitude of the adduction moment across stance phase and the mid-stance portion of the gait cycle.

These results demonstrate that the OA subjects are not unloading the medial compartment of the knee at full weight acceptance as well as the healthy controls. Furthermore, the OA subjects are experiencing a higher medial compartment load that is being sustained for the duration of the stance phase of the gait cycle. Group differences that are not model dependent may be important in understanding the pathomechanics of OA and evaluating interventions. These findings support the need for a better understanding of the anatomical mechanisms associated with the adduction moment.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 91-B, Issue SUPP_II | Pages 220 - 221
1 May 2009
Rutherford D Hubley-Kozey C Stanish W Halifax N Deluzio K
Full Access

Determine the association between net external knee adduction moment (KAM) characteristics and foot progression angle (FPA) in asymptomatic individuals and those with moderate and severe osteoarthritis through discrete variable and principal component analysis (PCA).

Fifty-nine asymptomatic (age 52 ± 10 years), fifty-five with moderate knee OA (age 60 ± 9 years) and sixty-one individuals with severe knee OA (age 67 ± 8 years, tested within one week of total knee replacement surgery) participated. Three-dimensional (3D) motion (Optotrak) and ground reaction force (AMTI) data were recorded during gait. Subjects walked at a self-selected velocity. The KAM, calculated using inverse dynamics was time normalised to one complete gait cycle. FPA was calculated using stance phase kinematic gait variables. The discrete variable, peak KAM, was extracted for the interval (30–60%) of the gait cycle. PCA was used to extract the predominant waveform features (Principal Components (PC)) of which PC-Scores were computed for each original waveform. Pearson Product Moment Correlations were calculated for the FPA and both the PC-scores and peak KAM. Alpha of 0.05 used to test significance.

No significant correlations were noted for the groups between peak KAM and the FPA, or for the first PC-Scores (PC1) of which captured the original KAM waveforms overall magnitude and shape. The second PC (PC2) captured the shape and magnitude during the second interval of stance (30–60%) with respect to the first. Correlations of FPA to PC2 were significant for the asymptomatic group(r=−0.40, p=0.002) and the moderate OA group (r=−0.32, p=0.017) but not for the severe group(r=−0.13, p=0.316).

No relationship between FPA and peak KAM was found across the groups using discrete variable analysis despite reports of associations in asymptomatic subjects. The PCA results suggest a toe out FPA was moderately correlated to a decreased KAM during 30–60% of the gait cycle for asymptomatic and moderate OA individuals only. These individuals respond to a toe out progression angle, altering the KAM which directly affects medial knee compartment loading, where those with severe OA do not.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 90-B, Issue SUPP_I | Pages 43 - 43
1 Mar 2008
Deluzio K Landry C Chu J Hubley-Kozey C Kozey J Caldwell G Stanish W
Full Access

Modern gait analysis offers a unique means to measure the biomechanical response to diseases of the musculoskeletal system during activities of daily living. The objective of this on-going study is to quantify the biomechanical environment of the knee joint in subjects with moderate knee osteoarthritis (OA). We collected 3-D motion, ground reaction force, and electromyographic data from seven normal subjects and five subjects with moderate knee OA. There were no differences in stride characteristics or joint motion patterns between the two groups. In contrast, we found differences in knee joint kinetics between the moderate OA subjects and the normal control subjects.

The objective of this on-going study is to quantify the biomechanical environment of the knee joint in subjects with moderate knee osteoarthritis (OA). Our goal is to identify biomechanical characteristics related to treatment interventions.

The moderate knee OA patients walked with a visibly normal gait as measured by stride characteristics and joint angles. Differences were detected in the joint loading (ie adduction and flexion moments).

The biomechanical differences between normal and osteoarthritic knees will provide the basis upon which to design and evaluate non-invasive treatments for knee OA.

Subjects performed, in random order, five trials of their normal selected speed, and a fast walk (150% of the normal speed). Three-dimensional motion and force data were used to calculate three dimensional joint angles, moments and forces.

There were no differences in stride characteristics (walking speeds, stride lengths, or stride times) between the two groups. The moderate OA patients walked with normal knee joint motion patterns. In contrast, we found differences in knee joint kinetics between the moderate OA subjects and the normal control subjects. The magnitude of the adduction moment during stance was larger for the moderate OA patients at both walking speeds (p< 0.05). We also identified differences in the pattern of the flexion moment, but only at the higher walking speed (p< 0.05).

