1- To introduce a new graft technique for ACL reconstruction using the patellar tendon with its attachment on the tibial tuberosity as bone-tendon (B PT) auto graft sparing the patella. 2-To assess the above described technique prospectively in a group of patients with ACL deficient knees. Prospective case series of a newly describedACL graft technique.Purpose of Study
Type of study
The patients evaluated at 10 days, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and every 3 months afterward up to 1 year. Average follow up was 9,3 months (range 3–12mounths). Subjective data were calculated using the IKDC system, objective data included a comprehensive knee examination and evaluation and comparing it with normal side, which was used as a reference.
There has been no recurrence of the instability or tenderness around the knee, nil infection rate, normal side-to-side movement of the patella comparing with normal side, full range of motion, and normal quadriceps belly and strength. The patient returned to light sports activities at 6 weeks, and to their pre injury level of sport at 3 months.