Gait analysis can provide insight into the mechanical factors of knee osteoarthritis by quantifying the dynamic loading and alignment of the knee during activities of daily living

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 90-B, Issue SUPP_I | Pages 43 - 43
1 Mar 2008
Astephen J Deluzio K
Full Access

The pathogenesis of knee osteoarthritis is complex and involves many correlated factors that can be measured with gait analysis. Important biomechanical factors may lie in the interrelationships between variables. This study demonstrated the use of a multidimensional gait data analysis technique that simultaneously considered multiple time varying and constant measures. The gait patterns of normal and knee osteoarthritic subjects were successfully separated with a misclassification error rate of < 6%. One of the most discriminatory features identified an important knee osteoarthritis difference during the loading response phase of the gait cycle.

The objective of this study was to detect biomechanical factors of knee osteoarthritis with a multidimensional gait data analysis technique.

A multidimensional gait data analysis technique detected a very discriminatory feature that described a knee osteoarthritis difference during the loading response phase of the gait cycle.

The combination of variables involved in the loading response feature may be important to the onset and development of knee osteoarthritis.

Discriminatory gait features associated with knee osteoarthritis were identified with a misclassification error rate of < 6%. In a very discriminatory feature, the loading response phase of the gait cycle was completely isolated as important. Body mass index (BMI) was the greatest contributing factor to the loading response feature.

Three-dimensional gait analysis was performed on fifty elderly patients with severe knee osteoarthritis and sixty-three elderly asymptomatic subjects. Three components of knee joint angles, moments and forces were calculated. Body mass index (BMI), radiographic measures and stride characteristics were also measured. A multivariate statistical technique extracted important features from the data and a discrimination procedure defined the optimal separation between the two groups.

The importance of loading response had been hypothesized previously, and this study quantitatively identified a very discriminatory gait pattern difference during loading response. The difference described was multidimensional. Although BMI was the largest contributing factor, there was no univariate difference in BMI between the two groups.

Funding: NSERC

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 90-B, Issue SUPP_I | Pages 135 - 135
1 Mar 2008
Duffy P Trask K Barron L Hennigar A Deluzio K Leighton R Dunbar M
Full Access

Purpose: The Less Invasive Stabilization System (LISS), Dynamic Condylar Screw (DCS) and Condylar Buttress Plate (CBP) are three common fixation methods for supracondylar femur fractures. The DCS and CBP are compression plates while the LISS uses locking screws to transfer load from bone to plate without compression. We developed a study to determine if the theoretical biomechanical advantages of the LISS would be evident in laboratory testing.

Methods: Identical AO type C fractures were created in eighteen composite femurs and fixed with either LISS, CBP, or DCS (6 each). Roentgen Stereophotogrammetric Analysis (RSA) was used for analysis. Reference markers were implanted into each bone segment. Biplanar x-rays were taken to give a three-dimensional representation of the fracture. The femurs were loaded axially in an Instron 1350 and subjected to cyclic loading (50kg ± 25 for 50000 cycles). After loading, the bones were x-rayed to determine relative motion between fracture segments. To examine inducible displacement under static loading, the femurs were x-rayed in an unloaded and loaded (50 kg) condition. Again, RSA was used for analysis.

Results: RSA-CMS software was used to analyze relative motion between the bone segments. After cyclic loading, the condylar buttress plate showed significantly more permanent deformation between the medial condyle and shaft of the femur than the DCS or LISS. Under static load, the LISS showed greater displacement than the other devices between the medial condyle and shaft, and between the lateral condyle and shaft.

Conclusions: The LISS demonstrated less permanent deformation but greater inducible deformation between the medial femoral condyle and femoral shaft, compared to the DCS and CBP. The results were statistically significant. These results may have clinical implications regarding the choice of fixation devices for this difficult fracture pattern.

Funding : Other Education Grant

Funding Parties : Capital Health Research Grant

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 90-B, Issue SUPP_I | Pages 44 - 44
1 Mar 2008
Hubley-Kozey C McNutt JS Deluzio K Kozey J Chu J Caldwell G Stanish W
Full Access

The objective of this study was to determine if abnormal neuromuscular patterns exist in individuals with knee Osteoarthritis compared to those with healthy knees. We collected surface electromyographic signals during preferred speed and fast walk conditions from seven muscles crossing the knee joint. We found differences between the two groups that could lead to differences in joint loading, with the OA group having higher coactivity between hamstrings and quadriceps during initial loading. Further investigating these differences is warranted in particular given the trend for lower external extensor moments for the OA group at the fast walking speed.

The purpose of this study was to compare neuromuscular control of knee joint motion during walking between those with moderate Osteoarthritis (OA) and those with healthy knees (CON).

Moderate OA neuromuscular control patterns differed from those with healthy knees.

Detecting neuromuscular alteration associated with mild to moderate knee OA is important to direct therapeutic strategies aimed to slow down or possibly reverse disease progression.

Surface electromyographic (EMG) recordings were collected from seven muscles crossing the knee joint of CON (n=7) and those with moderate OA (n=4) during preferred speed and a fast-paced walks. A pattern recognition technique was applied to the EMG profiles. No differences (> 0.05) were reported between the two groups for spatial and temporal gait parameters or knee joint kinematics. Statistical differences were found (p< 0.05) in muscle activation patterns between the two groups and the differences were more prominent at the faster walking speed. The two vasti muscles had double peaks during stance and higher amplitudes at heel strike for the OA group. There was higher activity in the two hamstring muscles at heel contact and a burst of activity during late stance for the OA group.

The disproportionately higher knee flexor coactivity at heel strike may reflect a guarded response to pain, whereas the burst during weight transfer may reflect a stabilizing response as the knee moment changes from a flexor to an extensor moment. At normal walking speeds the neuromuscular control patterns were similar between groups, but differences were exaggerated when the system was stressed at higher speed.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 90-B, Issue SUPP_I | Pages 33 - 33
1 Mar 2008
Deluzio K Astephen J
Full Access

The objective of this study was to determine if pre-operative gait patterns could predict which patients selected for unicondylar knee replacement (UKR) actually received a UKR or a total knee replacement (TKR). At the time of surgery, ten of the twenty-two UKR candidates presented with extensive degenerative changes and received total knee replacements. We analyzed gait, radiographic, and anthropometric data with a pattern recognition technique designed to detect biomechanical differences between the two groups. The groups were indistinguishable clinically, and radiographically, yet the pattern recognition technique identified features that completely separated the two groups based on the biomechanical differences.

The objective of this study was to determine if pre-operative gait patterns could predict which patients selected for UKR actually received a UKR or a TKR.

The UKR and TKR groups were indistinguishable visibly, clinically, and radiographically, yet the pattern recognition technique employed in this analysis identified features that completely separated the two groups.

Biomechanical differences between the pre-operative groups could lead to more accurate diagnosis of unicompartmental knee OA as well as further understanding of the pathomechanics of knee OA.

Twenty-two patients were initially diagnosed with unicompartmental knee OA of the medial side, and prescribed to receive unicompartmental knee replacements (UKR). At the time of surgery, ten of the twenty-two UKR candidates presented with more extensive degenerative changes and received total knee replacements (TKR). We measured gait data including knee joint angles forces and moments, velocity, stride length, stance percentage, and stance time as well as body mass index. Furthermore radiographic measures were taken including the Hip Knee Ankle (HKA) angle, the standing knee flexion angle, and the medial and lateral condyle joint spaces.

The data were analysed using a pattern recognition technique that used principal component analysis to extract features from the data and discriminant analysis to separate the two groups.

The discriminant function completely separated the UKR and TKR patients based on their pre-operative data. The most discriminatory feature represented a difference in early swing phase in the knee internal rotation moments.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 86-B, Issue SUPP_I | Pages 9 - 9
1 Jan 2004
Burroughs B O’Connor D Sargent M Muratoglu O Rubash H Freiberg A Estok D Jasty M Harris W Deluzio K Krevolin J Wyss U Shen M
Full Access

A high proportion of complications following TKR occur at the patellofemoral articulation secondary to delami-nation and adhesive/abrasive wear. Electron beam cross-linking and melting has been shown to substantially reduce delamination and adhesive/abrasive wear in polyethylene tibial inserts. A series of in-vitro patella wear and fatigue tests were developed to explore the benefits of this material at the patellofemoral articulation.

Patellae (NKII, Sulzer Orthopedics, Inc., Austin, TX) were tested on an AMTI (Watertown, MA) knee simulator articulating against the trochlear grove of the femoral component. The simulator controlled flexion/ extension and patellofemoral contact force. Each test included patellae manufactured from conventional and electron beam crosslinked and melted polyethylene. Three different simulations were created: i) normal gait (5 million cycles) with optimal component alignment, ii) stair climbing (2 million cycles) with optimal component alignment, iii) stair climbing (2 million cycles) with 4° of femoral component internal rotation to simulate a component malalignment condition. In the last two simulations all patellae were artificially aged for 35 days in 80°C air to simulate one aspect of the long term oxidative state of each material.

In normal gait, the unaged conventional and highly cross-linked materials demonstrated similar behaviour. In stair climbing with optimal component alignment, the aged conventional patellae developed cracks by 2 million cycles. In stair climbing with component malalign-ment the aged conventional patellae developed cracks and delamination by 1 million cycles. None of the highly cross-linked components showed cracks or delamination. These results demonstrate the potential advantage of highly cross-linked polyethylene for the patella.